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22 November 2019 - Dinner News


56 years ago today President Kennedy was assassinated.  Thus it seems somehow timely that President Trump has tweeted early this morning: “Here we go!"

“Former FBI Employee Accused of Altering FISA Documents.” Hello, here we go! @foxandfriends

President Donald Trump previewed Friday the release of the Department of Justice inspector general report set down for December, describing the information as “historic.”

“They were spying on my campaign and it went right to the top and everybody knows it and now we’re going to find out,” Trump said.

“What you’re going to see, I predict, will be perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country,” Trump said.

I think it goes to the highest level, I hate to say it, I think it’s a disgrace, they thought I was going to win and they said, ‘How can we stop him,'” Trump concluded.

President Trump speaks pretty freely for ~45 minutes on Fox:

He calls Pelosi “crazy” and Schiff a “nut job” and a “sick puppy”.

"Sick Puppy" = Someone who is into dirty sex or anal sex, per the urban dictionary.

POTUS is probably hinting at Schiff's sex crimes/blackmail.

Fiona Hill Testifies that Obama Was Putin's Puppet

Fiona Hill testified that Obama refused to give military aid to Ukraine despite the fact that the "interagency" — the unelected wonks like Vindman who think they not Trump should run foreign policy — said that the U.S. should provide weapons to Ukraine to defend themselves against the Russian invasion.

Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.  Given that the Democrats are saying in the impeachment hearings that Trump temporarily not following the "guidance" of the interagency is an impeachable offense, clearly, Obama's permanent rejection of the interagency guidance must also be a crime.

Obama also told Medvedev this: "This is my last election.  After my election I have more flexibility."

That's far from the only example of Obama doing Putin's bidding for political gain.  Here's a few things that Obama did that really helped Putin:

1. Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.

5. When the Russian client running Syria used chemical weapons against civilians, Obama did nothing despite having proclaimed that to be a red line.  Instead, he turned the problem over to the Russians, who we now know allowed their client to retain some chemical weapons.

Compare that to how Trump's been treating Putin:

1. Got Germany to cancel a massive natural gas deal with Russia which cost Putin billions.

2. Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending.

3. Increased sanctions on Iran to get them to stop nuclear weapon development.

4. Bombed the Russian client's air base in Syria in response to the Syrian government using chemical weapons against civilians.

5. Significantly increased U.S. defense spending.

6. Provided lethal aid to the Ukrainians to help them fight off the Russian invasion.

7. Has told Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela.

8. Has increased sanctions on Russian entities.

This part of an interesting pattern where Democrats accuse Trump of crimes that he isn't committing but Democrats are.  Examples include the following:

Accusing Trump of "bribing" Ukraine when in fact that's what Biden did.

Accusing Trump of going easy on Putin when in fact that's what Obama did.

Accusing Trump of putting kids in cages when in fact that's what Obama did.

Accusing Trump of financial crimes and profiting from his office when in fact that's what Hillary did.

Accusing Trump of being racist when it's the Democrats who ignore the mass shooting of blacks in Chicago and deny black kids decent educations.

The Gateway Pundit ^ | November 21, 2019 | Jim Holt 

Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy posted a letter signed by the House Intelligence Oversight Committee to Pencil Neck Adam Schiff. 

In his letter Rep. McCarthy cites House Rule XI, Cause 2(j)(1) The Minority Rule on calling witnesses. This rule allows the Minority to call any witnesses they want on at least one day of a congressional hearing, upon notifying the Committee chairman, which the Republicans did this morning.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

November 22, 2019

Chief Justice Roberts now dragged into Democrat impeachment process

The target of Democrat zealots in the House of Representatives led by Speaker Pelosi and Adam Schiff is to impeach and remove President Donald Trump.  Sadly for him, the person they have a much higher probability of removing from his lofty perch is Chief Justice John Roberts.  The famous cliché, the law of unintended consequences, is fast approaching.

In an earlier American Thinker blog post, I asked a very simple question of Supreme Court chief justice John Roberts: Mr. Chief Justice, what did you do about the fraud on your Court?

He and he alone "owns" the FISC, so he must be held accountable for any court actions.  However, even if he has acted to clear up the egregious frauds, so far, only a few publicly reported with probably more to come, he has a significant problem if the Democrat leaders of the House vote out articles of impeachment for a Senate trial of our president.

It makes zero difference if the subject is Russia or Ukraine in the Democrat endgame to remove President Trump.  The "salacious document" was just raised in the House impeachment process, and no one can un-ring that bell.

One just has to look at the ABA-published "Moral Code of Judicial Conduct."

