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12 March - Dinner News


| March 12,2019 | Ken Klukowski 

Posted on 3/12/2019, 6:46:29 PM by Hojczyk

WASHINGTON, DC – Senate Republicans are preparing to reinterpret Senate Rules in coming weeks to reduce the number of hours required to confirm presidential nominations, responding to Democrats’ unprecedented obstruction of President Trump’s nominees for both the judiciary and the Executive Branch. 

In fact, that is what Senate Democrats are doing now. Judges are being slow-walked, with more cloture votes being required in two years for President Trump’s picks than all the judicial nominations of every previous president combined since the filibuster was created in the late 1800s. Similarly, hundreds of the 1,200 Senate-confirmed positions in the Trump administration are still vacant. 

After two years of debating what to do about this unprecedented obstruction, Senate Republicans now appear to have the votes to reinterpret Senate rules to rein in this practice. It takes a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate (67) to change the chamber’s rules, but it only takes a simple majority (51) to reinterpret existing rules. 

Under a reinterpretation proposed by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), nominees for the Supreme Court, federal courts of appeals, the Cabinet, and certain commissions can still receive 30 hours of post-cloture debate. However, nominations for federal trial courts – called district courts – and all other administration posts will be limited to two hours. 

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Strzok’s mistress and FBI agent Page’s damning testimony made public:

On Tuesday Rep. Doug Collins released the Lisa Page testimony online.

Today, the link will be placed in the record so the American people can read the transcripts of Lisa Page's interviews before the Judiciary Committee.

— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) March 12, 2019

The testimony released today revealed the FBI was considering charging HIllary Clinton under the Espionage Act until the Department of Justice told them “no.”

NEW: Lisa Page's congressional testimony reveals that the FBI was considering charging Hillary Clinton under the Espionage Act for "gross negligence" — until the DOJ flat-out told them "No."

— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) March 12, 2019

The Examiner reported: Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence,” but the Justice Department shut them down.

This incriminates Obama and AG Loretta Lynch.

Finally we are getting some transparency and prosecution…. Just the beginning… NXIVM President gets a plea deal, will probably name names in the Hollywood Left:

NXIVM President Nancy Salzman AKA Prefect is the first to take a plea deal in the case against Nxivm.  She is scheduled to plead guilty to an undisclosed crime or crimes tomorrow in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn.  Regardless of whether her plea deal includes any type of formal agreement that requires her to testify against her co-defendants – Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack, Lauren Salzman, and Kathy Russell – she will most definitely be called as a witness by the prosecution.  Having already pled guilty, Nancy will not be able to avoid answering questions from the prosecution. And if she tries to, she may end up like Paul Mannafort – and her plea deal revoked.  This might help explain why Nancy averted her eyes and turned her head away when Keith Raniere looked at her in court on February 28th.

Bruce Ohr, the corrupt US attorney at the top of the Department of Justice, was caught lying in his testimony to Congress.  

In Bruce Ohr’s testimony in front of Congress that was released to the public last week by US Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) Ohr claimed throughout his transcript that he was never involved with his wife’s dealings with Fusion GPS and really didn’t know anything about what was going on.

This was a lie.  

Ohr contradicted his testimony in one sentence during his interview –In December 2017 the head of opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted in a court filing that his firm paid Nellie Ohr, the wife of senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, to help dig up damaging information on then-candidate Donald Trump.

The connections between Nellie Ohr and the ‘Spygate’ scandal were hidden at a distance for months.

There’s no way Ohr could share an email address with his wife and not know what she was up to. 

If Nellie is tied to the CIA then she is tied to former Obama CIA Head John Brennan which would implicate by association, his boss, former President Obama.

It now appears likely that communist sympathizer Nellie Ohr, and the men who surrounded her, her husband, business partners, John Brennan, and by association President Obama, were all connected. 

These people lied to prevent her from being identified as a CIA spy.  She and all the men in her life attempted to prevent Candidate Trump from being elected and later to remove duly elected President Trump from office.

More revealing and charges being brought:

Leftists in Hollywood caught in criminal fraud to get their kids into colleges:

Guest post by Bright Start News

A massive scandal is erupting in Hollywood and in college admissions offices in top universities around the country, as up to 50 people were slapped with federal charges today related to buying their kids way into the schools!

We’re talking about entitled liberals spending MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to cheat  their way in. This was all done at the expense of hard working students, some girls and minorities who would’ve otherwise earned their way in, but lost the spot to the entitled Hollywood progressives.

The details are astounding!  See here: Legal implications coming for the cartels…?

Trump considering declaring cartels to be Terrorist Organizations

President Donald Trump told Breitbart News on Monday that his administration is thinking “very seriously” about labeling violent Mexican drug cartels, or factions of these cartels, as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs).

“We are. We are,” Trump said. “We’re thinking about doing it very seriously. In fact, we’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”“It’s psychological, but it’s also economic,” Trump continued. “As terrorists — as terrorist organizations, the answer is yes. They are.”

The president went on to discuss the violence taking place in Mexico.“Mexico, unfortunately, has lost control of the cartels,” Trump said. “They’ve totally lost control of the cartels. Mexico last year had 42,000 deaths — murders — 42,000. It’s considered one of the most unsafe countries in the world.”“Now, I’m with them. I really like the new president. He’s a wonderful guy, but you know, 42,000 murders. A lot of it is drug-induced,” Trump continued. Trump Tweets:

·2hNew York State and its Governor, Andrew Cuomo, are now proud members of the group of PRESIDENTIAL HARASSERS. No wonder people are fleeing the State in record numbers. The Witch Hunt continues!

He’s referring to this:

The newly-elected New York State Attorney General is following through with her threat to go after President Trump.

The fascist New York State Attorney General Letitia James bragged in November that she was targeting President Trump and was going to sue him.

She did not have a crime in mind but SHE WOULD FIND ONE!

“Oh we’re definitely gonna sue him — we’re gonna be a real pain in the ass. He’s gonna know my name personally,” Letitia James said.

In addition to the new investigation launched by Letitia James, the House Democrats in many separate committees have launched massive investigations into President Trump’s personal life and finances.

Once again, these investigations were launched without a crime being committed.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler even admitted to CNN that Trump didn’t obstruct justice, but it’s just his ‘personal opinion’ that Trump violated the Constitution.

More Tweets:

·9h“Jewish people are leaving the Democratic Party. We saw a lot of anti Israel policies start under the Obama Administration, and it got worsts & worse. There is anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party. They don’t care about Israel or the Jewish people.” Elizabeth Pipko, Jexodus.

·8hAirplanes are becoming far too complex to fly. Pilots are no longer needed, but rather computer scientists from MIT. I see it all the time in many products. Always seeking to go one unnecessary step further, when often old and simpler is far better. Split second decisions are........needed, and the complexity creates danger. All of this for great cost yet very little gain. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Albert Einstein to be my pilot. I want great flying professionals that are allowed to easily and quickly take control of a plane!

·9hPatrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” @foxandfriends Wow! Correction regarding El Chapo money into the Clinton Foundation?: The website that provided the information has now disappeared but can still be found at the Wayback machine.  Why it was wiped and by who is unknown.  Was it false information or was it silenced in order to not interfere with law enforcement investigation? This is the fog of war in this information war.

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