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1 February 2019


Updated: Mar 8, 2019

It’s all coming out how the Clintons set up the whole thing….finally...

On FOX News, Nunes, who sat through hours of testimonies related to the Trump – Russia farce, said the following –

… but something also probably important to note about the so called Trump Tower meeting.  This is the meeting that actually Fusion GPS met with the people before and after that meeting. Fusion GPS, once again, was a Clinton Campaign paid for operations outfit.  They were clearly involved in the set up of the Trump Tower meeting.  

The group that organized the meeting with Trump advisers and the Russian lawyers was the same Democratic group Fusion GPS that was behind the discredited Trump dossier.

The lawyer who met with the Trump team in June 2016 was denied a U.S. visa to enter, however; she received special permission to enter the United States after filing an affidavit in a Federal case in New York.

We know the following to date about the characters involved in setting up the Trump team at Trump Tower –

Congressional testimony confirms that consultant Glenn Simpson, founder of Fusion GPS, was hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee to work his “political opposition” magic against President Trump. Simpson has testified he put former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele on the job and sent him to Russia. Simpson and Steele both kept a constant back channel to Bruce Ohr, the fourth-highest ranking member of the Department of Justice, as recently declassified messages prove.

We also know that –

Ohr, who’s wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS right alongside Simpson, “coordinated before, during and after the election” with both Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson. Also, Hillary Clinton wasn’t Simpson’s only employer. The night before the Trump Tower meeting, Simpson had dinner with another client, Natalia Veselnitskaya. He had dinner with her again the night after the meeting, he told Congress.[Veselnitskaya was at the Trump Tower meeting and is suspected of working for Simpson.]

The entire Trump Tower meeting was likely set up by the Clintons as now we know all the characters involved are connected to the Clintons.

If Trump was being controlled by the Russians, then how do you explain this?:

Effective Saturday the US will suspend the nuclear pact with Russia.

The United States says Russia has been breaking the pact for the past five years.

LIVE: Sec. Pompeo is expected to announce US intention to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia. — NBC News (@NBCNews) February 1, 2019
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to announce Friday that the US will suspend participation in an arms control treaty with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War, sources say — CNN (@CNN) February 1, 2019 On Thursday, Thompson met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov in Beijing and Ryabkov said “there was no progress” in the talks on the issue, according to Russian state media outlet TASS. “Unfortunately, there is no progress. The US position remains rather tough and ultimatum-like,” Ryabkov said, according to TASS.

Trump Tweets:

Clinton Skullduggery:

Nellie Ohr, the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was long ago investigating for pay (GPS Fusion) members of my family, feeding it to her husband who was then giving it to the FBI, even though it was created by ousted & discredited Christopher Steele. Illegal! WITCH HUNT

Just out: The big deal, very mysterious Don jr telephone calls, after the innocent Trump Tower meeting, that the media & Dems said were made to his father (me), were just conclusively found NOT to be made to me. They were made to friends & business associates of Don. Really sad!

Media and some Crat Intel Skullduggery:

Just concluded a great meeting with my Intel team in the Oval Office who told me that what they said on Tuesday at the Senate Hearing was mischaracterized by the media - and we are very much in agreement on Iran, ISIS, North Korea, etc. Their testimony was distorted press........I would suggest you read the COMPLETE testimony from Tuesday. A false narrative is so bad for our Country. I value our intelligence community. Happily, we had a very good meeting, and we are all on the same page!

No more Endless Wars:

I inherited a total mess in Syria and Afghanistan, the “Endless Wars” of unlimited spending and death. During my campaign I said, very strongly, that these wars must finally end. We spend $50 Billion a year in Afghanistan and have hit them so hard that we are now talking peace.......after 18 long years. Syria was loaded with ISIS until I came along. We will soon have destroyed 100% of the Caliphate, but will be watching them closely. It is now time to start coming home and, after many years, spending our money wisely. Certain people must get smart!

American Business Success: "We added 304,000 jobs, which was a shocker to a lot of people. It wasn't a shocker to me."

Best January for the DOW in over 30 years. We have, by far, the strongest economy in the world!

Border Crime:

Our great U.S. Border Patrol Agents made the biggest Fentanyl bust in our Country’s history. Thanks, as always, for a job well done!

Border Patrol Agents in Arizona confiscated 250-pounds of deadly fentanyl Thursday afternoon, making it the largest bust in history. The drugs were seized from a Mexican national crossing through the port of entry in Nogales. 

"CBP Officers discovered more than 400 packages of drugs concealed within a special floor compartment of a trailer that was laden with cucumbers, driven by a 26-year-old truck driver. Following an alert by a CBP narcotics detection canine, CBP officers seized nearly 254 pounds of fentanyl with a value of approximately $3.5 million and almost 395 pounds of methamphetamine valued at $1.1 million," Customs and Border Protection released in a statement.

Big Dem Cities are Completely Broke

According to a recent analysis of the 75 most populous cities in the United States, 63 of them can’t pay their bills and the total amount of unfunded debt among them is nearly $330 billion. Most of the debt is due to unfunded retiree benefits such as pension and health care costs.  That means those depending on that money, likely won’t see a dime of it. 

The top five cities in the worst financial shape are New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Honolulu, and San Francisco. These cities, in addition to Dallas, Oakland, and Portland, all received “F” grades. In New York City, for example, only $4.7 billion has been set aside to fund $100.6 billion of promised retiree health care benefits. In Philadelphia, every taxpayer would have to pay $27,900 to cover the city’s debt. In San Francisco, it would cost $22,600 per taxpayer.

A typhus epidemic is worsening in the liberal utopia of Los Angeles.

Nothing says “progressive” more than a medieval infectious disease like typhus fever spreading through a city in the year 2019.

Typhus is mainly spreading across the homeless population through fleas that live on the rats that rummage in heaps of trash, however Liz Greenwood, the Deputy City Attorney who works at City Hall contracted the disease.

Symptoms of typhus include fever, headache and a rash. Untreated cases are fatal.

“It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the back of my neck,” Greenwood told NBC 4. “Who gets typhus? It’s a medieval disease that’s caused by trash.”

Ms. Greenwood believes she contracted typhus from fleas that have infested her office at City Hall East.

“There are rats in City Hall and City Hall East,” Greenwood added. “There are enormous rats and their tails are as long as their bodies.”

IEDs from Antifa in Oregon

Earlier this week, police released body cam video showing that their officers didn’t just gun down some innocent man but instead responded to provocation in the form of a bad person drawing their weapon on school property.

Now, it seems the deceased’s friends are a little upset and are trying to get even.

Police in Eugene are searching for answers after explosives were found outside their headquarters on Country Club Road late Monday afternoon. Lt. David Natt said incendiary devices were discovered by a crew who was mowing the front lawn. “This is not a hoax device,” Natt said. “This is a very serious matter.” The Eugene Metro Explosive Disposal Unit was called and defused the explosives. Natt would not go into details about the devices but said they are now in the hands of forensic experts. “Our hope is that we get some physical evidence off it and that physical evidence leads us to somebody involved in the production and/or deployment of these devices,” Natt said. While the Eugene Police Department is in charge of the investigation, Natt said they have reached out to federal agencies and plan to review security camera footage.

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