Rule 2.11: Disqualification of a Judge:

6) The judge: (a) served as a lawyer in the matter in controversy, or was associated with a lawyer who participated substantially as a lawyer in the matter during such association; (b) served in governmental employment, and in such capacity participated personally and substantially as a lawyer or public official concerning the proceeding, or has publicly expressed in such capacity an opinion concerning the merits of the particular matter in controversy; (c) was a material witness concerning the matter; or (d) previously presided as a judge over the matter in another court.

Since the Constitution definitely states that it must be the "chief justice," by title, who presides over a Senate trail, it can easily be understood and fully accepted that provision (b) of serving in government employment is not an ABA ethical disqualification.  However, provision (c) cannot be ignored, and thus the law of unintended consequences will kick in.

The Constitution requires specifically that the chief justice be the judge for the Senate trial.  According to ABA ethics, if Chief Justice Roberts is a material witness, he cannot and should not fulfill his constitutional role and must step aside.  He will have one of the biggest conflicts of interest in American history.

The Constitution does not say "acting" chief justice, so if he must recuse himself and another justice legally and ethically steps into the impeachment proceedings, that justice must become the chief justice.  If the replacement justice does not become the legal chief justice, then the Senate trial is fatally flawed from the opening gavel.

So the question for this article is simple: Madam Speaker, are you prepared to see Chief Justice Roberts step aside to become just an associate justice while a new chief justice is selected and given the oath of office?

If this is real then there is something is very wrong with Pelosi, even more than we were previously aware of!

This short  17 second video of Pelosi shows quite a glitch!:

Do you remember all these things that were tried to derail and remove President Trump?:

From the comments sections of the GatewayPundit posted by TheMOSTvettedPrezinHistory 

Game Plan to Eliminate Trump

Plan A. Collude with Hillary, GPS and the Russians to win the election.

Plan B. Sway the Electoral College votes

Plan C. Overturn the Election results with recounts. (Recounts were abandoned when they resulted in more votes for Trump and exposing democrat voter fraud)

Plan D. Nullify the election by framing Trump with Russian collusion

Plan E. Have the Deep State take Trump out using the 25th Amendment

Plan F. Impeach Trump for firing Comey

Plan G@String (Stormey Daniels). Impeach Trump for Campaign Finance violations

Plan H. Push Back: “If you see anybody from that cabinet.....get in their face”

Plan I. Impeach Trump for Obstruction of Justice

Plan J. Demonize Trump’s S.C. Justice nominee

Plan K. Impeach Trump for Money Laundering

Plan L. Impeach Trump for Treason

Plan M. Impeach Trump for revoking security clearances of people no longer in the government.

Plan N. Obstruct everything Trump attempts to do in congress

Plan O. Impeach Trump for violation of the Emoluments Clause

Plan P. Throw tantrum over Trump’s tax returns we will never see

Plan Q. Give sixteen year olds the vote

Plan R. Eliminate the Electoral College

Plan S. Let imprisoned convicts vote

Plan T. Use pictures of illegal alien children caged by 0bama and blame Trump

Plan U. Mueller Report findings....

Plan V. Mueller's 9 minute summary of Weismann’s 400 pg op-ed

Plan W. Impeach Trump for "racist" Tweet "if you don't like it here, go home"

Plan X. Mueller's testimony before Congress

Plan Y. Moscow Trump Tower

Plan Z. Tie Bill's buddy Epstein to Trump

Plan AA. Exclude Trump from Kaliforia’s Primary Ballot

Plan AB. Convince voters we are headed into a recession

Plan AC. Recruit Establishment Never-Trumpers to run against him

Plan AD. Dox Trump supporters

Plan AE. Conspire with Silicon Valley to shut down any and all Conservatives

Plan AF. Change the whistle blower rules so literally anyone can fabricate a fake story based on hearsay

Plan AG. Change the House Rules on Impeachment as needed

Plan AH. Impeach Trump for pulling out of Syria after the Stated Mission of eradicating ISIS was successfully concluded

Plan AI. Impeach Trump for not informing leak prone democrats before taking out the ISIS leader and his successor

Plan AJ. Accuse Trump of a cover-up because the Trump/Zelenskiy transcript was stored on a secure system Wait, what?

Plan AK. Impeach Trump for Quid Pro Quo

no wait, make that Bribery,


intimidating tweets

Plan AL. Since Dems know they can’t impeach, have a meaningless show trial to keep the word “impeachment” in the news. And coach the witnesses on their hearsay evidence.

Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Burisma Owner To Kill London Criminal Cases, Provides Details To DOJ

A former Ukrainian lawmaker has released a document with information on a transaction in 2013 where Biden family-related companies allegedly received a $12 million illegal kickback while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States.

