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4 March - Breakfast News

Spotlight Oregon:

HUNDREDS COULD HAVE IT: Oregon may now have 300 to 500 Oregonians who are or were unknowingly carrying the coronavirus, Dr. Dean Sidelinger, the state health officer and epidemiologist said. The advance of coronavirus to a remote town more than 200 miles from Portland means the virus “is fairly widespread in our community.”

WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT THE VIRUS: A major study of nearly 45,000 Chinese patients found that 81 percent suffered no symptoms or “mild” symptoms -- what feels like a really bad case of the flu but that can be treated at home. About 14 percent of cases were severe, and 5 percent were critical. The greatest problem is for elderly people or for those with pre-existing health problems.

HOW LONG THE VIRUS LASTS ON SURFACES: There is little known about the outside-the-body longevity of the virus that specifically causes COVID-19. But a recent study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection has given us an idea, based on the length of time other coronaviruses -- such as SARS and MERS -- have been found to last on surfaces. The answer? As few as two hours and as long as nine days.

THE LATEST NUMBERS FOR OREGON: Twelve more Oregonians have tested negative for the new coronavirus, according to updated Oregon Health Authority numbers Tuesday. The results bring Oregon’s negative test results to 29 and the state’s positive results at three. The state is waiting on test results for 18 other people.

Lethality Rates are more Credible Now:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva. In comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected, he said.The World Health Organization had said last week that the mortality rate of COVID-19 can differ, ranging from 0.7% to up to 4%, depending on the quality of the health-care system where it’s treated. Early in the outbreak, scientists had concluded the death rate was around 2.3%.

Artwork is the ultimate money laundering tool since "art is in the eye of the beholder".  Biden is getting set up to receive laundered money from his corrupt Deep State minions with over a hundred paintings: There’s a New Artist in Town. The Name Is Biden.

Hunter Biden, his name forever linked to President Trump’s impeachment, says painting “is literally keeping me sane” after years of addiction and poor choices. Dressed in Oxford boots, jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt, Hunter Biden ushered a reporter down a stone walkway, into a pool house-turned-art studio in the Hollywood Hills.It was filled with colorful works of decorative abstraction — psychedelic florals and ethereal patterns that look like nature viewed through a microscope, leaning toward the surreal. There were nearly 100 of them, all by his own hand. Some were signed RH Biden, for Robert Hunter Biden, the 50-year-old son of the former vice president.

As an undiscovered artist, he is better situated than most: living in a rented, 2,000-square-foot house in the Hollywood Hills off Mulholland Drive, with a Porsche Panamera in the driveway, plenty of natural light and a pool house he has transformed into an art studio.

From the edge of the sloping property — it was leased for $12,000 a month starting last June 15, according to the homeowner — he has a view onto the San Fernando Valley below: Burbank and Universal Studios to the east, the 405 freeway to the west.Some of his images looked eerily reminiscent of the artist, and his father, but the suggestion was rejected: “They’re no one.” Mr. Biden set out late last year to find gallery representation with the help of Lanette Phillips, who is not a typical artist’s agent. She’s a video producer who ran a management company with clients including Quentin Tarantino and Darren Aronofsky. A longtime Biden family friend, she hosted a star-studded fund-raiser for the former vice president last November at the Pacific Palisades home she shares withRick Lynch, a partner in an entertainment marketing firm. Mr. Biden did not sign with a gallery, and Ms. Phillips said this week that she is no longer advising him, but Mr. Biden is still setting his sights on exhibiting his work.Normally, the art world is a fine place to make the right friends, attend the right parties, a venue more forgiving than Washington, D.C. But Mr. Biden could have a challenge convincing the public that the word “artist” belongs in his CV, coming after his careers as a lawyer, lobbyist and director of private equity firms.“The one thing I have left is my art. It’s the one thing they can’t take away from me or conflate with anything else.”

Breaking911 ^| Mar 3, 2020Posted on 3/3/2020, 7:34:59 PMby HelicondeltaJoe Biden opened his speech calling his wife his sister and his sister his wife.(Excerpt) Read more at

Hardball's Chris Matthews went up against Bernie and all of a sudden his dirty past is made public, and he resigns... CDAN confirms Chris Matthews resignation that he was a sexual abuser This very recently dismissed host had no choice but to exit. The pile-on was just starting and this time the sealed sexual harassment settlements were not going to stay sealed.  A story that exemplifies what else in there - The host often walked around without pants and one time tried to stick his p***s into a female employee's ear while she was seated at her desk. There are more stories coming out too…

Seriously Dirty Old Men (really all on the Dem side) are running for the Presidency: That’s why his opponents — in this case, Michael Bloomberg’s campaign— is willing to do vetting the media refused to do. That includes bringing up Sanders’ old, inchoate, incoherent writings that included strange references to, among other things, naked toddlers touching each other. “Bernie has all of this loopy stuff in his background, saying things like women get cancer from having too many orgasms or toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals to insulate themselves from porn.”

"What??!! What??!!"--CNN's Camerota gobsmacked to learn @BernieSanders suggested toddlers run naked and touch each other's genitals to immunize them to porn.#tcot #AlisynCamerota #BernieSanders @MikeBloomberg #MikeBloomberg @TimOBrien @CNN “Sorry, what? What?” Camerotaexclaimed, as if O’Brien was making some sort of outlandish lie of a claim.“Why has this stuff not been more surfaced?” O’Brien continued. “He’s written about women’s rape fantasies, that hasn’t been surfaced.”

Let’s take the first part — women getting cancer from too many orgasms. O’Brien actually had it backward: Sanders wrote in 1969 about a single study where women who were supposedly sexually inhibited had a higher rate of cancer and quoted heavily from a book which was “very definite about the link between emotional and sexual health, and cancer.”

As Mother Jones pointed out, that book was written by psychologist Wilhelm Reich, a favorite of leftist student demonstrator whose “most famous invention was a product called the ‘Orgone Box,’ a sort of hyperbaric oxygen chamber for orgasms. The device was supposed to expose users to ‘orgastic’ energy circulating in the air. Such exposure, Reich theorized, could cure various maladies, including cancer.”I haven’t quite kept up with the development of the Orgone Box, but I haven’t heard any news over the intervening half-century about it doing away with malignancy.

Next, the naked infants thing.

That really happened, too. Sanders, again in 1969: “In Vermont, at a state beach, a mother is reprimanded by Authority for allowing her 6 month old daughter to go about without her diapers on. Now, if children go around naked, they are liable to see each others sexual organs, and maybe even touch them. Terrible thing! If we [raise] children up like this it will probably ruin the whole pornography business, not to mention the large segment of the general economy which makes its money by playing on peoples sexual frustrations.”

As you might guess, the rape fantasy thing is as real and as problematic as you expect. That essay was written in 1972 and is NSFW enough that we’re just going to link it over at NPR.

This one actually generated a mild controversy when it resurfaced in 2015; Sanderspassed it off as “piece of fiction” about gendered attitudes regarding control in the bedroom when questioned on the controversy in an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”It was ”something like ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’” he said.

You decide what’s more disturbing: Sanders reading “Fifty Shades of Grey” or the fact that we’ve mostly forgotten about all of this.But then, this is what’s going to resurface — and probably more — from Sanders’ past as a post-collegiate radical. 77-Year-Old Biden Now The Youngest Man Left In Democratic Primary ^| March 01, 2020Posted on 3/1/2020, 10:14:49 PMby Helicondelta

Former Vice President Joe Biden is currently the youngest man still standing in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.Of the men remaining on the Democratic side, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are both 78, although Bloomberg’s birthday was last month and Sanders will turn 79 in September.(Excerpt) Read more at There are over 20 recent video clips of Joe having trouble speaking coherently. Bernie trick… short and for your amusement: Hey Bernie Supporters! You are being had: 50% more absentee ballots cast in S.C. primary than in 2016 Presidential race Hmmm. Wonder what % of those votes were cast for candidates other than Biden?

Bloomberg is out leaving only Biden, Sanders and Warren.  All those dropping out have endorsed Biden.

It’s kinda funny, given how bad Biden is in every way and how far down he was.  It certainly looks like fraud in a desperate attempt to stop Bernie.

It was touted as “the most diverse field of Democratic presidential candidates ever.” Now there are three old white guys and an old white women atop the heap.In a remarkable twist, 77-year-old Joe Biden is now the youngster among the men, as Sen. Bernie Sanders and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg are both 78.

Biden earned the honor after 38-year-old former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg — the first openly gay man to run for president — dropped out on Monday. On Saturday, another “young” candidate, 62-year-old billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer, bailed.Meanwhile, the other top candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, is 70 — and white.

