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July 13 2019 - Afternoon News

Heads up: After the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein a lot of information has come out. Understanding the depth of the depravity and the...

11 July 2019 - Afternoon News

His name was Seth Rich. He was killed 3 years ago yesterday (Wednesday the 10th). Rich was shot twice in the back on July 10, 2016,...

8 July 2019 - Evening News

The Storm Has Arrived! Public Mainstream Media narrative: Epstein was a child molester who got a slap on the wrist from Trump’s Secretary...

4 July 2019 - Independence Day Evening News

Portland police chief Danielle Outlaw (yes, her name is literally Outlaw) has broken her silence and held a press conference this...

4 July 2019 - Independence Day Morning News

Independence Day Celebration & President Trump's 4th of July Speech from Washington, DC Here is the Schedule of Events:...

30 June 2019 - Lunch News

"If you step over this line you will be the first US president to step on North Korean soil," he told Trump before the president stepped...

26 June 2019 - Afternoon News

The Supreme Court, with Help from Roberts, Delayed a Decision: Justice Roberts used legal contortions and a technicality to delay the...

27 June 2019 - Dinner News

Please Share this article with friends and on social media: O’Keefe has received a new Google “resist” document showing “internal...

24 June 2019 - Evening News

Righteous Roving Republicans: Bill Currier, chair of the Oregon Republican Party, told Breitbart News the Beaver state’s Republican state...

22 June 2019 - Dinner News

Here is what is really going on.... Hardball Negotiations Pattern: 1) Institute a harsh policy. 2) Recind the harsh policy with a short...

20 June 2019 - Lunch News

Missing Person: Gateway Pundit has revealed very damning information about the Clinton Foundation’s Foreign Policy Director, who has just...

19 June 2019 - Lunch News

Breaking: Clinton email classified material violations confirmed. State Department "has assessed culpability to 15 individuals, some of...

19 June 2019 - Breakfast News

Biden Calls for Physical Violence against Republicans and States his Intent to Abuse his Power as President: Democratic presidential...

14 June 2019 - Dinner News

As if Facebook didn’t already have too much power it is already abusing: Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency, Libra, Gets Big Backers Visa,...

13 June 2019 - Breakfast News

Britain's Home Secretary has revealed he has signed a request for the extradition of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange to the US, where...

10 June 2019 - Lunch News

There have been a lot of suspicious deaths over the weekend. 1) All four of these cases have happened in the past few days. 2 Former...

10 June 2019 - Breakfast News

Vice President Mike Pence: @POTUS’ strong stand got Mexico to do things they have never done before: 6,000 National Guard at their...

7 June 2019- Lunch News

Even Liberals liked President Trump's speech for D Day. He used every speaking opportunity to support national sovereignty, including the...

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