Bloomberg admits to buying Congressional Seats to Impeach Trump:
“Let’s just go on the record, they talk about 40 Democrats, 21 of those were people that I spent $100 million to help elect,”
Bloomberg said.“All of the new Democrats that came in, put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president,” Bloomberg said Tuesday.
“I bought — I, I got them,” the former NYC mayor said.
https://www.westernjournal.com/debate-coverage-explodes-bloomberg-admits-literally-bought-house-seats-dems/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=WJBreaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=western-journal Caught in more deviltry:
The non-partisan U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has accused Mike Bloomberg of breaking IRS rules surrounding his various non-profit organizations, saying they’re being used not only to benefit his for-profit businesses, but more importantly they’re giving him a boost for his presidential campaign.In a letter sent to IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig, the watchdog group called on the IRS to investigate Bloomberg Family Foundation Inc. and “Bloomberg Philanthropies,” both of which the GAO believes “may be operating in violation of the Internal Revenue Code.”
The letter states, “As one former White House counsel and lawyer for the Democratic National Committee writes, ‘The law governing the activity of charitable organizations can be complex, but on the question of whether 501 (c)(3) charities can engage in political activity, it could not be more straightforward. They cannot. The IRS enforces an ‘absolute’ prohibition on any intervention in political campaigns.’”

Justice Department Files Amicus Brief Explaining that Harvard’s Race-Based Admissions Process Violates Federal Civil-Rights Law The Department of Justice yesterday filed an amicus brief in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College in the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. In its amicus brief, the United States explains that Harvard’s expansive use of race in its admissions process violates federal civil-rights law and Supreme Court precedent.“Race discrimination hurts people and is never benign,” said Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division. “Unconstitutionally partitioning Americans into racial and ethnic blocs harms all involved by fostering stereotypes, bitterness, and division among the American people. The Department of Justice will continue to fight against illegal race discrimination.”
Withholding money from Sanctuary Cities and States:
A federal appeals court in New York ruled Wednesday that the Trump administration has the right to withhold law enforcement grants to sanctuary cities.The case involved seven states: New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Virginia and Rhode Island. All of those states sued the Trump administration for withholding over the Justice Department’s April, 2017 letters “requiring proof of compliance” with U.S. immigration law for funding. “Many of these jurisdictions are also crumbling under the weight of illegal immigration and violent crime,” the Justice Department wrote in a press release.
Denaturalization of Criminals and Liars:
The Trump administration is establishing a new section within the Justice Department to deal with the process of removing citizenship from foreign-born individuals who fraudulently obtained citizenship by failing to disclose past convictions for serious crimes -- including terrorism and war crimes.
The section, which will be within the DOJ’s Office of Immigration Litigation, will be dedicated to denaturalizing those who had failed to disclose they had been involved in criminal activity on their N-400 form for naturalization. It requires the government to show that citizenship was obtained illegally or "procured by concealment of a material fact or by willful misrepresentation."
The criminals were being brought to justice for breaking more of the United States’ laws, but liberals are furious and acting as if the federal government doesn’t have the right to overrule state law.
Trump get water back to the conservative part of California:
President Trump on Wednesday signed an order in California to re-engineer the state’s water plans, completing a campaign promise to funnel water from the north to a thirsty agriculture industry and growing population further south.The ceremonial order comes after the Department of the Interior late last year reversed its opinion on scientific findings that for a decade extended endangered species protections to various types of fish — a review that had been spurred by the order from Trump.
Trump said the changes to the “outdated scientific research and biological opinions” would now help direct “as much water as possible, which will be a magnificent amount, a massive amount of water for the use of California farmers and ranchers.”
“A major obstacle to providing water for the region's farmers has now been totally eliminated by the federal government,” Trump said Wednesday in Bakersfield, Calif., flanked by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), as well as Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who helped shepherd the changes to the state’s water policy.
Trump's order comes as the state has taken several steps to deal with the water scarcity that has lasted for decades.
"It would be different if you had a drought," Trump claimed. "You don't have a drought. You have tremendous amounts of water.”
Peace in Afghanistan:
The United States and the Taliban have reached a landmark agreement that will significantly reduce violence in Afghanistan and pave the way for the two sides to negotiate a peace deal that could bring the 18-year war in the country to a final end, the State Department announced on Friday.
"The United States and the Taliban have been engaged in extensive talks to facilitate a political settlement to end the war in Afghanistan, reduce United States and Allied Forces presence, and ensure that no terrorist group ever uses Afghan soil to threaten the United States or our allies," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said early Friday in a statement.The agreement, being referred to officially as a "reduction in violence" accord, will pave the way for the Trump administration and the Taliban to engage in peace talks that could see most American forces finally exit the country. The first prong of this agreement will go into effect later tonight, U.S. officials said.
The Supreme Court of Japan has upheld a law which forces transgender people to get sterilised before they can legally change their gender.
Democrats in the House vote for killing a baby who survives an abortion attempt:
This was even though 77% of the people who are "pro-choice" say they would save the baby who survives an abortion attempt. They are even alienating their pro-choice base. Political suicide. For what? Why would they be so intent on killing a survivor that they would vote this way?
These Democrats are sickos.
The more you know about Mayor Butt the creeper he gets.
Bringing a young kid on stage to declare his gayness was just a part of it:
"This is just creepy. We already know Hussein was a puppet whose mission was to help facilitate the destruction of our country. It appears Boot Edge Edge is Hussein 2.0 Pete is a "Puppet" in a Puppet Show. His words are not his own. He is a controlled clone. None of it is real."
See this very short video:
Mayor Butt has a lot of history with the CIA et al. No wonder so many Deep Staters are backing him:
Why isn’t Soros Extradited as a NAZI Collaborator?:
The deportation of a Nazi death camp guard from his residence in Queens, New York, in 2018 by ICE was described as the removal of the "last known Nazi collaborator from the United States."
That’s not quite true.
There’s another Nazi collaborator living on Fifth Avenue. He’s a billionaire and untouchable because his dubious fortune has been used to finance the Democrat Party, radical leftists, assorted anti-Semites, and opponents of ICE: the agency that should step in to remove the aged Hungarian from the United States.
The legal basis for removing Soros is quite clear.
The Holtzman Amendment states that "Any alien… under the direction of, or in association with... (II) any government in any area occupied by the military forces of the Nazi government of Germany, (III) any government established with the assistance or cooperation of the Nazi government of Germany, or (IV) any government which was an ally of the Nazi government of Germany, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person because of race, religion, national origin, or political opinion is inadmissible." It provides grounds for deportation even retroactively.On 60 Minutes, Soros had admitted working with a Hungarian Nazi collaborator to confiscate Jewish property. While he and his flacks have since tried to spin that admission, the interviewis quite clear.“My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson, went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews," Steve Kroft asked the radical billionaire.“Yes, that’s right. Yes," Soros admitted, nodding his head.

In celebration of Trump’s tip to India - For Your Amusement:
"The hero will destroy the evil and we will make America great again”.
Fun and not too long video:

Haney told Sean Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties.
The story has still not hit the mainstream media.
Haney had been missing since Wednesday.
Philip Haney said political correctness during the Obama years killed the investigation that might have stopped the San Bernardino Christmas terrorists.
Law Enforcement Today reported:
We’ve received reports that Philip Haney, a DHS whistleblower on the Obama administration, has been found dead.If you have seen a few episodes of Behind the Uniform or have ever watched Fox News, you probably recognize the name Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.
DHS whistleblower on Obama administration, terrorism in America found dead. “The current indications point to him being shot to death” https://t.co/nzVn26Vuef pic.twitter.com/ZJF0BnVA0D— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) February 22, 2020
The Washington Examiner’s Kerry Picket reported they (The Examiner) had received a text message from Haney on November 11, 2019. Haney indicated he was planning to write a sequel to “See Something, Say Nothing.” He wrote:
Odd (surreal reality) that I was a highly visible whistleblower…that virtually no one listened to, while this guy remains invisible, but is treated like an anointed oracle from above. However, my story is still live, i.e., there’s still more to come. It’ll be called “National Security Meltdown.”
I have a severely hyper-organized archive of everything that’s happened since See Something, Say Nothing (SSSN) was published in May of 2016. The National Security Meltdown sequel will pick up right where SSSN left off. My intention is to have it ready by early-to mid-Spring of 2020 (just before the political sound wave hits), then ride that wave all the way to the Nov. elections.
Weird sneaky stuff going on with Epstein’s Bank:
In a hearing yesterday in the Virgin Islands over the disgraced financier’s remaining assets, Judge Carolyn Hermon-Purcell told lawyers representing his estate she wasn’t satisfied with their account of large sums being sent to a bank first set up by the pedophile in 2014.
In documents presented to the judge, transactions show a series of multi-million dollar payments from Epstein’s estate to his bank, Southern County International, after his death.Despite the territory approving the bank’s operation in 2014, the bank showed no signs of having been operational in the years before Epstein’s death.In August last year, when Epstein was [allegedly] found hanged in his jail cell, the bank — which was specifically opened to manage offshore payments and investments — had just $693,157 in assets.In December 2019, Epstein’s estate transferred $15.5 million to the bank. The bank sent back $2.6 million, leaving $12.9 million.
There was then a withdrawal of nearly all funds before the end of the year, leaving the balance at around $500,000.
The World Bank Admits its money is used for Corruption:
A new study of World Bank data finds that aid disbursement to highly aid-dependent countries coincides with sharp increases in bank deposits in offshore financial centers. According to The Economist, the World Bank refused to release the study. Afterward, its chief economist resigned. Here is the full content of the allegedly-censored paper. This paper, The Economist writes,
“passed an exacting internal review by other researchers in November. But, according to informed sources, publication was blocked by higher officials.”
Today, Johannesen posted the most recent draft to his personal website. It is not difficult to understand why World Bank executives were upset.

Anderssen, Johannesen, and Rijkers found that “aid disbursements to highly aid-dependent countries coincide with sharp increases in bank deposits in offshore financial centers known for bank secrecy and private wealth management, but not in other financial centers.” The most plausible explanation for this result is that local officials steal a significant part of development aid funds and hide that money in their personal offshore accounts.
Twitter Being a Censor Again but in a New Way:
Twitter is reportedly testing colorful labels on tweets from politicians and world leaders if the site determines the posts contain lies or misinformation. In leaked screenshots, a bright orange label describes tweets as “harmfully misleading.” NBC News reports that social media site Twitter is experimenting with a feature that would add bright orange and red labels beneath the tweets of politicians. The labels would be added if Twitter decides the post is misleading or a lie.
The potential feature would see alleged disinformation posted by public figures on the platform corrected by fact-checker and journalists who have been verified on Twitter. The feature is still experimental but it is possible that other users will participate in the “community reports” program, which the demo claims is “like Wikipedia.”