The ones running our government have clearly gone insane and/or evil on a scale un-imaginable only a few months ago.
Here are the latest mind-boggling ones to be exposed:
Our own US Government is funding and supporting a nuclear disaster in Ukraine.
The evidence is overwhelming and more is coming in fast. Quick summary of what has happened since the last post:
Zelensky has claimed Russia is doing the bombing - even going so far as to describe the dire consequences in his video posted below. Meanwhile all the involved militaries know for a fact where the bombing and shelling is coming from Ukraine controlled territory.
The IAEA has sent a team of experts to examine the plant, and they should arrive shortly. They are expected to publicly declare that Ukraine is doing the bombing.

Our own Pentagon has known from the start, but kept silent to support Ukraine - even to the point of nuclear disaster. Now that the truth is about to come out the Pentagon is finally admitting publicly what the overseas media has already covered - to get in front of the big reveal lest they look utterly incompetent in addition to complicit.
The news broke a couple weeks ago that Ukraine was doing this in spite of the legacy news embargo - after all, we are talking about nuclear poisoning of the "Breadbasket of Europe". It has been shown that Ukraine is using American supplied weapons to do the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (NPPP).
What did the Biden Administration then do?
The Biden Administration gave 3 Billion more in military aid to Ukraine.
Think about that. Not only are they looking the other way, their responsibility for the threatened disaster is publicly exposed and they are in response upping their support to Ukraine.
Since the tacit approval and funding from the Biden Administration, Ukraine has increased the bombing and even used 4 kamikaze drones to deliver bombs to the NPPP. So far no radiation has leaked from the damage but cooling pipes have been damaged..
Here is the brazen lie by Zelensky that the Russians are bombing their own Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant with their own people there.

There is solid evidence of the following acts of terror and war crimes by the Zelensky regime so far:
- Car bombing foreign critics (Moscow) and maintaining a public hit list on a Nato server.
- Murdering domestic critics on official hit list (Ukraine)
- Shelling civilians with civilian targeted "butterfly mines" (Donetsk) banned by treaty
- Chemical weapons attacks (Zaporizhzhia)
- Shelling oil-drilling platforms in the Black Sea (Crimea)
- Shelling nuclear power plant (Zaporizhzhia)
- Taking civilians as hostages—“human shields” (Mariupol, Lugansk)
- Car bombing the head of the Mikhailovka administration (Zaporizhzhia)
Zero hedge asks some of the right questions:
This week, Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which has been controlled by Russian troops since February 28th, was shut down due to shelling by the Russians.
The Russian Ministry of Defense, in its most recent update on the progress of its "special military operation" in the Ukraine, claims the Ukrainians have been shelling the plant, with U.S.-supplied artillery, and Russia says it gave evidence that the Ukrainians have been shelling the plant to the UN this week.
This sounds like the sort of accusation the United States would be quick to refute: that weapons we've supplied to the Ukrainian government are being used to risk a nuclear disaster. Why haven't they?
During a Special Online Briefing on Thursday with U.S. Ambassador Denise Jenkins, the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security at the State Department, Dmitry Kirsanov, from Russia's TASS News Agency, asked her who was shelling the plant. Here is the relevant part of the transcript.
MODERATOR: Thank you, ma’am. The next question, again, to a journalist who is raising their hand from Dmitry Kirsanov, who is from the TASS News Agency. QUESTION: Hi. Thank you for doing this. Can you hear me okay? MODERATOR: Yes, we hear you. AMBASSADOR JENKINS: Yes. MODERATOR: Good morning, Madam Secretary. I have two separate questions. First, who is shelling the station? And secondly, while we have you here, could you update us on the talks or consultations or discussions, if you prefer, between the Russians and the Americans on the New START, on the issues pertaining to the inspections resumption? Thank you so much. AMBASSADOR JENKINS: I’m not able, at this point, to make any confirmation about the shelling and where it’s coming from.
Bear in mind that the United States has been surveilling the Ukraine via satellites and aircraft since before Russia invaded. One would think that if the Russians were shelling the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (despite having their troops stationed there), and falsely accusing the Ukrainians of doing it, Ambassador Jenkins or one of her colleagues would be quick to refute the Russians by showing satellite- or surveillance aircraft-gathered evidence of artillery hitting the plant from Russian-controlled territory.
On the other hand, if the Ukrainians are shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe with American-supplied artillery, you'd think someone in the U.S. government would ask them to cut it out.
(Ed Note: You would also think the United States would stop funding Ukraine but the opposite has happened, with Biden providing 3 billion more in the last week.)
On August 27, two attacks by artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of the nuclear power plant were recorded. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a total of 9 shells have been fired, 3 of which hit the area near the Special Building No 2, where TVEL’s fresh nuclear fuel and solid radioactive waste are stored.
As a result of the first attack, the pipeline was damaged by shrapnel. As a result of the second attack, one shell fell in the area of the 6th power unit, and five others – opposite the sixth block pumping station, which provides cooling of this reactor.
The shelling of the nuclear power plant by Ukrainian artillery was conducted from their positions in Maryevka in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The AFU use foreign equipment for attacks on the plant, including US-made M777 howitzers. During the counter-battery struggle, the AFU units that fired at the NPP were suppressed by return fire.
“Currently, a full-time technical staff monitors the technical condition of the nuclear plant and ensures its operation. The radiation situation in the nuclear power plant area remains normal.” the report by the Russian Ministry of Defence reads.
A day before, The APU fired at the Zaporozhye NPP three times. A total of 17 shells were fired, 4 of which hit the roof of Special Building No 1, where 168 assemblies of US WestingHouse nuclear fuel are stored. 10 more shells exploded 30 metres from the dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and 3 more exploded near Special Building No 2, which houses TVEL’s fresh nuclear fuel storage unit and solid radioactive waste storage facility.
At the moment, the NPP works in normal mode but the authorities of the Russian-controlled part of the Zaporozhye region have worked out a plan to evacuate the population in case of accidents at the NPP, said the head of the military-civil administration of the region. Since July 18, the Zaporozhye NPP has been daily shelled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the right bank of the Dnieper.
Electricity from the fifth and sixth power units of the Zaporozhye NPP is supplied to both Russian-controlled and Ukrainian-controlled territories.
“The fifth and sixth power units are in operation. They are not working at full capacity. Electricity is supplied on both sides of the Dnieper,” the head of the local administration declared.
The Kiev regime tries its best to bring the Zaporozhie NPP out of operation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have two ways to achieve their goal. The shelling is aimed to destroy a nuclear fuel storage facility or a nuclear waste storage facility in order to cause a nuclear disaster. They are also trying to disable the key components of the nuclear power plant, such as power lines, battery groups, electric generators, pumping stations, water supply and cooling system units of the NPP. Such damage can cause reactive uncontrolled processes and lead to a disaster that can surpass the Chernobyl and Fukushima catastrophes. Recall that the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is the largest in Europe.
Myocarditis effect of the Covid Spike Protein was actually on purpose?
Here is a smoking gun:
The highly respected Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published an article about the Wuhan lab's activities with the gain of function and their refusal to provide information.

Baric's work involves coronaviruses, including gain of function research aimed at devising effective vaccines against coronaviruses.[1] Baric has warned of emerging coronaviruses presenting as a significant threat to global health, due to zoonosis.[2][3] Baric's work has drawn criticism from some members of the scientific community because in 2015, Baric and his team engineered at least one coronavirus that was transmissible to humans. [4] An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that Baric's lab had the capability to create SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. [5][6]
In 2015, with Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, he published an article titled "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence," which describes their work in generating and characterizing "a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone."[14] The research related to this article has drawn criticism from other scientists Because Baric and his peers engineered a coronavirus with possible pandemic potential which these scientists considered unnecessarily risky. [15]
In 2020, Baric contributed to establishing the official nomenclature and taxonomic classification of SARS-CoV-2.[16]

Dr. William Makis MD . @MakisMD:
💥 COVID-19 Spike protein designed to be CARDIOTOXIC 💥 New to me: "Ralph Baric's lab spent a considerable amount of time and money in 80s/90s researching how to INDUCE heart disease with coronaviruses" Let's take University COVID Vaccine mandates. They never made sense. It was clear to me from day 1 that the INTENT of University mandates was to damage as many young hearts as possible. This was not "negligence" Myocarditis is not an "adverse event" Myocarditis was the desired end goal . Sudden cardiac death - was the desired end goal Most people will never be able to wrap their heads around this.
Deaths follow the vaccinations:

Here are the Democrats shamelessly showing what they really intend to do with those new agents:
IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal — Is Picked to Lead the “Centralized Office” for the New 87,000 Employees
The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:
Hundreds of conservative groups were targeted
At least 5 pro-Israel groups
Constitutional groups
Groups that criticized Obama administration
At least two pro-life groups
An 83 year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor
A 180 year-old Baptist paper
A Texas voting-rights group
A Hollywood conservative group was targeted and harassed
Conservative activists and businesses
At least one conservative Hispanic group
IRS continued to target groups even after the scandal was exposed
10% of Tea Party donors were audited by the IRS
And… 100% of the 501(c)(4) Groups Audited by IRS Were Conservative
Here is the FBI exposed as interfering with the 2020 election:
(Ask yourself, if they would do that to affect the election, what else would they be expected to do? It's a long list...)
Missouri AG Schmitt’s Lawsuit FORCES Zuckerberg to ADMIT the FBI TOLD FACEBOOK TO CENSOR THE BIDEN LAPTOP During the 2020 Election
The suit alleges a massive coordinated effort by the Deep State to work with Big Tech to censor and manipulate Americans – from average citizens to news outlets – on issues including the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, 2020 Election Integrity, COVID-19 origin and extent skepticism, COVID-19 vaccine skepticism, among other issues.
The defendants in the case include: (partial list)
JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., in his official capacity as President of the United States;
XAVIER BECERRA, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services;
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, in his official capacity as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and as Chief Medical Advisor to the President; NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES; CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION; ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security;
ROBERT SILVERS, in his official capacity as Under Secretary of the Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, within DHS;
SAMANTHA VINOGRAD, in her official capacity as Senior Counselor for National Security in the Office of the Secretary for DHS;
JEN EASTERLY, in her official capacity as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency; CYBERSECURITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY AGENCY;
GINA McCARTHY, in her official capacity as White House National Climate Advisor,and NINA JANKOWICZ, in her official capacity as director of the so-called “Disinformation Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland Security,
... and many others. See this link for more details and the full filing:
Mark Zuckerberg Tells Joe Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Story For 7 Days on Request From FBI (VIDEO)

New way to cheat in mail in balloting: Undeliverable ballots voting:
QUOTE: This one-hour section from the Summit of Truth is well worth your time — if you care about our elections. It's called "The Trial of the Machines."
It explains what are called "Cast Vote Records" and why these records are the clearest indicators of machine-based election fraud.
Mike Lindell interviewed cyber experts Jeff O'Donnell and Walter Daugherity to discuss these records.
-You learn that a Pima County (AZ) whistleblower attended a meeting of Democrats in September 2021 where each of them was promised an extra 35,000 votes. The whistleblower sent an email explaining this cheating to the FBI.
-You learn that Utah — which does all mail-in voting — refuses to turn over any of its Cast Vote Records.
-You learn that Texas refused to turn over any of its Cast Vote Records — until AG Ken Paxton forced them to do so.
-You learn that Edison Research — the company that reports the vote counts for American elections to the media — reported impossible and absurd numbers in the 2020 election!
The Cast Vote Records are the clearest indicators of whether or not there is machine-based election fraud.
On September 3, 2022, federal protections for these records under Title 52 Section 20701 comes to an end allowing the legal destruction of these records.
Don't let these records disappear from the public conscience.
Excellent and complete analysis of the Darya Dugina killing
Collection of evidence that the Weimar German Hitler culture was sexually etc depraved
Trying to get critics killed here in the US includes "swatting":

Planned Parenthood, hand in hand with the CDC, has put together a secret site for children to learn all about everything sexual, transgender, drag, and so on. The site has an escape button to keep parents from seeing what their kids are learning on the internet. The application covers every feeling and thought the child might ever have had about this deeply personal part of life, and insists on secrecy--like Vegas, what happens there, stays there. No sharing.

Biased much?

Layers on layers of genuinely evil puppeteers:
