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4 April 2019 - Dinner News


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced back in December that the U.S. has secured an agreement with Mexico so that immigrants claiming asylum will be returned to Mexico as their cases are processed -- a bid to end the practice known as “catch-and-release.”

Nielsen made the announcement Thursday at a House Judiciary Committee hearing, telling the committee that the goal is to crack down on migrants falsely claiming asylum, only to be released into the U.S. and escape the radar of immigration officials.

“But by the time the courts have issued their orders, most of these illegal aliens have vanished within our country for good,” she said. “They have escaped the law, undermined the system, and made it harder for us to actually help real asylum-seekers by flooding the system with false claims.”

Nielsen said the goal is to “not ‘catch and release’ but ‘catch and detain’ -- or under our new protocols, ‘catch and remain in Mexico.’”

To combat this, she said those entering the U.S. illegally or without proper documentation would be returned to Mexico as their case is considered.

“They will not be able to disappear into the United States,” she said. “They will have to wait for approval to come into the United States. If they are granted asylum by a U.S. judge, they will be welcomed into America. If they are not, they will be removed to their home countries.”

She said that the Mexican government has pledged to provide migrants with humanitarian visas to stay and work in Mexico as they wait for a decision from the U.S. Migrants will also have access to attorneys and to the U.S for court hearings. She said all actions were in line with international law.

In November, Trump tweeted that he intended to enforce a policy whereby only those who enter the country legally will be allowed in.

“Other than that our very strong policy is Catch and Detain. No 'Releasing' into the U.S. All will stay in Mexico,” he tweeted, before warning that he would “close” the border if need be. The "Remain in Mexico" Agreement is Now being Expanded:

“The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it,” said Secretary Nielsen. “We will not stand idly by while Congress fails to act yet again, so all options are on the table. We will immediately redeploy hundreds of CBP personnel to the border to respond to this emergency. We will urgently pursue additional reinforcements from within DHS and the interagency. And we will require those seeking to enter the United States to wait in Mexico until an immigration court as reviewed their claims.”

The Secretary ordered Commissioner McAleenan to undertake emergency surge operations and immediately increase its temporary reassignment of personnel and resources from across the agency to address the influx of migrants.  According to the directive, the CBP Office of Field Operations shall accelerate its planned reallocation of up to 750 officers to Border Patrol Sectors that are affected by the emergency. Moreover, CBP is directed to explore raising that target, is authorized to exceed it, and shall notify the Secretary if reassignments are planned to exceed 2,000 personnel.

Secretary Nielsen further directed CBP to immediately expand the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), a DHS initiative to return aliens to Mexico to wait during the pendency of their U.S. immigration proceedings. The Secretary directed CBP to return hundreds of additional migrants per day above current rates to Mexico, consistent with U.S. law and humanitarian obligations.  This increase in returns shall include individuals apprehended or encountered at or between POEs. Moreover, the agency is directed to plan for an expansion of MPP beyond the locations in which it currently operates in California and Texas. Calling Out Mexico:

On Wednesday Tucker Carlson invited Juan Hernandez, the Guanajuato Secretary of Migration, on to his show to discuss the migrant crisis on the US border.

Tucker — correctly — called out Mexico for being a hostile power and seeking to undermine the United States.

He’s right.

TUCKER CARLSON: So but why isn’t the Mexican government stopping migrants from Central America before they get to the United States? Instead, Mexico is encouraging them to come here. That’s not the behavior of an ally. They’re not welcome, they’re not here legally. We have a process by which people can come legally – they’re not going through that process. So that’s an act of hostility and you can lie about it all you want, but we all know what it is. Why are we paying you money?…  Mexico is a hostile power that is seeking to undermine our country and sovereignty. 

Tucker Carlson: "Mexico is a hostile power that is seeking to undermine our country and our sovereignty"

Thank God someone finally said it. #ShutDownTheBorder

— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) April 4, 2019

There are numerous Democrat protests to try to force the release of the Mueller Report today.  It didn’t work:

The Washington Times ^ | April 4, 2019 | Jeff Mordock, Stephen Dinan 

Posted on 4/4/2019, 4:12:58 PM by jazusamo

Every page of the nearly 400-page Mueller report contains information that cannot be made public and must be redacted, Attorney General William Barr said Thursday, explaining why he has not met congressional Democrats’ deadline for turning it over to them. 

