There are several lines of evidence that suggest that the Q operation is going forward. In no particular order:
1) The White House looks more protected than the Congress:

2) The Vice President Pence and his wife are going to visit Fort Drum on Sunday.
Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence will be visiting Fort Drum on Sunday, Jan. 17. Once at Fort Drum, Pence will deliver remarks to 10th Mountain Division soldiers. His remarks have been scheduled to start at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday. Many of those soldiers have recently returned from Afghanistan. After their visit to Fort Drum on Sunday, they will return to Washington, D.C.
The 10th Mountain Marines are the "RED4" on the Q sequence:
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
3) President Trump genstured out the Morse Code for the letter Q in his recent address. His hands were clasped throughout except for the bit where he moved his hands in the code for Q:
He also refers to a "transition" but not a transition to a different president.
4) FEMA is just now advising people to have food and water and to be prepared for outages:

Apparently they are expecting outages and disruption.
5) The Trump administration have been testing mass communication means in the last few days. GIANT VOICE (the military version of the EBS) was tested yesterday. Reports are coming in from various places regarding tests of the EBS (Emercency Broadcast System). The FCC sent out a notice reminding all boadcasters that they are obligated to transmit emergency boradcasts (see recent post). Pompeo also visited the Voice of America VOA to provide video a few days ago. President Trump also used his access to the text messaging system set up by his campaign about a year ago (88022) to send a message to us yesterday.
In short they are testing and priming the broadcasting systems that are independent of the Tech Tyrants and Media.
We don't know for sure if the military will defend the republic, but it looks promising and clearly it is too soon to get desperate. President Trump has very clearly urged us to stay away from anything violent - let the professionals do their duty and stay out of their way.

For your entertainment and education here is JP with the most perfect summing up of our situation: "The Capitol was STORMED! Everything you need to know."

It is well worth your time and a pleasant break.

Pulitzer has released his report. Now available here:

The Chinese systematically gained control over our election system constituting a national security emergency
The electronic voting machines were compromised and cannot be trusted to provide an accurate vote count
To restore confidence the “failsafe” of counting the paper ballots must be used to determine who won the election for President, Senators, Congressional Representatives
Hand counts reported by the media are not really hand counts and easily subverted.
The researcher said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has “leveraged financial, nongovernmental, and foreign allies including Venezuela to acquire INFLUENCE and CONTROL US Voting Infrastructure in at least 28 states.”
Pulitzer previously claims the true results of the 2020 election can be determined by reviewing the actual paper ballots from the election. These ballots are the public’s property and are mandated to be held for 22 months after the federal election.
Twitter is crashing because of its totalitarian attitude:

The CEO of Gab trolls Twitter too:

Just how bad would the Biden Administration be?:
Biden appoints 'Black supremacist' to head Just-US Civil Rights Division - Anti-racism media silent after Tucker Carlson exposes bigoted views of Biden's DOJ civil rights pick. She has been saying the people with more melanin (black or brown) are physically, intellectually and spiritually superior to those with less melanin.
Chilling messages from Patrick Bryne:
Patrick Byrne released something, that - if you think it through - may be an intentional head fake. (He wouldn't be releasing it at all if it were real.). Beware of head fakes during the fog of war.
Warning...This may be a deep fake. Better check it with the fact checkers at CNN: ( LOL or KEK! )
But actually, this song was playing at the Stop the Steal rally in DC while Trump was waiting to go on, and the Capitol assault was already underway. It seems appropriate:
[Verse 1]
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
[Verse 2]
The Democrats are accusing Trump of inciting violence, and even impeached him yesterday for it. (Of course that is absurd - see the videos above. In contrast, Pelosi and others have blatantly preached violence.
Here is a collection of evidence of that from Thomas Sayre:
Nancy Pelosi Calls on Democrats to 'Throw a Punch for the Children'
"So you have to be ready to take a punch. You've got to be ready to take a punch. And therefore you have to be ready to throw a punch, for the children! Throw a punch for the children." - Nancy Pelosi
"You think we’re rallying now? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Already you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants ... protesters taking up at their house saying 'no peace, no sleep'... If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." - Maxine Waters
Dumb and Dumber Actor Jeff Daniels Tells Stephen Colbert: America Needs Someone Who Can Punch Donald Trump in the Face
Leftists call for violence against Trump, supporters Michael Moore Calls on Americans to Get ‘Out in the Streets' over SCOTUS Pick — Be ‘Ruthless'
WashPost Fact Check: 'Wringing' Sarah Sanders' Neck Different from 'Choking' Her
NAACP Official Urges People To 'Jack Up' Senators Who Don't Oppose Trump
Kathy Griffin Says Trump Being Stabbed with a Syringe Full of Air Would ‘Do the Trick' (May 2020)
Joe Biden Addresses L.A. Democratic Awards Dinner Honoring Kathy Griffin as Riots Continue (July 2020)
Snoop Dogg Album Cover Shows Rapper Standing Over Corpse of President Trump
Billboard in Times Square depicts Trump taken down and hog-tied
In the name of abortion Michael Moore Shares Video of Trump Dummy Getting Punched and Kicked in the Face "Dog Whistle" to violent leftists
Tom Arnold: Time to Get Rifles to ‘Go Nose to Nose with Trump's Gang of Misfit Tools'
Vicious: Antifa attacks family of Sen. Josh Hawley at home 'Screaming,' 'vandalizing,' 'pounding on the doors' for objecting to Electoral College vote NYPD Under Attack, Protesters Launch 'Punch That Cop' Campaign ' AOC Endorses It The NYPD is the target of violent NYC subway prostestors demanding free rides. Chilling footage shows hoodlum wearing medical mask sucker punch NYPD cop from behind: crowd cheers as suspect flees (2020-04 coronavirus lockdown) Man repeatedly punched in face over MAGA hat; attacker then steals hat, cops say. Suspect now faces four years in prison.
Trump Supporters Attacked At Hollywood Walk of Fame
VIDEO: Black Conservative Stabbed by Antifa During Portland Black Lives Matter Riots Video: Portland Rioters Throw Paint on Elderly Woman's Face for Defending Police Station
Antifa Knocks Out Black Man’s Teeth for Holding Free Speech Rally While Calling Him ‘N’ Word WATCH: Antifa Allegedly Stabs 4 Trump Supporters in Washington, D.C 24-Year Old Indiana Mother Gunned Down by Black Lives Matter Mob After Saying "All Lives Matter"
Michigan Trump Supporter’s Home Is Bombed on Saturday Night ILLHAN'S DISTRICT: 17-Year-Old GOP Volunteer Shot Dead Outside of Gas Station in Minneapolis
There is no doubt more, but you get the idea...