The RNC livestream on CSPAN saw nearly SIX TIMES THE VIEWS as the first night as the DNC.

Hot from the DNC Convention:
The DNC just featured a registered foreign lobbyist for Russia as one of its speakers

What ever happened to their concern for Russia Russia Russia interfering in the election?
Also speaking was a convicted rapist, torturer, and murderer: This is the best they could come up with?

The digital Democratic National Convention kicked off this week with a pre-recorded video of “America’s most impactful community leaders”reading the preamble to America’s Constitution. The various participants, mostly Democratic politicians and party activists, might be alarmed to learn that their segment featured Donna Hylton, a 55-year-old Jamaican woman convicted for the kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of a 62-year-old Long Island real estate broker in 1986…
…Before receiving accolades for her work as an “impactful community leader,” Donna Hylton and her gang of prostitutes had drugged real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo, brought him to their Harlem apartment, and subjected him to a three week torture session which included starvation, beatings, burnings, and various forms of sexual torture leading to a gruesome murder. Hylton had raped Vigliarolo with a three-foot metal rod, later laughing it off, quipping “he was a homo anyway.” Hylton had demanded ransom from the victim’s friend, planning on spending her cut on professional photos to launch a career in modeling. She was paroled in 2012, having served 26 years in prison.
Out of prison, Donna Hylton quickly found work as a Democrat activist, joining the Coalition for Women Prisoners and advocating for the early release of convicted prisoners, specifically women and minorities.
Read the rest here:
The top genuine NAZI in the US has endorsed Biden as well:

Richard Spencer is an unapologetic neo-Nazi. He's frequently seen giving Nazi salutes, quoting Nazi propaganda, and making openly anti-Semitic statements. He thinks Haitians should be re-enslaved and that racial minorities should be removed from America. Not surprisingly, his wife has accused him of verbal and physical abuse. This time Biden plagiarizes Biden? Or was it some Canadian politician?

2 speeded up minutes as Biden actually plagiarizes himself:
Proof that it's the same old bs being recycled over and over by the Democrats...
Apparently the Anti-God Party too. I can certainly guess why...
President Trump Twitter:
The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention. At first I thought they made a mistake, but it wasn’t. It was done on purpose. Remember Evangelical Christians, and ALL, this is where they are coming from-it’s done. Vote Nov 3!
Also starring the failed Governor of NY, Cuomo:
Trump Tweet:
Now AP estimates that the real Cuomo number of people killed because of his total incompetence is 11,000, not the 6000 that was originally thought! Coumo "Our way worked in New York" Seriously?!?! I don't want any part of that way...

"Hey @NYGovCuomo did Donald Trump make you keep schools open as long as you did? Did Trump make you keep the subways open w/o cleaning them? Did Trump make you say "fear is worse than the virus" 3/19? Did he tell you to force nursing homes to accept Covid patients 3/25?"

This relevant and humorous video from the talented Conservative Momma is worth a listen!:
Also this hilarious but revealing bit:

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: My new film “Trump Card” will be available on demand October 9. Also on DVD. This way every American can see it. Here’s the official trailer. Enjoy and please share!

See the trailer here: Alarming Posts from Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch: OUTRAGE: Rather than appeal court shutdown of Clinton testimony, Barr @TheJusticeDept just told @JudicialWatch it will ask court to shut down ALL discovery into Clinton emails and DEFENDS Obama State's handling of Clinton emails. DonaldTrump should ask who runs DOJ/State. DonaldTrump should declare a transparency emergency and release all the Obama-Biden-Clinton Deep State scandal secrets in anticipation of the likely Durham fail. #Obamagate was never about Russia. Targeting of @RealDonaldTrump and team served to protect Hillary Clinton (and now Obama, Biden, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, Schiff, etc) and their enablers/co-conspirators in Obama admin from prosecution. @JudicialWatch A ray of legal hope from Donald Trump’s son - DJTJr retweet: AG Barr threatening to release Antifa communications to show which elites and politicians played a role in coordinating these riots
Some highlights from the opening night of the RNC convention: