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Mostly funny, like the truth sometimes is...

Some fine humor satire from the Babylon Bee:

"Racism is everywhere.

But nowhere is racism more blatant than in the books of well-known racist Dr. Seuss. His pages were literally dripping with racism, or maybe that was just the barbecue sauce for our chicken nuggies. Even so, barbecue sauce might be racist too, now that we think of it.

Take this Dr. Seuss page out of Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!. It looks harmless, yeah? Well, you're just showing your internalized racism, because there are literally 17 different examples of racism packed into this illustration. Come on a journey with us as we explore them all."

Click here for some high quality amusement:

eBay explained that “Dr. Seuss Enterprises has stopped publication of this book due to negative portrayal of some ethnicities.”

“As a courtesy, we have ended your item and refunded your selling fees, and as long as you do not relist the item, there will be no negative impact to your account."

If outdated political ideas are now banned, the list of books eBay refuses to list will be miles long.

The attack on Seuss heated up last week when a Virginia school district banned reading Dr. Seuss during Read Across America Day — a day celebrating the children’s author’s work.

The uproar was caused by a far-left group called Learning for Justice — an Southern Poverty Law Center affiliate.

Remember Coca Cola's Be Less White?

They do sell poop colored sugar water with chemicals added for flavor. Yuk!

Marjorie Green gives it a try, although her rhyming needs work... ; )

There was a big media alert and a lot more money spent for more troops because of the kooky idea that there was going one a riot on the 4th of March. Here is the reality on the 4th of march:

The American public has been fed a steady diet of lies about violent white supremacists (aka Trump supporters) who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 in order to launch an insurrection and keep Donald Trump in power.

  • Trump supporters did not kill a single person, including law enforcement personnel on the scene charged with protecting the Capitol. The lone police officer listed as a casualty died from a stroke, according to his mother. Three other fatalities died of medical emergencies. Only Ashli Babbit was a victim of violence–she was unarmed and shot by a cop.

  • The FBI, according to FBI counter-terrorism official Jill Sanborn, did not recover any firearms from protestors nor have they charged a singled person with carrying a weapon on the Capitol grounds.

  • Christopher Wray lied to Congress when he testified that the FBI had not seen any evidence of anarchist violent extremists or people subscribing to antifa in connection with the 6th. In fact, the FBI has interviewed more than two dozen Antifa members who admitted being paid to infiltrate the crowd of Trump supporters. As Joe Hoft noted in a recent post, Antifa-BLM organizer John Sullivan was at the US Capitol and bragged about wearing a MAGA hat during the riots where he broke a window and stormed the US Capitol.

How can you have an “insurrection” when there are no weapons and no fatalities at the hands of the supposed revolutionaries?

By contrast, the rioting that broke out across the United States in the wake of George Floyd’s death left at least 17 people dead.

What about the property damage in the various cities shredded by the so-called peaceful protests? In the two weeks following George Floyd’s death, peaceful protestors burned and looted to a cost in excess of $1 billion dollars. Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May. In Minneapolis alone Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings.

Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June!

Black Lives Matter was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history. Then we have Kenosha, Wisconsin–rioters caused nearly $2 million in damage to city-owned property in Kenosha, Wis. after the police shooting of Jacob Blake on August 23. How about Seattle?

Compare the two billion dollars inflicted on American cities by BLM and Antifa with the damage to the U.S. Capitol. Note–the vast majority of this expense is to pay for increased security measures. The actual physical damage to the Capitol was minimal.

White Americans who support Donald Trump or, better stated, who oppose the entrenched, corrupt political parties that control Washington, DC are not terrorists. They did not torch the Capitol. They did not deface the works of art that adorn the Capitol. Yet, we are confronted with the lies of Christopher Wray, who has been virtually mute about the tsunami of violence that swept across America in the wake of the George Floyd death.

I found this to be very amusing: LOL! (The more you know about Q the funnier this is.)

"Ok, I was the one in charge of mailing out all the invitations for our big, long-anticipated March 4th Insurrection tomorrow, and I just realized they're all still sitting in the trunk of my car!!!! I was going to mail these off several weeks ago, but then we had an unexpected snow storm, and the post office was closed... and well, I just fucked up.

I probably wouldn't have even remembered, as I don't check my car trunk that often, but I started noticing today all the news references to our grassroots takedown of the Deep State, and wondered why nobody around here seemed to a) be planning on going, or b) even quite know what the media was talking about!

And then I realized, oh shit, this was my fault! And after all the hard work the Qanon Club Art Department did with the graphic design - the "1/Q/3/4" theme was very clever, inspired even! I'm so sorry, guys. I'll at least recycle the invites.

Well, anyways, if you can make it tomorrow, please try. Turnout may be down, but regardless, I have no doubt we'll manage to string up at least a few Congressmen and burn down some demonic federal buildings, per Q's guidance... even if not quite as many as our planning sessions called for. And also, if everybody could, right now!, please call the three names above you and below you in the QANON directory, and urge those fellow members to make it on out tomorrow morning, that'd be awesome.

We're still planning to meet first at the Capitol, at Q-minus-9 o'clock. and then we'll all just rampage organically together from there.

Love you guys! Sorry again for me dropping the ball on this one, but I know you are all ready to bring the pain, even on such short notice, and it's going to be a blast!


Not funny, but informative.

An excerpt from the whistleblower interview link posted yesterday:

Read this and more here: or here:

Biden and his granddaughter:

Remember his sniffing his widowed daughter in law and her daughter during his son's funeral? Also the creepy way he acted with his bereaved grandson there? Yes, I can remember. Pictures are posted in an earlier post. I believe the whistleblower.

Something to consider. Listen here to your podcast yesterday where this was discussed: . It's free for now. Save this link for the archives.

Eww! I edited out the bottom of the picture because it is pretty explicit for Easter candy... Eww! I'll never eat a Cadbury Creme Egg again. I totally lost my appetite for Cadbury chocolate products. Forever... yuk.

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