Happy Veterans Day and Thanks to all those who have fought to keep America Great and Free. We hope to honor your deeds best by doing our best to continue your mission.

Q early this morning:

Democrats were desperate to save John Fetterman from his dumpster fire campaign, as the Trump-endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz was pulling ahead in the polls. But somehow, on the day after the election, it was announced that despite the polling showing the cognitively challenged post-stroke victim John Fetterman falling behind in the polls, he somehow managed to receive more votes than his Republican opponent Dr. Oz.
Phillips explained, “More than that, we have irrefutable evidence that the entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China—And, machine serial numbers, ballot bundle numbers, and—They didn’t steal it. They gave it to the CCP and PLA.”
He explained, “This is why we were put in prison. They had to silence us.”
A defiant Phillips said, “We will not sit down. We will not shut up.

Total s-show everywhere. Tabulators broken, machines broken, printers broken, counting stopped last night after less than 2% in-person was counted and all mail-in and dead people were counted, presumably to make Kari Lake concede early (as if!) Very little results today. Heavily gerrymandered as well. Total fraud, needs comprehensive audit and overhaul of the election systems.

From Q some time ago. : 351,000 above. 350,000 below

Video here: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZDqbvOOz/tucker-carlson-its-hard-to-under/c/


Well the Keystone State is the Keystone for the Democrats this year. They had to install Fetterman and Shapiro. Shapiro is bad, and Fetterman is worse, but I can't imagine Dr Oz winning would have been much more endearing. Fetterman has all the charm and vigor of a seasick crocodile, so audit this Grinch of a state!