So “the most diverse field of Democratic presidential candidates ever” is, for all intents and purposes, down to four whites in their 70s.At one point in the race, there were more than 20 candidates. There were six women, including Sen. Kamala Harris, who is black. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (still in the race but barely measuring in the polls) is the first Hindu member of Congress and the first Samoan American to run for president.

There were also three black men running for the White House, including a sitting senator and governor. Julian Castro, another former candidate, is of Mexican descent, and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, whose parents emigrated from Taiwan to the U.S. in the 1960s, rounded out the field.But the former vice president is not all that spry anymore, and President Trump loves slapping him around. “You know, that guy can’t put two sentences together,” Trump said of Biden at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside of Washington over the weekend.

The president also mocked Biden’s age, saying that if he wins the White House, he “is not going to be running the government; he’s just going to be sitting in a home someplace and people are going to be running it for him.”

Meanwhile the wall goes up 5 miles a week: 'As of today, we're at 130 miles on the wall that's been built, and by the end of the year, we are on track to have over 400 miles,' Kushner said. Hillary will be deposed. Finally.

A federal judge Monday granted a request from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to have former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sit for a sworn deposition to answer questions about her use of a private email server to conduct government business.Clinton has argued that she has already answered questions about this and should not have to do so again, but D.C. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth said in his ruling that her past responses left much to be desired."

As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton’s state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business," Lamberth said.

The judge went on to recognize that while Clinton responded to written questions in a separate case, "those responses were either incomplete, unhelpful, or cursory at best. Simply put her responses left many more questions than answers.” Lamberth said that using written questions this time “will only muddle any understanding of Secretary Clinton’s state of mind and fail to capture the full picture, this delaying the final disposition of this case even further.”

Reddit shuts down The_Donald to try and silence over 7 million Trump supporters....the mass censorship leading up to the election has begun Reddit has banned the second-largest pro-President Trump subreddit, The Great Awakening, as tech platforms increasingly ban Trump-supporting and conservative forums.Top Reddit moderators made Big League Politics aware of the fact that “The Great Awakening” was banned Tuesday night at 11:45 PM. The subreddit has been down all day.

The Great Awakening subreddit served as an informal platform for followers of the Q Anon movement, as well as for other independent researchers.

Top Reddit moderators have provided Big League Politics with information showing that left-wing operatives have been involved in posing as Trump supporters to post offensive anonymous content on Reddit in order to get pro-Trump subreddits flagged.More than 30 covert left-wing actors have been identified coordinating with the plotters, including activists linked to Media Matters and the ACLU.

His comments will instantly shoot up to +15 while whoever he replies to will be downvoted,” said a source, referring to one of the suspected plot leaders. Meanwhile on Reddit, left-wingers have a formal name for their effort to ban President Donald Trump-supporting subreddits: BanOut 2018. The liberals have announced that they are now in “Phase 3” of the banning project.

Democrat threatens Coronavirus Biological Warfare against Trump Rallies: Democratic Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca faced conservative criticism Tuesday after sharing a meme on Twitter suggesting she stands in “solidarity” with the idea of spreading coronavirus at President Trump’s campaign rallies.Democrat Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca says that she stands in "solidarity" with someone who says that they if they get the coronavirus that they will attend as many Trump rallies as possibleShe appears to have made the statement on her government Twitter account “

These people are sick,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.CdeBaca, based on her Twitter posts, appears to be a supporter of self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., one of the leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Lindsey Graham is actually dong something!  In secret:

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham has started deposing witnesses in his committee’s investigation into abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the 2016 election.

The South Carolina Republican told reporters on Tuesday that he had begun conducting closed-door depositions but did not elaborate on the state of the investigation, according to the Hill. Graham requested closed-door interviews with 17 Department of Justice and FBI officials last month.

Sessions is doomed in his try for the Senate unless skullduggery with the votes happens:

Alabama currently has anti-Trump, pro-abortion Democrat Doug Jones representing the state of Alabama.

Jones voted to impeach Trump in the slap-dash Pelosi impeachment sham.On Wednesday morning President Trump SLAMMED former Attorney General Jeff Sessions!

President Trump: This is what happens to someone who loyally gets appointed Attorney General of the United States & then doesn’t have the wisdom or courage to stare down & end the phony Russia Witch Hunt. Recuses himself on FIRST DAY in office, and the Mueller Scam begins! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020

The Iranian Cabinet Before and After Coronavirus:

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