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22 February 2019 - Lunch News

Did you know that Obama’s Secret Service code name is and was “Renegade”?

Definition of Renegade: A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. The Secret Service always knew what was going on.📁 "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Define 'Traitor'. 1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. Synonym = Renegade What was the USSS codename for HUSSEIN? [RENEGADE] QHat Tip: Q.

This means that the Secret Service knew full well what was going on. They were witnesses. There are records of meetings and people and places even after leaving office... Let that sink in…

More dirt is coming out here as well.  Epstein is not really off the hook and thus so neither are his sex-abusing friends like Bill Clinton or those that gave him a pass:

A judge ruled Thursday that federal prosecutors — among them, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta — broke federal law when they signed a plea agreement with a wealthy, politically connected sex trafficker and concealed it from more than 30 of his underage victims.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth A. Marra, in a 33-page opinion, said that the evidence he reviewed showed that Jeffrey Epstein had been operating an international sex operation in which he and others recruited underage girls — not only in Florida — but from overseas, in violation of federal law.

“Epstein used paid employees to find and bring minor girls to him.,’’ wrote Marra, who is based in Palm Beach County. “Epstein worked in concert with others to obtain minors not only for his own sexual gratification, but also for the sexual gratification of others.’’

Instead of prosecuting Epstein under federal sex trafficking laws, Acosta, then the U.S. attorney in Miami, helped negotiate a non-prosecution agreement that gave Epstein and his co-conspirators immunity from federal prosecution. Epstein, who lived in a Palm Beach mansion, was allowed to quietly plead guilty in state court to two prostitution charges and served just 13 months in the county jail. His accomplices, some of whom have never been identified, were never charged.

“As a legal matter, the non-prosecution agreement entered into by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of Florida does not bind other U.S. Attorneys in other districts. They are free, if they conclude it is appropriate to do so, to bring criminal actions against Mr. Epstein and his co-conspirators,’’ said lawyer David Boies, representing two of Epstein’s victims who claim they were trafficked by Epstein in New York and other areas of the country.

Earlier this month, the Department of Justice announced it was opening a probe of the case in response to calls from three dozen members of Congress. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee, on Thursday asked the DOJ to re-open Epstein’s plea deal.

Brad Edwards, the Fort Lauderdale attorney who brought the case, said he was elated at the judge’s ruling, but admitted he is bitter that the case took 11 years to litigate, blaming federal prosecutors for needlessly dragging out the case when they could have remedied their error when it was brought to their attention in 2008.

“The Government aligned themselves with Epstein, working against his victims, for 11 years,’’ Edwards said. “Yes, this is a huge victory, but to make his victims suffer for 11 years, this should not have happened. Instead of admitting what they did, and doing the right thing, they spent 11 years fighting these girls.’’

Wait. Was pedophile Jeffrey Epstein an informant for Mueller's FBI? From the 5/24/18 FBI Vault release: "Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon." Is that why he escaped serious charges for molesting over twenty girls?

Wasn't this under Mueller as head of the FBI?

Posted on 2/21/2019, 1:19:20 PM by Magnatron

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Thursday dramatically restricted Roger Stone's ability to speak publicly about his case after he published an Instagram post with what appeared to be the crosshairs of a gun drawn behind her head. 

From this moment on, Stone may not speak publicly about the investigation or the case or any participants in the investigation or the case. "Period," Jackson adds. 

Jackson said Stone could issue no statements on the radio, no press releases, no blogs, no media interviews, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat posts and no statements can be made on his behalf by spokespersons, family members or even "many volunteers," Jackson said. 

"This is not baseball," she added. "There will not be a third chance."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

And there is also this regarding the Weiner laptop:

If you want to know even more about Smollett and his ties to Kamala Harris, and others then here you go: All about Smollett!!

There’s so much coming out now and in the near future that it’s daunting!

Yet Another Clinton Scandal is Exposed:

The bottom line is that the Clinton Foundation was involved with a company that sold ITAR classified technology to the Chinese and Russians in what appears to be a pay for play donation scheme to sell the sensitive technology.  It was covered up by the Obama DOJ/FBI.”"Hillary and the Clinton Foundation were involved in yet another illegal scheme.  This one was covered up so thoroughly it is only now being exposed.  Gateway Pundit has done the heavy lifting on this and published a 3 part expose:

In Part I of our series we discussed the Clinton Foundation and the donations to the Foundation from the COB and CEO of AGT International as well as from Sheikhs in the UAE. These donations in the millions of dollars were for favors from the Clintons.

In Part II of our series we discussed the illegal actions that AGT International took to generate revenues around the globe. Highly sensitive ITAR classified technology was provided to China, Russia and other countries in the name of sales growth. These actions were beyond criminal, they were treasonous. 

In Part III today we discuss the investigation that the FBI/DOJ started into AGT and the Clinton Foundation but then terminated and covered up before the 2016 Presidential election despite irrefutable crimes! The elegant art of the Troll... For your amusement:  President Trump’s Error Page:

Private Israeli Moon Lander Launched:

(Bloomberg) -- Israel hopes to be the first country to land a privately financed spacecraft on the moon as “Beresheet” -- Hebrew for Genesis -- lifted off aboard one of Elon Musk’s SpaceX rockets early Friday.The $100 million joint venture between SpaceIL and state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. was financed mostly by Jewish philanthropists including Morris Kahn, SpaceIL’s president and a founder of Amdocs Ltd., and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. The probe ended its “ride share” on SpaceX after 38 minutes and, if all goes according to plan, will land in the Sea of Tranquility on April 11, the project’s leaders said several days before the launch.

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