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Project Veritas Does it Again! Awful conditions with COVID inside the holding facility:

Here it comes...

“Top health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, have said a variant that originated in the U.K. could become the dominant strain in the U.S. by the end of the month. That strain is believed to be some 56% more contagious and perhaps twice as deadly than the existing dominant strain in the United States.

Coronavirus cases are again spiking in 13 U.S. states, according to an analysis of trends over the past week, including some states among the highest in vaccination rates as health experts warn that more contagious variants of Covid-19 will soon dominate the United States.

The Number One Priority of National Security: Abnormal Sex Status.

"Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday the Department of Defense (DOD) will prioritize lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex people in its decision-making processes, according to the top item in an email from the Navy and Marine Corps Daily Media Report.

“On February 4, 2021, the President issued a memorandum directing all U.S. departments and agencies that engage abroad or are involved in foreign aid, assistance, and development programs to undertake a number of actions related to promoting and protecting the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) persons,” the email states.

This was the first objective in the military’s list of priorities:"

Protecting gender appropriators as they pretend is apparently more important than nuclear Iran, China's interference in the election, Biden's inability to launch nuclear defenses, and the biological weapon COVID.

Gay Child Porn Judge was president of an organization pushing Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids:

A gay Milwaukee judge arrested on child pornography charges formerly served as president of an organization that offers drag queen story hours for children.

Brett Blomme, 38, was arrested on Tuesday and held in jail overnight, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

He was charged Wednesday with seven counts of possession of child pornographyshowing abuse of young boys.

Each count carries a minimum sentence of three years in prison and a maximum of 15, plus 10 years of supervised release.

He was released Wednesday, and a preliminary hearing is set for May 29. The Wisconsin Supreme Court announced later Wednesday that Blomme is suspended without pay from judicial duties.

I agree with the little kid. This is sick.

Brett Blomme – a former head of the Cream City LGBTQ+ Foundation which runs a Drag Queen Story Hour program – was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography.

Blomme, 38, was taken into custody “following an investigation into multiple uploads of child pornography through a Kik messaging application account in October and November 2020,” according to a statement.

A 44-page search warrant filed Friday by a Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) special agent said investigators found Blomme, using the name “dommasterbb,” uploaded 27 videos and images containing child pornography. Two of the files were uploaded at a Milwaukee County government building, the search warrant said,” a summary notes.

Blomme formerly served as the President of the Cream City Foundation from 2017 to 2020, which describes itself as “mobilizing philanthropic resources by harnessing the pride, passion, and commitment of LGBTQ+.”

The foundation also runs a Drag Queen Story Hour program, an event that “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

Gender appropriation from Nevada:

Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies as a woman, has been crowned Miss Silver State USA, which is described as the “biggest preliminary competition for the Miss Nevada USA pageant.”

Enriquez bested the biological females in the competition, putting him in the position to compete for the state’s competition, Miss Nevada USA, with hopes of competing in the bigger contests, Miss USA and Miss Universe.

If someone is entirely synthetic can they fairly compete? They ban drugs including hormones for sports competition. Why not ban drugs and hormones from beauty competition? Why aren't drugs banned in girls sports competitions? Trans would not pass the drug test.

Also Organ Appropriation from Nevada

The organ donation is purely voluntary in this country; that is, the donor or family have to consent. This is known as an “opt-in” system. Nevada — which now permits dementia patients to order themselves starved to death when they become incapacitated — has legislation that would change the state’s system from opt-in to opt-out. Driver’s licenses or ID cards would normally come printed with consent to donation, that would only be revoked if the person refused to authorize that default message. One must object to refuse donation. Doing nothing provides automatic consent.

Organ donation received acceptance from a wary public precisely because of the promises, solemnly made, that only the organs of the truly dead would be taken and then, only with specific consent. Break either of those promises, and I suspect that the shaky faith people have in the organ-transplant system would plummet. If doctors ever start taking organs without explicit permission of donor or family — even if allowed by law — there will be hell to pay.

Biden and Putin have History:


During Biden’s Tuesday interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, the host remarked, “You said you know [Putin] doesn’t have a soul.”

“I did say that to him, yes,” Biden answered. “And — and his response was, ‘We understand one another.’ It was — I wasn’t being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office. And that — that’s how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, ‘I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.’”

“I said, ‘Looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul.’ And looked back and he said, ‘We understand each other,’” he continued.

“Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience, and I’ve dealt with an awful lot of ’em over my career, is just know the other guy. Don’t expect somethin’ that you’re — that — don’t expect him to — or her to — voluntarily appear in the second editions of Profiles in Courage.”

“So you know Vladimir Putin. You think he’s a killer?” asked the ABC host, referring to Putin’s treatment of opponents.

“Uh-huh. I do.”

Putin reacted immediately to Biden’s remarks by recalling Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov.

Back in 2011... Biden as VP was starting in on a statement when this happened:

“Whether by some prearranged signal or simply an undisclosed time limit, he [Putin] had pulled the plug and done the unthinkable: he’d stolen Joe Biden’s audience and rendered him speechless. Shut him down in mid-sentence with the flick of an invisible switch.”

“Across the table, I could see Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, in the now dimly lit room, looking as duped as an exhausted fish in the bottom of a boat. No protest, no complaint. No, hey, I wasn’t finished. Nothing. He was humiliated.”

“To me, the revelation was the premeditated precision of the snub,” he continued. “Putin or his team had likely plotted this all out. They knew exactly what bait to use, exactly how Joe Biden would take it, and then when he did, they reeled him helplessly in.”

“The most powerful man in Russia had neither fear nor respect for Joe Biden. He had just played with him for sport" and Biden had allowed Putin to get away with this humiliation.

“To me, the revelation was the premeditated precision of the snub,” he continued. “Putin or his team had likely plotted this all out. They knew exactly what bait to use, exactly how Joe Biden would take it, and then when he did, they reeled him helplessly in.”

“The most powerful man in Russia had neither fear nor respect for Joe Biden. He had just played with him for sport.”

This is odd - more of Biden alienating even more of his base:

The Biden Administration has suspended dozens of young White House staffers for past marijuana use that the administration had previously said would not disqualify them from their positions, according to a Thursday report.

The Daily Beast reported that affected staffers were “suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program,” according to three pople familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Staffers who recreationally used cannabis in one of the 14 states where cannabis is legal were also affected by the policy. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law. “It’s exclusively targeting younger staff and staff who came from states where it was legal,” a former staffer said.

More Administration Hi-pot-crazy - does this include Kamala pot-smoking Harris?

As you may remember, Harris was unapologetic about the fact she’d used marijuana at least once. She told the radio program “The Breakfast Club,” when asked about her past marijuana usage in February 2019, “I have. And I inhaled. I did inhale. It was a long time ago. It was a joint.”

She laughed about her experience and seemed to endorse its use, saying, “I think that gives a lot of people joy and we need more joy,” while demurring on whether or not the drug should be made legal nationally. It’s currently legal in Washington, D.C., incidentally, as it is in 14 other states.

Yet, according to a report from The Daily Beast, young Biden staffers are getting cut from the White House roster for using pot in the past, even if it was in one of those states where it was legal.

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