The $32M referenced below was sent to London, where it was seized by British officials and criminal charges were levied against Zlochevsky. Vice President Biden actively sought to have the charges thrown out in the United Kingdom for Zlochevsky in exchange for the $12M being diverted to Hunter Biden, according to Onyshchenko. 

Hunter Biden was then brought onto the board of directors at Zlochevsky’s company Burisma and received further payments of $3.1M over a period of months.

Rosemont Capital, an investment firm tied to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in special federal bailout money while Joe Biden was Vice President.

The profits were then routed through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to documents obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Recall, Rosemont Capital was run by Hunter Biden’s business partners Chris Heinz ( son of SOS Served-in-Vietnam Heinz-Kerry) and Devon Archer.

Incestuous law firm relationships:

Vindman & Fiona Hill are represented by Boies, Schiller & Flexner. That law firm also did work for Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars. That firm also employed Hunter Biden & paid him more than he’s worth.

Senate Democrats panicked after Lindsey Graham began the process for a Senate impeachment trial and requested full transcripts of three phone calls between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham on Thursday sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanding the transcripts and Senate Democrats are now screeching for Pompeo to recuse himself from Trump-Ukraine matters.

President Trump on Friday morning said during an hour-long interview with Fox & Friends that he is ready for an impeachment trial and wants Schiff called in to testify. 

Giuliani told Beck that his initial job in Ukraine was to gather exculpatory evidence counter to the Mueller investigation and report about allegations of collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. During that process, he says, he started turning up information about collusion between Democrats and the Ukrainians to influence the 2016 election.

Giuliani also claimed that United States diplomats — including some who have testified against President Trump in Congress’ ongoing impeachment efforts — were doing the bidding of leftist billionaire George Soros in a “massive pay-for-play multimillion-dollar scheme.”

He also said that “several” Ukrainian prosecutors who wanted to come to the U.S. to testify contrary to the some of the narratives currently being peddled in the American media about collusion in the 2016 election were not being given visas by America’s State Department. Specifically, he said that the embassy under William Taylor — acting ambassador to Ukraine and one of the Democrats’ key witnesses — is “holding up the visas for four or five people that could come here and blow up [Adam] Schiff’s completely fraudulent investigation.”

As the circus unfolds in Washington D.C., in what seems to be an attempt to cover up what the previous administration(s) have been doing in Ukraine, an ISIS leader is arrested, a high profile “kidnapping” takes place, resurrection of a bloody ISIS raid in Georgia linked to an apartment that was paid for by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia in 2009, an automobile manufacturer, and Burisma all converged in one day. It’s been a busy Saturday. There are no coincidences.

We know that the U.S. State Department that helps promote Democracy through the USAID program paid the rent of the apartment that these “Chechens” lived in. We have communicated with our American Colleagues to clarify why the apartment rent was paid by an individual named Yovanovich for almost 10 years (Lease prepaid in 2009) from the U.S. Consulate in Armenia.

Georgian Press Conference November 22, 2017 – Giorgobiani

Yovanovich’s name pops up as the payee of an apartment in Georgia that housed ISIS militants that are linked to today’s capture of the ISIS leader. The “kidnapping” of the head of a bank involved with money laundering and embezzlement with companies like Burisma and Bogdan Motors, all connected to Yovanovich and the Obama administration.

The Socratic Method from Q:

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI21 Nov 2019 - 2:00:19 PMWhat happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations? What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology? What happens when the news is no longer free from bias? What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent? What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy? What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party? Fact becomes fiction? Fiction becomes fact? When does news become propaganda? Identity creation? How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction? Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name? Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned? ‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion]. [If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true] Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases? Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions? Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources? Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed? Threat to intellectual freedom? Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic? Read again – digest. Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic? Logical thinking. Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’? Pre/post 2016 election? Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded? Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events? Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events? Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]? When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative. Control of the narrative = power When you are blind, what do you see? They want you divided. Divided by religion. Divided by sex. Divided by political affiliation. Divided by class. When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers]. Divided you are weak. Divided you pose no threat to their control. When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep]. When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. Q

This is a perfect demonstration of what it means to have the media controlled by a few colluding people:

Dear members of the media, if you want to understand why no one cares about impeachment and minds are not being changed, watch this and understand.  2 minutes, 20 seconds, retweeted by President Trump

Get Out and Stay Out!

Disgraced Prince Andrew has been kicked out of his offices at Buckingham Palace.

The British royal got his marching orders and was told to clear out on Friday — just days after announcing he was formally stepping away from official duties ( was fired by the Queen ) after a “car crash” of an interview defending his friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the Times of London reported.

According to the report, the 59-year-old prince, who is facing a sea of criticism amid allegations he had sex with an underage girl, was told he and his staff would have to find another location to do business — a move authorized by the queen.

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