by NanaQ45
"He left. They won (supposedly), now what? The Capitol breach was planned by them. Why?
Color Revolutions need violence. He lost, we stayed civilized, they breached the Capitol, we still stayed civilized. He left the WH and we still stayed civilized. Now they impeach, we stay civilized. They threaten drones, re education camps, stealing our children...we stay civilized.
They have no plan. They never did. Not for what is happening anyway. They NEED VIOLENCE so they can use it to restructure and demolish America. We won't give it to them. They are surrounded by the military who won't leave. They appear to have won, but they didn't really want to! They wanted Trump to have a hissy fit so they'd have an excuse for their draconian measures. Nope. Nada. Now they have no clue what to do! And imagine not knowing if the military is there to protect you or monitor you and ultimately arrest you..then the paranoia really sets in! Bahahaha! These people are so fucked! Color Revolutions required the loser to NOT leave office and have a hissy fit. Denied! Hysterical!
Antifa paid to create a violent scene, film it, and then provide it to ABC, NBC and CNN. We have the receipts for the payments:

The defendant, John Sullivan of Utah, has maintained that he attends raucous demonstrations as a journalist, sharing videos through his Insurgence USA website and social media platforms. Sullivan’s defense attorney even filed invoices with the court showing that CNN and NBC each paid Sullivan’s firm $35,000 last month for rights to video he filmed of chaotic scenes outside and inside the Capitol, including the deadly shooting of protester Ashli Babbitt by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
Prosecutors contend that Sullivan is not a mere bystander or chronicler of protests. Instead, they say, he actively encourages violence, telling viewers how to make Molotov cocktails and evade identification by police.
“Am I anti-fascist? We all are anti-fascist. And that’s what we should all strive for being. I have my own organization, Insurgence USA, and that’s what it is for. That’s really what it is.”
The U.S. media have gone beyond refusing to ask critical questions about Sullivan, due to his noticeable associations with the radical left. They literally paid a leftist agitator who had worked to frame Trump supporters for inciting an “insurrection” and gave the criminal an open platform to spread his propaganda.
Ukrainians were involved in the Capitol Riot.
Ukranians as in Biden graft in the Ukraine Ukranians? Yes. This may have been an operation similar to the the one used in the Maidan Massacre in the Ukraine in 2014 to execute a coup against their president and install a president that was preferred by Biden et al and frame the Russians.
The basic idea for the Biden machine in both Ukraine and the Capitol was to manufacture a massacre, use the media to frame the president, get the president to leave and then install someone as president that Biden can do corrupt business with.
So it was in Ukraine, and so it was here in the capitol.
Deja Vu! It looks like both operations involved the same people and used the same playbook.

CDMedia ^| January 18, 2021 | George Eliason
"Democrats were working with Ukraine as well as US militants (AntiFa, BLM) to stop the January 6th presentation of election fraud evidence on Donald Trump’s behalf.
How far did that cooperation to destroy Donald Trump go?
At the end of the article, I’ll clearly lay out AntiFa’s long relationship to Ukraine’s violent neo-Nazi groups. In Ukraine, what the world labels “neo-Nazi” are official Antifa groups.
There is both direct and circumstantial evidence Ukrainian nationalists working with AntiFa were the violent parties that attacked Capitol police on January 6th. The circumstantial evidence raises big questions.
The direct evidence is Pravy Sektor’s Sergei Dybynyn at the front of the violent Capitol groups yelling “Faster! Faster!” in Russian. At first, the media started trying to paint Dybynyn as a Russian propagandist and provocateur. But, the fact Dybynyn received a medal from former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko for his work changed that story and big media dropped it. Because of his work for Poroshenko, he is wanted for supporting terrorism in the Donbass Lugansk People’s Republic.
In August 2020, we reported on the ties between Ukrainian neo-Nazis and US Antifa. The Ukrainian fascists were given asylum in the US by the Obama administration working with John Brennan in the tens of thousands from late 2016 to 2020. When the FBI caught on to the violent groups relocating to the US from Ukraine, they stopped it. Over 17,000 Ukrainian nationalists emigrated during this timeframe...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...

