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Had Enough Yet Military?


Getting warmed to the idea of defying the command....

Task Force Pineapple

A group of highly trained US military veterans have been conducting secret rescue missions behind the Biden State Department’s back, rescuing hundreds of Afghan allies from Afghanistan with their heroic efforts.

Furious over the terrible situation in they had already sacrificed so much to prevent when they served, the team of retired specialists, including Green Berets and Navy SEALS, risked their lives. They volunteered to travel to Kabul because they were afraid that Joe Biden was abandoning at-risk Afghan elite forces, leaving them to die at the hands of terrorists.

They felt it was necessary for someone to step up and were baffled “that our own government didn’t do this,” former Navy SEAL Jason Redman told ABC.

The heroic team started with the goal to rescue an ex-Afghan commando that was under imminent threat from the Taliban for having worked with US military forces in the past. They were able to get him and his family safely out of danger.

After that mission was a success, they waded through sewers and used satellite imagery to avoid dozens of Taliban checkpoints so they could covertly smuggle people to the airport.

Their courageous efforts have enabled 630 people to safely get to their evacuation flights out of Afghanistan.

The volunteer unit was commanded by Lt. Col. Scott Mann, a retired Green Beret commander. He explained how the team was proud to have risked their lives to save “dozens of high-risk individuals, families with small children, orphans, and pregnant women.”

He explained to ABC: “This Herculean effort couldn’t have been done without the unofficial heroes inside the airfield who defied their orders to not help beyond the airport perimeter, by wading into sewage canals and pulling in these targeted people who were flashing pineapples on their phones.”

The rogue team also used “pineapple express” as a password that was given to US military members who denied their orders to assist the veterans when they brought people to the airfield.

They had been operating until Thursday morning, when some of their team were among those injured in the suicide bombing near the airport that killed over 180, including 13 US Military members.

“I just want to get my people out,” Maj. Jim Gant, a retired Green Beret who ABC said has been dubbed “Lawrence of Afghanistan,” told the network of the daring operation.

The operation was referred to as “Pineapple Express.” “I have been involved in some of the most incredible missions and operations that a special forces guy could be a part of, and I have never been a part of anything more incredible than this,” Gant insisted. “The bravery and courage and commitment of my brothers and sisters in the Pineapple community was greater than the US commitment on the battlefield,” he said.

The volunteer force was led by another retired Green Beret commander, Lt. Col. Scott Mann, who told ABC the team was proud to have helped “dozens of high-risk individuals, families with small children, orphans, and pregnant women.”

“This Herculean effort couldn’t have been done without the unofficial heroes inside the airfield who defied their orders to not help beyond the airport perimeter, by wading into sewage canals and pulling in these targeted people who were flashing pineapples on their phones,” Mann said.

The rescues continued “up to just seconds before ISIS detonated a bomb into the huddled mass of Afghans seeking safety and freedom” on Thursday, Mann told ABC.

“Leaving a man behind is not in our SEAL ethos. Many Afghans have a stronger vision of our democratic values than many Americans do,” said Dan O’Shea, a retired SEAL commander and former counterinsurgency adviser in Afghanistan.

Former deputy assistant secretary of defense Mick Mulroy said the task force felt it was their duty to save allies who “never wavered” in supporting the US. “I and many of my friends are here today because of their bravery in battle. We owe them all effort to get them out and honor our word,” Mulroy said.

Biden Administration provides a Kill List to the Taliban.

One Soldier Spoke Out Against Botched Handling Of Afghanistan, Another Said She Would Kill Americans… Guess Which One Was Fired

Details here:

Black Market Bonanza for China, Iran, Russia...

The Afghanistan Special Operations Wing had twenty-three Swiss-built Pilatus PC-12 spy aircraft refitted by Sierra-Nevada for $218 million with signals-intelligence gear to spy on communications.

A variant of its popular PC-12 NG single-engine turboprop reconfigured for (ISR) intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Also known as the U28-A was developed in a super secret program to be used by the US as (ISR) aircraft. The official nickname given to these planes by the US Air Force is ‘Draco” which means the dragon. Cost per unit quoted appears to he $12 million each plus modification upgrade costs.

The intelligence-gathering electronics on these planes are classified and were developed at great cost to the US Government. This is a technology that never should have ended up in the hands of the Taliban. With the CCP on the ground in Kabul, this will be a prime target for acquisition. They won’t pass on the opportunity to get their hands on US covert Intelligence gathering electronics surveillance and communications equipment. US is trying to hide the extent of this loss. SIGAR audit report has been removed from its site.

Political Prisoners Abuse Under Excuse of Covid

When the January 6 detainees stand before a judge in federal court to adjudicate conspiracy charges and allegations of domestic terrorism after languishing in a Washington, D.C. jail for months, at first glance they may be mistaken for cavemen or Islamic jihadists.

Inmates who refuse to get an experimental COVID19 vaccination are prohibited from using razors, getting haircuts, endure even longer periods of solitary confinement and are barred from visitation privileges, their families explained in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, an Army reservist who worked on a Naval base in New Jersey, was apprehended on January 15 after the Federal Bureau of Investigations confirmed he stepped in the Capitol building for a few minutes during the “insurrection” and took a selfie.

“He, literally, has not held a can of shaving cream or razer since his arrest,” his aunt and advocate Cynthia Hughes told TGP. “That was the last time he was able to shave. You’re talking about somebody who was in the military, who keeps their hair short – he’s always clean-cut. This is somebody with no criminal history who has been in the military for 13 years. He hasn’t shaved since January 15.

“When they go present themselves in front of the judge, they actually look like terrorists – you actually look like madman or jihadist when you can’t shave for 8 months.”

Until June, amid the Washington D.C. Department of Corrections’ compliance with Covid “safety” protocol, all of the Jan 6. inmates jailed in Washington were held in solitary confinement in cells the size of a walk-in closet for up to 24 hours a day and allowed just 1 hour a day of recreation time during which they were permitted to shower, call their attorneys, call their families and human interaction before they were thrown back in their cell.

As Covid restrictions waned at the start of the summer, the detainees were allotted 5 hours of rec time. Still, the inmates, who are denied bond for allegedly trespassing in the People’s House, are being told by guards that they are barred access from basic necessities until they receive the mRNA Covid19 vaccination.

“Many are not out of solitary confinement,” Hughes continued. “Almost eight months later, they are still denied religious services, denied physical activity. They do not go outside. They do not see sunlight. They are denied grooming services. What’s the justification for that? What’s their reasoning? COVID. They tell them that they have to take the vaccination to have access to those things.”

“We know one of the Jan. 6 guys in there who did take the vaccine and he is still being denied access to those services,” warns Hughes, who organized a support group for the families of January 6 detainees. “They just want to mess with these guys. They just want to hurt them. They just want to play games with them. It’s just a lie. Get the vaccine, you still won’t get sunlight or fresh air.”

“Now, they are saying the video visitation is not working at the moment and I am not allowed to see him if I go to DC. If they did let me in, Joe would have to be put back in quarantine for two weeks,” Deena told TGP. “They have no right to their religious beliefs – they are not allowed speak to a pastor because of Covid. He’s Christian – he’s being denied that. He is sitting there with no due process.”

Like most of the Jan 6. detainees, who sing the national anthem every night at 9 pm from their cells, Joseph refuses to get the jab.

“He’s not allowed to shave or get his hair cut or anything like that because he’s not going to get the vaccine,” Deena said. “He said he had to get ahold of a comb the other day so he can comb the hair on the top of his lip – are you kidding me? The sad thing is they are keeping these guys in jail and they are going in front of the judge looking like cavemen, like Osama Bin Laden terrorists.

“One of the guys that was released a couple of weeks ago, was on our family zoom on Sunday. He showed us a picture of what he looked like when he was let out. He looked like a caveman. He even said, ‘I would have been scared if I saw this guy walking down the street, I’d run the other way.'”

Tokyo's Medical association says Ivermectin should be prescribed for Covid:

Trump: "The FDA is virtually controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer has control, not Johnson and Johnson, not Moderna, but Pfizer has control over the FDA."

All those "unvaccinated" numbers for people dying or hospitalized were incorrect.

Bombshell: CDC Counts Those who Die within 14 Days of a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated!

“Unvaccinated LA residents were 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19: CDC study.” Citing the Los Angeles County Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report released on Tuesday, even local news promoted the claim that “Unvaccinated L.A. County residents [are] 5 times more likely to get COVID, 29 times more likely to be hospitalized.”

Looking at a screenshot of the CDC release, one can observe the definitions for what they consider “fully vaccinated,” “partially vaccinated,” or “unvaccinated.”

According to the chart, “unvaccinated <14 days receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data were available.”

This means if someone was hospitalized, admitted to ICU, required mechanical ventilation or died within two weeks of getting the jab they are being counted as “unvaccinated.”

This is safe and effective:

Monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 now available by injection

Getting diagnosed with COVID-19 can be scary. However, in addition to the safe and effective vaccines we have in the US, we now have more treatments available that can reduce the severity of COVID-19 in those who have become infected.

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments have the potential to save lives, keep COVID-19 patients out of the hospital and relieve the current burden on Oregon’s health care system. The treatment is now available in both subcutaneous (an injection) and intravenous (IV) form.

One monoclonal antibody treatment is currently available in Oregon through Health and Human Services (HHS) for free and has proven to be effective against the Delta variant.

From the Oregon Health Authority

Vaccine fading and timing for vaccine failure:

Israel vax peak in Jan through Feb 2021

Oregon vax peak in Feb through May 2021

British Columbia vax peak in May through August 2021

So Oregon and B.C. vaxed are still fairly fresh compared to Israel. Vaccine efficacy fade? Leading to boosters every 6 months: The subscription you cannot quit.

If theory holds, things might get bad for Oregon in middle of winter Dec 2021 through Jan 2021, depending on what variant is kicking around. B.C. may follow in early spring.

The truth comes out.

In an online exclusive, Reuters reported last week that the FBI found scantevidence that the events of January 6th were planned. Translation: Parler was scapegoated and removed from the internet without basis. It's something Parler's CEO, George Farmer, isn't taking lightly. "We are owed an apology from everyone who rushed to judgment about Parler—but especially from our competitors and service providers who should have known better."

(Perhaps they are also owed damages in court...)

Deer infected with Covid:

In a federal survey of coronavirus in white-tailed deer in Michigan, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania, the U.S. Department of Agriculture detected evidence of the virus in 33% of cases.

"We do not know how the deer were exposed to SARS- CoV-2. It’s possible they were exposed through people, the environment, other deer, or another animal species. "

This may be helpful in reducing the effects of the spike protein:

Scant 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) or 1 gram N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC); 1/2 tsp or 2 grams Glycine; rounded 1/3 tsp or 2 grams Vitamin C. Mix with large glass of water with some fruit juice, take 3 times a day with or without food. Get 250 gram packets of each from Bulk Supplements. Do this for 60 days after vaccination or illness.

(The NAC is the key, as it disintegrates the 3-D structure of the spike proteins.

Personal Guinea Pig Report: I mixed up some in water and drank it. It tastes pleasant and I feel good. I used a half dose since I'm not that large. No I'm not a doctor. This was recommended to me by a research scientist friend who specializes in biomedicine and nutrition.

These protocols are from MDs, in case they come in handy for you:








    • Essential Documents

Found here:

Cellphones are being seized in Afghanistan and if a Bible App is found on it the person may be killed.

According to SAT-7, an organization that broadcasts Christian programs to churches and Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, the Taliban is using “spies and informants” to persecute the Christian minority in the country.

We’re hearing from reliable sources that the Taliban demand people’s phones, and if they find a downloaded Bible on your device, they will kill you immediately,” said SAT-7 North America President Dr. Rex Rogers told Religion News Service. “It’s incredibly dangerous right now for Afghans to have anything Christian on their phones. The Taliban have spies and informants everywhere.”

Solution? A Covert Bible that looks like a calculator on the cellphone, but when a code is entered, it becomes a Bible.

It can be downloaded here for free: In Afghanistan Christians are currently being persecuted for their faith and even killed for possessing a copy of the Bible. This covert version of the KJV Holy Bible app provides a solution. This fully functional calculator app provides a useful tool for daily use. And, when you type in your own special security code, it will move aside and give you full access to the KJV Bible functionality! The calculator screen is customizable, allowing you to choose the look and feel you prefer from "edgy corporate" to "bubble gum". This covert Bible Reference application is provided to you 100% free of charge and will not annoy you with advertising or ever share your personal information. The stand-alone Bible does not require a network connection and features easy Search capability, quick access to book, chapter and verse, bookmarking and annotations, text to speech and auto-scrolling.

Happy Wellness Concentration Camp

1,000 bed covid camp in Australia is being built. Here is the creepy video with happy music pushing the concentration camp:

Pledging Allegiance to the Queers:

11th Grade High School Teacher Kristin Pitzen teacher at Back Bay High School in the Newport Mesa Unified School District revealed that she doesn’t make kids say the Pledge of the Allegiance and that she also doesn’t have the Star-Spangled Banner in her classroom. Pitzen claims that she took the flag down during the COVID-19 pandemic because it “made [her] uncomfortable.” In another video posted to her Tik Tok, Pitzen shows off all of her different pride flags in her classroom. She then pledges allegiance to “the queers.”

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