For some reason they let Yu go this week....
Other States Summaries... : Subject to updates...
Alabama has a lot of gerrymandering, with the only CD to be won by less than a 30-point margin being the seemingly "designated Democrat" district. However, results came in fairly quickly, and by today, all counties are reporting at least 90% in, with the vast majority having reported all votes. However, all of the MAGA candidates seem to be winning. Kay Ivey and Katie Britt won easily in this deep red state. Audit not required, but definitely a less gerrymandered map.
The sheer remoteness and size of the single-district state make it impossible to have all of the results within a day. Low infrastructure also doesn't help in that regard. Looks like a runoff between Tshibaka and Murkowski. The vote splitting in the House race pushes Peltola to victory, though a runoff will likely occur. Alaska needs a better method of electing congressional candidates or just split the Republican party there into two.
SHS won bigly!!! But she was called wayyyy to early. A lot of counties are not reporting in more than 50% according to Fox News, but supposedly 98% of the vote has been counted. Who knows what that means. But if counties aren't reporting en masse by the next morning there is a major problem. Audit should occur, to make sure that results weren't tampered.
Enormously problematic. Gerrymandering, democrat machines in every city, elections called with 0% in. This will never happen, but deep audits need to take place everywhere and the entire system overhauled. California is 60% blue but sends a 75% blue delegation to DC.
There were problems in 2020 about ballot trails and obstruction by the SOS. Boebert is being cheated by the tiniest of margins. Gerrymandering, Dominion machines, mail-in voting, etc make this state a must-audit. Ganahl should have won by a good margin.
Update Boebert won anyway!
Closer than expected. Badly gerrymandered so that only one district is really competitive at all, this tiny state still saw a red wave big enough to Jahana Hayes a run for their money. Definitely audit this state.
Biden's home state was about as sleepy as Joe himself, with the incumbent Democrat seeing a closer margin than usual but still comfortable. Audit the frick out of this state, though. It's deep blue and God only knows what they've been up to.
As of right now all counties are reporting 100% in. Florida is now solid red, almost 60% for DeSantis and Rubio ain't far behind. Not much gerrymandering going on, Florida is looking good. Audit to prove the win!
Hoo boy is this bad. A RINO beat a Fatso, Walker got cheated big time (though they are stalling releasing votes because they can't admit that he won). However, every county is reporting 100% in. Certain runoff, but the CD's aren't too gerrymandered. AUDIT!
Hawaii stayed very, very blue. Only 87% in so far, do islands affect election results? Audit!
I think Idaho is pretty clean, so let's prove it with an AUDIT!
The shenanigans never end here. IL17 still hasn't been called despite the Dem being WAY ahead. Winnebago Cty is reporting 101% in via Fox News. Eight counties have yet to report anything at all! Cook Cty 98% in. Illinois would be solid red if it weren't for the Chicago machine gerrymandering the rest of the state. IL15 is vomit-inducing. AUDIT! AUDIT! AUDIT!
Ah, nice clean CD borders. Delaware County hasn't reported a THING yet, and a couple dozen counties are still very tiny amounts in or just early voting. It does look like Fort Wayne is going to be voting red this year. Audit!
Des Moines County (which is actually nowhere near Des Moines itself) is only reporting early voting. Otherwise the state seems clean. Nunn flipped IA 3 so the entire delegation to Congress is Republican. Audit?
Trust Kansas? Not to draw fair districting! I still can't fathom how a Democrat is elected to governor in such a rural state as Kansas. Audit!
Good old fried chicken wing with only 3 blue counties. KY01 is really the only gerrymandered district, but I'd say that an audit would be good nonetheless.
Kennedy delivered a powerful smackdown thanks to a packed ticket. Last night totals were slow to come in. LA 02 should be illegal since it cuts LA 01 in half where it shouldn't have to be cut in half. Fix the gerrymandering and audit!
Sure ain't looking good here. My grandparents basically ran Maine's conservative politics via the Christian Coalition of Maine for 20 years in the 80s and 90s, stalling the Gay Rights and Abortion bills. I can't fathom how horrible it is now with basically no strong leadership (hearing this from former CCME officials up there. ME 02 is looking tough right now. Audit Maine!
Gerrymandering is seriously toned down from previously, and it looks like Parrott will win MD 06. Its interesting how all the counties are 100% in but Fox says that only 73% has been counted so far in MD 06. Audit the Maryland Swamp!
Of course, a tiny, densely-populated state somehow can't get all of the votes within 24 hours! A number of counties are reporting less than 90% in. I also can't believe that Massachusetts is so amazingly gerrymandered that at least 800,000 people don't have any representation at all. Audit!