“Smeleie,” a male voice yells twice, which in the English equivalent would be something like “Come on!”, “Do it!” or “Don’t be scared.” VIDEO 1m45s... “Davai bystreie,” the voice also yells, which stands for “Do it ***faster,” Segodnia reports.
It was a Ukrainian journalist ***Andriy Tsaplienko who posted the video clip on his Telegram channel, drawing public attention to the incident
Tsaplienko has also worked for Inter:
Wikipedia: ***Andriy Tsaplienko In 2001 he had filed exclusive reports for TV channel Inter from Afghanistan covering stories on different sides of the conflict including Taliban fighters and Northern Alliance factions... On 7 March 2014, during Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Crimea, Tsaplienko was captured and tortured by armed pro-Russian activists after filming the siege and assault of a Ukrainian military base by Russian troops in Sevastopol... From August 24, 2014, Tsaplienko works for the Ukrainian channels 1+1 and Ukraine Today covering the events the Donbass War and also takes part in volunteer activities supporting Ukrainian soldiers...
Feb 2014. Maidan Massacre Ukraine
President Yanukovich was the president of Ukraine, backed by Russia.
Biden er al backed protestors against Yanukovich. Mobs roamed the streets and rioted. Civil War was threatened.
A shadowy force of snipers killed both police and protesters in “Independence Square" in Kiev. About 100 died and roughly 10 times that were wounded. Chaos ensued.
The slaughter was blamed on Yanukovich without evidence. He was framed by the media. The actual shooters were never found.
President Yanukovich was pressured to resign by Biden and by protests.
President Yanukovich left Kiev and was replaced by Biden friendly politicians.
Jan 2021. Capitol Riot
President Trump was the president of United States, and said to be backed by Russia (Russia, Russia Russia Hoax).
Biden et al backed protestors against Trump. Mobs roamed the streets and rioted. Civil war was threatened.
A shadowy force of shooters killed both police and protesters in the Capitol building in Washington. About 5 died and roughly 10 times that were wounded. Chaos ensued.
The slaughter was blamed on Trump without any evidence. He was framed by the media. The actual shooters were never revealed.
President Trump was pressured to resign by Biden and by protests.
President Trump left the White House and was replaced by Biden friendly politicians.
The day after the riot at the Capitol Ukrainian media controlled by oligarchs reported that Russia was behind the effort because they supported President Trump. They also proved that they were at the Capitol and were using techniques like Antifa in storming the Capitol. The ‘Russians’ were actually Ukrainians.

Almost 100 people were killed and another 900 injured during the violent standoff near Maidan Square in Kiev that forced president Yanukovich out of the country and installed a new government. Ukrainian self-proclaimed authorities maintain that the shooting was authorized by Yanukovich.
“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition,” Paet said during the conversation. “I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh,”
Ashton answered.
"The event, known as the Maidan Massacre, marked for many the tipping point in the standoff between the pro-European protesters in Kiev's Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) and the pro-Russian government. According to the Ukrainian prosecution, the ousted president's Berkut police were ordered to fire at protesters on February 20, killing around 50 people within the week. Within a week of the deaths Yanukovych had fled Ukraine.
In the two years since Ukraine's revolution, however, many questions about the investigation around the massacre have been raised and few answered. The investigation has provided little conclusive evidence that the Berkut fired into the crowd, while claims from Russia, that it was not Yanukovych, but Western security services behind the shootings in an apparent false flag operation, have also not been substantiated."
The IBTimes reported that a telephone call between Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security PolicyCatherine Ashton had been intercepted in which Paet stated that a doctor named Olga stated that victims from both sides were shot by the same snipers and that Olga had photos of the shooting victims with the same "handwriting." Paet said he found it "really disturbing that now the new coalition [doesn't] want to investigate what exactly happened," and that "there is a stronger and stronger understanding that behind snipers it was not Yanukovych, it was somebody from the new coalition."[309]However, Paet later denied that he implicated the opposition in anything as he was merely relaying rumours he had heard without giving any assessment of their veracity, while acknowledging that the phone call was genuine.[310] A spokesperson for the US state department described the leaking of the call as an example of "Russian tradecraft".[311]
Remember how the media and Democrat politicians went to great lengths to prevent anyone from unmasking Eric Ciaramella? Remember how he was convicted in the only indictment but then was allowed to walk with probation by an Obama appointed judge?
This thread below by Greg Rubini is his theory as to WHY the Deep state Will Not Allow ERIC CIARAMELLA's Name to Be Said On Air -- It's Because He Allegedly Assassinated 100 People In Ukraine to Engineer a Coup: (edited for readability)
"Did Eric Ciaramella, John Brennan and Obama order the assassination of 100 civilians in Ukraine to engineer a COUP D'ETAT there?
ERIC CIARAMELLA is involved in much darker things than you can imagine. Joe Biden, John Brennan, & Barack Obama are also in it with Victoria Nuland. The Ukraine Holocaust (also known as the Maidan Massacre).
In Feb 2014 there was a Coup d'Etat in Ukraine. It was a violent Coup. There was a massacre in the main square of the capital, Kiev. 100 people were killed. There were SNIPERS strategically placed at windows of tall buildings surrounding the square. The snipers from the buildings shot both at protestors, both at police officers.
100 people were killed BY THE SNIPERS. Both Ukranian citizens, both police officers were killed. That was The Ukraine Holocaust.
The SNIPERS were professional mercenaries. They were hired and paid to do that job. Their assigned job was to KILL about 100 people. They had been given precise instructions.
Hired and paid BY WHOM?
Why 100 people had to be brutally killed? Because the CIA Director John Brennan and Victoria Nuland (State Dept.) wanted 100 people killed.
That would trigger a Coup d'Etat in Ukraine. Which in fact happened.
And WHO organized those SNIPERS in Ukraine, to make this massacre?
WHO hired them? WHO paid them? ERIC CIARAMELLA. E.C. in this photo with Victoria Nuland:
Eric Ciaramella was assigned that task by the CIA Director John Brennan.
Brennan was the CIA Director at that tme, in 2014 and Eric Ciaramella was a CIA Operative. He was Brennan's CIA point man in Ukraine, in 2014. Eric Ciaramella is a CIA Operative. He speaks fluently Ukrainian and Russian. Ciaramella was the perfect guy for the job. and a Brennan Loyalist Ciaramella has been many times in Ukraine. He flew several times to Ukraine with Joe Biden.
Eric Ciaramella is the guy responsible for the UKRAINE HOLOCAUST which killed 100 people. This is why the CIA and the DEEP STATE protects him. and this is why the DEEP STATE and the CIA do not want Eric Ciaramella's name to be spoken. This is the reason of the COVER-UP. COVER-UP also by the Chief Justice John Roberts - who is compromised, blackmailed & OWN by the CIA.
This is why there are GAG ORDERS not to pronounce Ciaramella's name. The HORRIFIC Truth of what Ciaramella did in Ukraine, cannot be revealed. ERIC CIARAMELLA hired and paid the SNIPERS, and organized the Ukraine massacre under John Brennan orders. But WHO authorized Brennan to proceed with the massacre of 100 people in Ukraine? None other than Barack Hussein O.
Is it clear now why ADAM SCHIFF has covered-up ERIC CIARAMELLA? Is it clear now why ADAM SCHIFF did not allow ERIC CIARAMELLA to testify in the Impeachment hearings? This makes Adam Schiff - as a matter of fact - an ACCOMPLICE of Eric Ciaramella, in his crimes in Ukraine.
Killing 100 people is not a small crime. 40 of them were police officers. A good question now is: Will Ukraine ask for the EXTRADITION of: Eric Ciaramella John Brennan Barack Obama Victoria Nuland Joe Biden Hunter Biden?
Imagine if a foreigner hired SNIPERS in NYC to shoot and kill 100 people in Times Square. Snipers positioned in the tall buildings around Times Square shooting at people and NYPD officers. Imagine that. This is what those guys did in the main square of the Ukraine capital.
Wakanda Yogananda?
Black woman put in charge of Capitol Police and the Officers say No Confidence!!

Yogananda Pittman, acting chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, replaced Steven Sund, who resigned in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. (
U.S. Capitol Police officers have given an emphatic thumbs-down on the leader of the department installed after the Capitol incursion last month.
Former Chief Steven Sund, who was denounced by members of Congress and others after the incursion, resigned in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riot. He was replaced by acting Chief Yogananda Pittman.
The U.S. Capitol Police Labor Committee, which represents Capitol Police officers, announced that 92 percent of those participating in a recent ballot voted that they had no confidence in Pittman, according to CBS News.
The vote also showed no confidence in other top leaders within the department, which is assigned to protect Capitol Hill and its environs, according to the report Tuesday.
“Capitol Police officers have delivered an overwhelming vote of No Confidence in the senior leadership of the U.S. Capitol Police,” the union said in a news release.