In the meantime, Democrats said, Mr. Barr should immediately turn over summaries the Mueller team prepared, but which the attorney general did not release, instead writing his own four-page summary of the report’s conclusions. 

The paper reported that “some” of Mr. Mueller’s investigations “have told associates” they were unhappy with Mr. Barr’s portrayal of their findings. The article attributes that finding to “government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.” The Washington Post followed with its own similar report Thursday. 

President Trump, though, said the New York Times report was unworthy. 

“The New York Times had no legitimate sources, which would be totally illegal, conceding the Mueller report. In fact, they probably had no sources at all! They are a Fake News paper who have already been forced to apologize for their incorrect and very bad reporting on me,” Mr. Trump wrote.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The calls for a protest were fueled by a false report:

2 reporters are making "bombshell" claims about Mueller's report.

In Feb 2017, Michael Schmidt & Mark Mazzetti's "bombshell" claimed “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence." Comey later testified this @nytimes article “was not true." Now the same 2 reporters are making "bombshell" claims about Mueller's report.

These same two propaganda conspiracy theorist reporters lied before about the Mueller report back then, and they are lying the same lie again now.   The was nothing there then and there’s nothing there now either.  Professional repeat liars for money!

Rasmussen Poll Shows People are Waking Up:

Despite more than two years of the liberal media bloviating about Russia 47% of Americans believe it was Crooked Hillary, not Donald Trump, who was colluding with foreign operatives.

Now that #SpecialCounsel #RobertMueller has ruled out #collusion between the #Trump campaign and the #Russians in 2016, voters, like senior #Republicans, are turning a suspicious eye toward #HillaryClinton’s campaign… — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) April 1, 2019

Rasmussen reported, via Russia Today:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives.

Only 45% of likely voters believe Trump was colluding with Russia. Ilhan Omar, Muslim Congressperson tries to get a Muslim Brotherhood leader a shorter sentence:

On Tuesday radical Democrat called for the release of Muslim Brotherhood leader Hoda Abdelmonem

I recently met with @jkbadawy and @thefreedomi to talk about Hoda Abdelmonem, a political prisoner in Egypt. I hope that Trump brings up her case in his meeting with the regime that has imprisoned her. We must work to — Rep. Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) April 2, 2019

Hoda Abdelmonem is a senior leader of the Muslims Brotherhood in Egypt.

I just confirmed: Hoda Abdelmonem is a ***senior female leader**** of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Why is an American congresswoman advocating for an Islamist activist? — Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) April 2, 2019
Reuters and The Guardian: — Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) April 2, 2019

A bit more on Biden:

There was a report a few years back that Joe Biden loved to swim in the nude — but the female Secret Service agents assigned to protect him didn’t like that, not one bit. Biden would allegedly skinny-dip at the vice president’s official residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., and at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, according to “The First Family Detail” by Ronald Kessler.

Kessler, whose book was a New York Times bestseller, also said, “Because of Biden’s lack of consideration as evidenced by that habit and his refusal to give agents advance notice of his trips back home, being assigned to his detail is considered the second worst assignment in the Secret Service after being assigned to protect Hillary Clinton.”

In an July 2015 interview with Fox News, Kessler, who worked for more than a decade at The Washington Post before joining Newsmax, said, “talk about a war on women.”

“Biden likes to swim nude both at his Vice President’s residence in Washington and also at his home in Wilmington which he goes back to several times a week, all at our expense. By the way, a million dollars in Air Force 2 expenses, and this offends female Secret Service agents,” he said. “You know, they signed up to take a bullet for the President as you said but they didn’t sign up to…they certainly didn’t sign up to see Biden naked. It is offensive, it’s abusive.”

.@RonaldKessler@JoeBiden likes to swim nude and it offends female Secret Service agents.” #Hannity — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 31, 2015 Food for thought:

According to Kalergi, a diverse and multi-cultural people were easy to control as they had no common identity to rally behind in the event of a political crisis. In addition to that, a diverse population would be easy to conquer by the means of divide and rule. The newly arrived immigrants would be pitted against the native people with both sides believing that they were a persecuted minority languishing under a system of law that was rigged against their favour.

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