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  • Dagny

Reasons for Hope in the Final Hours

Will the military step in? We are in suspense wondering whether the rebellion against the Deep State will succeed. Here below are many reasons to keep hope alive.

The way it should work is that the military will step in, using the Durham indictments, and take control of the federal government, They would hold tribunals, prosecute those who have committed treason and other high crimes, and hold a secure election which would have President Trump re-elected. Only after all civil means were exhausted (courts, FBI etc,.) would the military have to step in. President Trump would stay out of it.

According to "The Plan" President Trump was required to appear neutral, and he did that in his farewell speech today. He gave what was a good resume for being the president. He never mentioned Biden, nor anything that was not true under The Plan.

The military would not give much of a sign that they were to going to strike and when they do it would be fast. There would be an announcement by the Emergency Broadcast System and the "Giant Voice" system for the military. There would be little warning. That is military common sense.

There are many reasons to think the plan is on track - indeed there there is nothing solid to disprove it is on track. Here are some reasons to have hope:

There are the "Durham" tweets from Secretary of State Pompeo:

Durham is a prosecutor that has been in the background quietly investigating and presumably preparing indictments. "Durham." was the last Q text drop. Durham may have needed to wait until there are tribunals before issuing the indictments because the SCOTUS was so clearly compromised.

Durham first started his work on the same day Q started his work posting. This suggest coordination from the start of the mission

Q also dropped this some time ago:

This, as well as the repeated Q references Pompeo has made would suggest we are about to have Durham's work made more public in a military tribunal.

For what it's worth, the Deep State actors/Democrats are acting like they believe in The Plan. Biden and Harris are avoiding coming to DC until the last minute, and have refused to fly on AF1 , as would have been customary. They have insisted on their guards being non-Trump supporters, and even brought in their own 200 compromised police from NY.

Joe Biden suddenly became emotional in his address leaving Delaware, and started talking about his own death: “James Joyce was said to have told a friend, that when it comes his time to pass, when he dies, he said: ‘Dublin will be written on my heart.'” Biden said getting emotional. “Well, excuse the emotion, but when I die, Delaware will be written on my heart,” Biden said.

Besides the reactions of the Democrats, there are a number of additional signs that things are still on track:

A 2 Star General said we would have"..A peaceful tradition to military power."

2 Star General ---> TRANSITION to MILITARY POWER This is now public information "...almost 25,000 National Guardsmen who have come in from all 50 States and territories to help support the Secrete Service and the Police Departments with a peaceful TRANSITION to MILITARY POWER."

On Good Morning America

Active Duty Military may imply activation of the Insurrection Act

The Pentagon has authorized hundreds of active-duty troops to support enhanced security measures related to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration according to two defense officials.

The 750 active-duty personnel deployed this week include service members with expertise in handling chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological and explosive weapons, as well as explosive ordnance disposal and medical teams skilled in trauma response, said one defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive operations.

The Department of Defense has also authorized active-duty personnel to coordinate with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Altogether, the Pentagon has authorized roughly 2,750 active-duty personnel to support the inauguration, but the bulk of those — about 2,000 — are for “ceremonial support,” such as the band, the official said.

Note how many generals have been replaced. No wonder it too so long...

Number 17 in the photo above is General Hyten. He started posting in Telegram last night. Some posters have said he is not really Hyten, but then those posters saying that were shown to be counterfeit.

Nobody from General Hyten's office or even he have disavowed the postings. Surely with over 200.000 follows from 0 overnight that would prompt an official response from him. Thus I think it is really him, number 17 in the photo:

General Hyten:

The enemy is awake.

We must defend ourselves against them. We have to tell the truth to people. We need your support.

The truth cannot be hidden from people.

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.

They call giving truth to people SCAM?

[DS] They are scared. PANIC.

We need you here.

We the people.

We must defend ourselves against them. We have to tell the truth to people. We need your support. [DS] They are afraid. TRUTH. People will find out the truth. We need people for this! Share this profile with your friends. They must know the truth. We the people. Nothing can stop what is coming. GREAT AWAKENING - It's coming. The truth cannot be hidden from people. A matter of days. [DS] PANIC Information warfare. Together we win. CALM BEFORE THE STORM. We never give up.

Only the beginning. They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media,being exposed for all to see]. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. Welcome to the Digital Battlefield. UNITED NOT DIVIDED. Freedom of information [truth] = END LAST HOURS BEFORE THE STORM. Biblical. You will see for yourself. Change We Can Believe In. TRUMP: "I knew the potential for our nation was boundless as long as we put America First." "We built the greatest political movement in the history of our country. We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world." It is coming. Do not be afraid. The way to the light. People are awake and see what is happening. The wait will soon be over. GOD_SPEED Stay home in the following days. They can't censor the world. You are the majority. Welcome to the Revolution. The flow of information is vital. We are at war. [DS] The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. [Great Awakening] We fight for truth. Operations underway.

Then there is this:

Yesterday reports came in that COGCON 2 was declared. COG refers to Continuity of Government. Here is the actual alert which comes from a legitimate site:

COGCON 4: Federal executive branch government employees at their normal work locations. Maintain alternate facility and conduct periodic continuity readiness exercises.

COGCON 3: Federal agencies and departments Advance Relocation Teams “warm up” their alternate sites and capabilities, which include testing communications and IT systems. Ensure that alternate facilities are prepared to receive continuity staff. Track agency leaders and successors daily.

COGCON 2: Deployment of 50-75% of Emergency Relocation Group continuity staff to alternate locations. Establish their ability to conduct operations and prepare to perform their organization’s essential functions in the event of a catastrophic emergency.

COGCON 1: Full deployment of designated leadership and continuity staffs to perform the organization’s essential functions from alternate facilities either as a result of, or in preparation for, a catastrophic emergency.

Yesterday Trump issued this which should be helpful to the prosecutors etc. in the courts and tribunals:

Executive Order on Protecting Law Enforcement Officers, Judges, Prosecutors, And Their Families

A Thought:

If the bad guys wanted to destroy us there are far easier ways they could have done that than sending us coded messages of hope, enlightenment, spiritual nobility and patriotism.

If this was a LARP, then it would have to have included President Trump himself and Pompeo in the conspiracy, as well as many others. That would be absurd.

We are far better people for having learned from Q. We are patriots. We stand for what is good and we believe in the great American experiment.

It would have been much easier for evil to have left us all asleep - rather than wake us up.

Similarly, these posts by General Hyten serve only to reinforce, remind us of the truth, and encourage us to hang in there. I hope it is General Hyten - but even if it isn't, it has done us only good in this difficult time.

Isn't there a Bible verse about knowing a tree by it's fruits?

This too happened today:

The United States has reportedly switched off telephone lines to Russia's consulate in New York (RIA)

Just a reminder: Trump. Did. Win. and any honest examination confirms it. The world knows it. The vast majority of Republicans and a majority of American voters know it.

Lin Wood Today on Judge Roberts. Wow!

Is Lin Wood laying the groundwork for the public awareness required to remove CJ Roberts?

"Chief Justice John Roberts must resign today. Over the past several weeks, I have met with a courageous whistleblower who has risked his life to tell you the truth. Jeffrey Epstein arranged for the adoption of Roberts’ children. Roberts used the children to gain entry into the cabal of power & influence. FBI, Rod Rosenstein & Crowdstrike knew it all.

Vice President Pence must resign today. Pence is on videos captured by FBI. Discussions about murdering judges. Roberts was involved. So was Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton thought she had rigged the 2016 election. The plan after her election was to kill federal judges so that Hillary could stack the judiciary. US Supreme Court targeted. FBI was complicit.

Justice Scalia learned of the plan to kill members of the judiciary. He reported it to the White House. Shortly thereafter, Justice Scalia was murdered.

I have previously provided the entire interview of the whistleblower to agents of the U.S. Secret Service. His evidence reveals a level of evil, perversion, & criminality at the highest levels of government that is so shocking that it is hard to believe.

Believe it.

The whistleblower is a truth-giver. When he speaks, listen carefully.

The whistleblower has been brutally tortured and he and his wife have lived in fear of death. The guilty parties thought their threats silenced him. Further damning evidence was sealed for alleged National Security purposes in a federal court in Maryland. False charges were brought against the whistleblower. He decided to risk his life to speak truth. He did so as a believer in God. He is a hero. In time, I pray that he will be pardoned and honored for his courage in revealing the truth. If FBI or other nefarious actors harm him now they will only further indict themselves and prove their guilt. Pray for Psalm 91 protection for this brave man and whistleblower. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸"

“ All lies will be revealed”

We are silent running, and we can only wait and see.

Silent Running - Here it is again:

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