Such a horrible person Whitmer is. mielections.us showed Tudor Dixon well ahead of Whitmer until around 2:30 PM, when all of a sudden she and Whitmer switched places to line up with AP reporting. Third party candidates also saw strange number shifts. That's definitely not suspicious! MI 10 is represented by a Republican now! I also think its interesting that Whitmer was reelected by a wider margin than her last election after mandates, lockdowns, and tyranny. AUDIT!
Entirely unsurprising election fraud. Walz somehow won an election after running Minnesota into the ground. Generally, however, Minnesota finished up counting pretty early (though Hennepin just got done). Audit!
Just House elections, but, predictably, the "designated Democrat" district has yet to count 9% of its vote after a whole day. Audit!
Oorah! MO-4 and MO-7 both go to Republicans, keeping those seats safe. Schmitt wins the Senate race quite handily. No problems getting votes counted, unlike its southern neighbor, Arkansas. However, audit to confirm these results!
Little activity in the Big Sky Country. Rosendale wins so massively in MT-2 than the runner-up is an independent. Zinke is ahead of Tranel in MT-1 but with only 86% counted so far who knows if cheating will play a factor. Audit!
What in tarnation is going on in Nebraska? 24 hours in and only a dozen counties or so have fully counted their ballots. Only two counties have democrats in the lead. However, those two still have about 14% to come in so things should change and Nebraska could join Oklahoma as an all-red state! Audit!
They are scared to admit it, but its looking very likely that Jacky Rosen will be all alone as she goes to Congress next year. Races are very close in the three southern districts, Laxalt is ahead in the Senate race, and Lombardo looks safely ahead as well. It's coming together so that Lombardo and his new administration can AUDIT Nevada and maybe get rid of that pesky and destructive gambling industry!
New Hampshire
In a tired repeat of many states, New Hampshire votes a Republican for Governor and a Democrat for Senate. New Hampshire is nicely gerrymandered to prevent Republicans from getting either seat unless through holy intervention. Can we get an AUDIT!
New Joisey
Tom Kean Jr knocked Malinkowski out of the game with a DECISIVE victory in NJ-07. A heavily gerrymandered state, New Joisey is rank with fraud and corruption and has the worst airport in the US too! Audit NJ and raze Newark-Liberty Airport while yer at it!
New Mexico
New Mexico is staying bluer than ever, with Gabriel Vasquez looking likely to beat Yvette Herrell in her own district. Of course, just under half of New Mexico voters are going to be disenfranchised by the Albuquerque-Santa Fe machine, and its looking likely that New Mexico will send an all-blue team to DC. Quite unfortunate, be we must AUDIT NM!
New York
Audit. Just freaking audit. We know Hochul could not have won, being a stand in for Andrew "Butcher" Cuomo. Luckily, the districts are not too gerrymandered, so we picked up 6 seats, some of which were pretty stinkin easy. Audit!
North Carolina
I have friends that live in this state. Boy oh boy they have been going nuts with how far Red it went. The machines must have really underestimated because all of the cheating they had couldn't prevent Budd from winning and Republicans picking up another House seat. Gerrymandering is far better now after redistricting. Audit to confirm these wins!
North Dakota
Off-year election cycle, pretty boring race. Audit to confirm!
As we roll through my state (and also Ashlanddog's! winks), We see Ohio moving into the Solid Red category. Due to redistricting, OH-1 flipped to blue, but its ok because JD Vance, Jim Jordan, and numerous other MAGA candidates won bigly! DeWine only lost 3 counties out of 88! Audit to confirm these WINS!
This place isn't even a contest lmfao. Of note is that both Dem Senate Candidates were named Horn. Two horns of Satan? Audit anyway, maybe our complacency on this state has made things not OK!
This state still hasn't declared a gubernatorial winner yet, and has yet to call half of its districts. Furthermore, many counties haven't released their totals. Audit!
Rhode Island
Vote blue, no matter who, seems to be the mantra of this state. Or is it? AUDIT!
South Carolina
Another example of most counties not showing full counts after 24 hours. Come on, man! At least we took SC-7. Gerrymandering.... AUDIT!
South Dakota
Noem! heart emojis She won bigly, and so did Thune and Johnson. Audit to confirm!
Its getting late and I'm getting tired, but Tennessee sure isn't getting tired of winning. Gerrymandering is a problem, so audit and redistrict!
Haha Beta Male O'Rourke got smacked down for the third time! Can we call him a perennial candidate? We took TX 15! Audit to confirm that Beto is Beta!
Even CIA sellout McMullin had to give up after Lee smashed him up! Votes are trickling in, audit this state!
Bernie, Bernie. Senate? Solid Blue. House? Solid Blue. Governor? Solid fricking Red. I don't understand, so AUDIT!
Gerrymandered, Kiggans wins VA-2! Audit!
Not a single county has published its totals yet. Most of them only have the early-votes. Not looking good, unfortunately. AUDIT!!!
West Virginia
Simple state, simple elections. AUDIT to confirm!
Shoulda gone Red. Coulda gone Red. Didn't. AUDIT!
Wyoming might just have all of its counties reelecting Gordon for Governor. Hageman was a walk in the park. For old-times' sake, audit Wyoming and find Liz Cheney a job already!

These Lincoln guys were trashing DeSantis just a short time ago... Red Flag!

Brazil Delivers the Audit!!

Brazilian update: the Defense Ministry (military) has delivered the electronic voting system audit..
They are clarifying that even though it didn't prove fraud, it didn't exclude it either, it also points a bunch of fishy stuff they are urging the TSE to look into.
Interesting development to say the least
Full note translated:
"In order to avoid distortions in the content of the report sent yesterday (9.11) to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the Ministry of Defense clarifies that the accurate work of the team of military technicians in the inspection of the electronic voting system, although not pointed out, it also did not exclude the possibility of fraud or inconsistency in the electronic voting machines and in the 2022 electoral process. In addition, the report indicated important aspects that require clarification. which are:
there was a possible security risk in the generation of programs from the electronic voting machines due to the occurrence of computers accessing the TSE network during the compilation of the source code;
the functionality tests of the polls (Integrity Test and Pilot Project with Biometrics), in the way they were carried out, were not enough to rule out the possibility of the influence of a possible malicious code capable of altering the functioning of the voting system; and
there were restrictions on the adequate access of technicians to the source code and software libraries developed by third parties, making it impossible to fully understand the execution of the code, which covers more than 17 million lines of programming.
As a result of these findings and other obstacles listed in the report, it is not possible to guarantee that the programs that were executed in the electronic voting machines are free from malicious insertions that alter their functioning.
Therefore, the Ministry of Defense urgently requested the TSE to carry out a technical investigation into what happened in the compilation of the source code and a thorough analysis of the codes that were actually executed in the electronic voting machines, creating, for these purposes, a specific commission of renowned technicians from society and technicians representing the inspection entities.
Finally, the Ministry of Defense reaffirms the permanent commitment of the Ministry and the Armed Forces to the Brazilian people, democracy, freedom, the defense of the Fatherland and the guarantee of Constitutional Powers, law and order."
Here's the link to the article:
Code Monkeys Weigh in:
Gotta love 17 million lines of code for what is essentially just a small multiple choice quiz + answer storage.
I have over 20 years of software dev experience, and I think it could easily be done in under 20,000 lines without much effort.
For comparison the linux kernel source is somewhere over 20 million lines. Am I supposed to believe that they implemented an operating system from scratch and then did decades of further development to improve it ???
Paper ballots are the only way to go, but if you are doing things electronically, this is beyond hideous.
▲4▼ Yeah, I'm 25+ sw-dev as well. You forgot all the back doors and algorithms, however, that would not hit the 17M mark. What is probably the bulk of code is obfuscation and dead code, so those doing the code reviews will just give up and give it an OK. Oh, and don't forget all those big copyright header comments... /s
I would wager, that if I could get a glance at the code, finding Clean Code would be less likely than winning the lottery.
Agree 100% with you on paper ballots. Electronics have no place in the bigger elections, where there is a lot at stake.
Yes, obfuscation most likely.
What do you guys mean by obfuscation? writing a bunch of nonsense that does nothing to hide the real working bits?
▲2▼ Yep, I commented about that in my previous thread, there's absolutely 0 reasons for a software that's supposed to only tabulate votes to have over 17 million lines of code 20k lines?
I could probably whip out something simple that does it in around 2k lines with python, because really, all the thing is doing is showing a big input prompt on screen for the candidate numbers, then you type the number in using the integrated number pad, it shows the picture and name of the candidate, you confirm pressing the big green button, that's it. candidate_x_votes += 1, done.

You put it all together and it looks a lot more like Paul Pelosi was having a gay sex tryst including drugs and alcohol while Nancy Pelosi was away on the east coast. Not surprising, it went badly, cops were called for a domestic disturbance, and the guy went nuts when the cops arrived.

