Tyrant Pelosi demanded Facebook and Twitter take down a very powerful TPUSA video meme tweeted by President Trump of her tearing up his SOTU speech. President Trump tweeted out the video meme titled, ‘Powerful American Stories RIPPED To Shreds By Nancy Pelosi.’The video, which can be viewed below, showed Pelosi ripping up Trump’s SOTU speech every time President Trump honored a powerful American story on Tuesday evening.
10 million views and counting! pic.twitter.com/QhTWvcY4Ke
Pelosi pre-ripped the speech as Trump mentioned Rush Limbaugh’s lung cancer diagnosis, proving she pre-planned the theatrical stunt. Pelosi is an evil, calculating, witch and lashed out at reporters who suggested her ripping up the SOTU speech backfired. The tyrant then demanded the video be taken down immediately!
Facebook and Twitter got back to fascist Pelosi, telling her to pound sand, reminding her that the video did not break any violations.
Vice President Mike Pence, on “Fox & Friends,” had harsh words for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s speech-ripping State of the Union moment that went like this:
“I just have a strong feeling she’s going to be the last [Democratic] speaker of the House to sit in that chair for a long time.”And this: “I think it was a new low. I wasn’t sure if she was ripping up the speech or ripping up the Constitution.”
And this: “Nancy Pelosi, in the final moments [of the State of the Union], tried to make it about her.”

The Bloomberg campaign has reportedly begun paying social media influencers to advertise the former NYC mayor’s presidential campaign to their followers using a “branded content marketplace” called Tribe.
The campaign is paying $150 to “micro-influencers” — someone who has from 1,000 to 100,000 followers, to create content — according a Daily Beast report published Friday. Bloomberg’s team reportedly wants the accounts to describe “why Mike Bloomberg is the electable candidate who can rise above the fray, work across the aisle so ALL Americans feel heard & respected.”
Thanks to President Trump’s policies the life expectancy in the United States increased for the first time since 2014.
Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway, ONDCP Director Jim Carroll, and Assistant Secretary of Public Health ADM Brett Giroir announced this wonderful news on Thursday. Opioid deaths were down 13% in 2018 and that contributed to the overall national life expectancy.
Kellyanne Conway along with Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Jim Carroll, and Assistant HHS Sec of Public Health Adm. Brett Giroir say that Pres Trump’s drug policies have resulted in US life expectancy increasing for first time since 2014.
Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) January 30, 2020
CBS News reported:
The latest calculation is for 2018 and factors in current death trends and other issues. On average, an infant born that year is expected to live about 78 years and 8 months, the CDC said.For males, it’s about 76 years and 2 months; for females 81 years and 1 month.
For decades, U.S. life expectancy was on the upswing, rising a few months nearly every year. But from 2014 to 2017, it fell slightly or held steady. That was blamed largely on surges in overdose deaths and suicides.
Suicides continued to increase in 2018, as did deaths from the flu and pneumonia during what turned out to be an unusually bad flu year. But declines in some other causes of death – most notably cancer and drug overdoses – were enough to overcome all that, according to the report.
Intelligence Test:
According to the 2018 General Social Survey (GSS), Trump supporters scored higher on verbal ability tests and science knowledge. As Jim Lindgren at Reason notes, the GSS "is usually regarded as the leading omnibus academic survey in the US; it usually achieves response rates about 10 to 20 times higher than the typical public opinion poll."
On the verbal ability test (WORDSUM), not surprisingly the median number of vocabulary questions correct was the same for both Clinton and Trump supporters: 6 out of 10 words correct. The mean verbal ability score for Trump supporters was 6.15 words correct, while the mean verbal ability score for Clinton supporters was 5.69 correct, a difference of nearly a half a question on a 10-question test. This moderate difference is statistically significant at p<.0005.
Further, Trump supporters score significantly higher on verbal ability (6.15 correct) than the rest of the public combined (5.70 correct), whereas Clinton supporters score significantly lower on verbal ability (5.69 correct) than the rest of the public combined (5.98 correct).
Trump supporters also have greater science knowledge than voters who supported Clinton in 2016. According to the survey, "on six questions Trump supporters offer the correct answer significantly more often than Clinton supporters."
But here's where things get interesting:Indeed, less than half of 2016 Clinton supporters (49.6%) are able to answer correctly both of two related questions: whether the earth goes around the sun or the sun goes around the earth (EARTHSUN) and whether that takes a day, a month, or a year (SOLARREV). Remember these two questions are multiple choice! You would have a 50-50 chance of guessing correctly on the first part: whether the earth goes around the sun or vice versa. Sadly, the general public didn't do hugely better than Clinton supporters, with only 57.1% (compared to 49.6%) knowing that the earth goes around the sun and that it takes a year to do so.
This should not be too surprising. On the 22 General Social Surveys using the verbal ability scale since 1974, for every single one, conservative Republicans score significantly higher than the rest of the public combined. As for Republicans overall, they score significantly higher in verbal ability than Democrats in all five decades, including for the 2010s combined.
https://reason.com/2020/01/30/trump-supporters-verbal-ability/The Iowa Caucus:
The Iowa Caucus Catastrophe

"For three years, we’ve been preparing for the process that officially kicks off tonight in Iowa: the Democratic presidential primary. Today our chair, @TomPerez, reflects on the reforms we’ve made to make this the most transparent primary in our history":
https://bit.ly/2SgkWDX https://noqreport.com/2020/02/04/dnc-bragged-about-three-years-of-preparations-hours-before-iowa-caucus-meltdown/
All the networks spent millions to cover IA Dem Caucus, & never got to report any election results, but wasn't all in vain-they got to report a train wreck, dumpster fire, clown car, herd of cats, & nuclear meltdown. And these ppl want us to let THEM run the country? No thanks!
Buttigieg campaign paid firm that developed voting app blamed for Iowa caucus delays https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/buttigieg-campaign-paid-firm-that-developed-voting-app-blamed-for-iowa-caucus-delays Shadow, a tech firm that describes itself as a group that creates "a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns and causes through technology," is the company that created the Iowa Democratic Party's app, according to The New York Times. At least the COO, CEO, CTO and a senior product manager at Shadow all worked for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to LinkedIn profiles. Shadow is associated with ACRONYM, a nonprofit dedicated to "advancing progressive causes through innovative communications, advertising and organizing programs." Early last year, ACRONYM announced that it was acquiring an SMS tool called Groundbase and, out of Groundbase, "launching Shadow, a company focused on building the technology infrastructure needed to enable Democrats to run better, more efficient campaigns."https://www.foxnews.com/politics/app-used-in-iowa-democratic-caucus-fiasco-linked-to-former-clinton-campaign
"Shadow," a tech firm that manipulates data to help progressive candidates linked to Hillary Clinton. Soros provided by far the most money to found Shadow.
Pandering for Obama support like crazy: Democrats’s formerly leading 2020 candidate is warning voters he might die in office.
Former Vice President Biden offered the startling admission during a campaign appearance Tuesday in Clinton, Iowa."I can think of at least 8 women, at least 4 or 5 people of color that I think are totally qualified to be vice president of the United States,” Biden said. “But for me, it has to be demonstrated that whomever I pick, there's two things: One he's capable of being a president, because I'm an old guy."“No, I’m serious,” he emphasized, before emphasizing that he’s actually in good shape and that “I work out every morning.”
As for who the “people of color” are who Biden might look to as a possible vice president, Biden floated Michelle Obama.
But that wouldn’t be the only member of the Obama family he would try to elevate. Biden additionally suggested he’d try to put former President Obama on the Supreme Court.During a question-and-answer session at the same campaign stop, Biden said “I sure would like Michelle to be the vice president. “He said he would like putting Barack Obama on the Supreme Court, but “I don’t think he’d do it.” [Video]