Pelosi's Shooter's blog did not exist before Oct 28 per wayback machine Pelosi's shooter's blog, filled with extreme right content has no record of ever existing before Oct 28 2022 per wayback machine.
The blog was filled with content from 2007, then a 15 year break, to Aug where it started posting profanity filled single sentence comments with an extreme right wing meme.
If the timestamples were to be believed, there was 15 years of activity where the wayback machine would've possibly grabbed this.
This blog has been referred to multiple times as being the Pelosi suspect's blog as talking points that the suspect involved was a radical right winger. However, that means there is evidence that the blog was artificially edited to look as though it was 15+ years old but only made a day ago.
There is also another site that was referenced, but that was only registered a month ago on a domain.
Also the domain and SSL certificate were both created on Sept 8th:
Really looks like this site is no more than 2 months old.
Here is the hippie commune Pelosi’s pro-hemp nudist attacker lived in. It is festooned with LGBTQ flags, BLM signs and other Leftist propaganda.

His former wife/partner also said he was a Progressive.

An individual posed as a federal agent in attempting to gain access to the man accused of assaulting Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul, San Francisco law enforcement said on Thursday.
A person "pretended to be a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent in order to access Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape in jail," the San Francisco Sheriff's Department told San Francisco local news station KRON4.
The unnamed individual "arrived at the jail with a business card but no government credentials," the news network said.
It is unclear what happened to the individual alleged to have impersonated an I.C.E. official. The sheriff's office did not respond to the New York Post's request for comment on the matter.

From Kanye:

Govt secrets are only secret to ordinary people, not to nations engaged in the global cyberwar. The leaders of the top 20 spy nations know who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. Let me explain the reality of the hyper transparent spy world we’re living in today.
“Top secret” means nothing to the top spy agencies in the world. Secrecy exists to keep citizens in the dark. Russia and China know exactly who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines because in todays world it’s impossible for an operation like that to leave no trace. Let me explain:
All big tech databases are backdoored by every major spy agency. Every smartphone is an open mic to them. Every computer that is connected to the net is wide open. All major chips and most hardware is trojanized. All the data that one spy agency collects is stolen by the others.
All leaders of nations are targeted by spy tech and not one of them, not even the US President, isn’t spied on successfully 24/7 by multiple foreign and domestic agencies. Even the encrypted devices that spy agencies give to their leaders are backdoored. That’s the reality.
Occasional private conversations in zero tech environments are possible but the rare exception. Something like Nord Stream attack involves hundreds of people from military, agencies and the leadership of multiple countries. Impossible not to have a weak link in such a scenario.
The perpetrators of major events understand that their adversaries know exactly who did it and it’s a game they play against each other at the expense of ordinary people who become victims of stupid dick swinging contests. It’s a secret war that has been going on for decades.
I used to be a hacker, turned data security consultant, hired the top hackers in the world, was paid by Fortune 500 companies to hack them. We never had any client we didn’t hack successfully. That’s the truth. There’s no effective data security at all. Everything is wide open.
Spy agencies with billion dollar budgets have coders in all leading tech companies implementing backdoors. It’s impossible to keep them secret. Competing agencies, cyber criminals and security analysts find them. That’s why you constantly have to install new security patches.
I understand exactly how all of this works and when the NSA cooperated with their New Zealand partner agency GCSB to spy on my devices (in a copyright case) I caught them, exposed them, took them to court, forced a change of the law and the Prime Minister had to apologize to me.
When I’m sharing spy stuff with you I’m not wasting your time like the 50 American spy chiefs who got their presstitutes to tell you lies about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation or that Russia hacked the DNC and gave the @HillaryClinton data to Wikileaks.
Biden votes and then ... Eww...

President Biden cast an early vote at his local polling station in Wilmington, Del. on Saturday.
Biden, spending his customary weekend at his Delaware home, escorted his 18-year-old granddaughter Natalie, the daughter of his late son Beau, to vote for the first time.
Biden was filmed fondling the girl’s breast during a public event over the weekend and then kissing her in front of horrified onlookers.
During the event, quickly place an “I voted” sticker on her chest. He was then filmed rubbing the sticker onto her breast and pulling her in for a kiss on the mouth while continuing to fondle her breasts in front of reporters.
Video below:
