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13 March 2020 - Lunch News


A huge tiger team alliance with the leaders in the medical testing industry and the Trump administration have come together to speed up testing and urgent services. There was lots of red tape that have now been cut through to allow rational and effective measures to be taken. The old Obama et al bureaucracy had hamstrung people. The declaration makes a lot things possible and has many elements to it.

The old system was not designed for something like this. There is now a new system being put into effect.

The 8800 system can test up to 4,128 patients a day. The 6800 system can test as many as 1,440 a day, the Switzerland-based company confirmed.“We are increasing the speed definitely by a factor of 10,” Thomas Schinecker, head of Roche’s diagnostics unit, told Bloomberg News.This is the first commercially available test granted emergency approval by the FDA. The agency approved diagnostic tools from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New York State Department of Public Health last month.

Roche’s cobas systems are available around the world, according to Bloomberg News. There are 695 of the 6800 instruments and 132 of the 8800 systems installed. There are 110 of these systems in the United States, and the company said it installed a “significant amount” in the country in recent weeks.The two systems are able to provide test results within four hours. The company said it is “going to the limits of its production capacity,” Bloomberg News reported.

The company declined to comment on pricing for the tests to the outlet.“We definitely extended the capacity of the testing significantly throughout the U.S.,” Schinecker told Bloomberg News. The company also had an existing test for the coronavirus, but the cobas 8800 system can test patients approximately 10 times faster

91% isopropyl alcohol, and 10% bleach solution will also do it.

Elections Shut Down in UK and in one state in the US:

Louisiana said it will postpone the state’s presidential primary set for April 4 until June 20.

Boris Johnson has suspended the local government and mayoral elections for 12 months following guidance from the Electoral Commission.The Prime Minister has confirmed that the polls will now not take place until May 2021, amid fears that they would have coincided with the peak of the coronavirus outbreak.

The London mayoral election will also be delayed for a year.It comes after the Electoral Commission wrote to the Government on Thursday advising that it postpone the elections.The watchdog said that there were “growing risks to the delivery of the polls” and that “significant numbers” of people may not be able to cast their ballots…

Canada’s House of Commons will be shutting down for at least five weeks amid coronavirus concerns.

Friday’s decision to shut down the Parliament follows news that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, has tested positive for the virus. “All parties in Parliament agreed to the suspension, which means lawmakers will miss two weeks of sessions since they had previously planned to be away next week and two weeks in April. The House is scheduled to next meet on Monday, April 20,” the Associated Press reports.

Prime Minister Trudeau is currently governing remotely as he is under a self-imposed quarantine. He reportedly is not showing any symptoms and neither are their three children.

Trudeau is expected to address the nation at some point on Friday. AP reports that he will likely be warning Canadians not to travel outside the nation unless absolutely necessary.

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, says he is 'optimistic' that the ongoing bottlenecks delaying coronavirus testing will be fixed.

Fauci acknowledged to ABC News that the government needs to do better to meet the flood of demand as COVID-19 begins to blanket the country.

"I mean, we have to admit that in the beginning we didn't have what we needed, but now we will fix it," he said. "It's going to be within the next week or two -- probably even more like a week," he said.

Fauci said that the diagnostic test used by the World Health Organization (WHO) wasn't used because the US test was "one that had been working, and working well for the system that was involved.” Governor orders Oregon schools to close from Monday through March 31: In a turnaround late Thursday, Gov. Kate Brown ordered the closure of Oregon’s K-12 schools from Monday through March 31 because of the coronavirus."Schools are experiencing critical shortages in staff, and superintendents are concerned for school personnel who are at elevated risk such as those over age 60 and those with underlying medical issues," Brown said in a statement.

"Tests indicate coronavirus can survive in the air" By John Bowden - The Hill 03/11/20 "... tests conducted by scientists from several major institutions indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak can survive in the air for several hours. "A study awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus could remain viable in the air 'up to 3 hours post aerosolization,' while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to three days. " 'Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for multiple hours and on surfaces up to days', reads the study's abstract. "The test results suggest that humans could be infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur..."

This interview from Italy may give some idea of what it is going to be like for us: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live in Italy? Age? Occupation? Do you live alone or with others? I live in Italy, 25 years old and I live with my parents.

Are you staying entirely at home? Are you allowed to leave your home at all? At the moment, we are called to stay at home. People can go and walk outside, bars are open from 9 am to 6 pm [ZH: no longer open - only grocery stores and pharmacies are open] but people have to maintain 1 meter minimum of distance.A crowd outside and inside is forbidden. For using a car inside and outside the territories a permit is needed: only for work and medical reasons one can move, otherwise, it is strictly forbidden.

Do you know anyone that has the virus or has recovered? Luckily no. I hope no one will get it.

How is the community dealing with this? Are people helping each other at all? There is fear and also a lack of civic sense.

I am glad for the new restrictions, at a certain point, if the people are not able to guard themselves by themselves then the State has every right to force people to stay inside. I am thankful for the job of our doctors, army, and police.

Are people in your area observing the quarantine or are they sneaking out? We have had cases of people sneaking out, people escaping from Milan to reach to their original regions and families a few hours before the “Red Zone” was declared. We are Italians after all, we are known to be social, touchy and family-oriented; isolation is something we never think about.

Still, this is no excuse to not observe quarantine. I am using this time to cherish my relationship with my family and re-discover the value of time and relationships. I can always play games with my PS4 or read books.

What is the punishment or fine for breaking quarantine? Have you known anyone to get punished for this? Yes, there are jail terms for those breaking quarantine. 3 Months, or even years if the person is infected and causes deaths.It would be treated like a case of homicide. Is there a lot of civil unrest? Currently, we are dealing with 27 cases of jail riots, 6 inmates have died, police officers have been taken as hostages and 20 even managed to escape from Foggia Penitentiary. Also, markets are being assaulted and we had cases of racism towards Asian people. I witnessed it just in my street with a man shouting horrible things to a Chinese woman.

I am so angry,as I worked in a Chinese restaurant and have many Italian friends of Asian origin and their fear is legit. This is what I fear, civil unrest,that is I not only have to protect myself and my family from COVID-19 but also from other people.

Are there shortages of food or anything else? Are people blaming others for shortages? Are you getting supplies delivered or are you going out to shop still? I have witnessed just today that vegetables and fruit shelves were almost empty, yet canned food was not. Perhaps Italians are not very keen on preparation and keep buying fresh food which is great, but perishable. We’re not relying on delivery right now, but I wonder what will happen when the pandemic will be declared.

I will not thank my American friends enough for their suggestions and support, you guys are so into preparedness, while we are still thinking about fresh tomatoes for our pasta. TBH, I would not mind buying canned ravioli, unfortunately, we do not have such food, although it would come handy.

How is your government handling this? Do you feel like they are doing what they can? Do you think they are hiding a lot from the citizens? Nice question. Let me tell you our situation: we lack doctors, we lack places in hospitals, and people managed to escape from the quarantine. I have relatives who work as medical personnel and they are going crazy with exhausting shifts.

Our government could have done better and we feel abandoned. A woman died at home yesterday after waiting a day for the test kit that was forced on her by her brother, Luca Franzese from Naples.

She was epileptic, yet he had to perform the mouth-to-mouth breath to let her stay alive. She later tested positive for COVID-19.

Are the numbers of infected and the total fatalities that you see being reported by the American media and WHO fairly accurate in your opinion? Does it seem that more men are infected or dying than women? Yes, they are pretty accurate. There are also few sites collecting precise information about each country, even on YouTube.

Have you seen an increase in racism since COVID-19 cases started appearing? As said before, yes, we have had an escalation of crimes related to racism against our fellow citizens of Asian origin.

Are you making some of the things you need at home? Yeah, luckily we are passionate about making our things at home, especially bread and pasta and care for our plants.

What is a typical day like now that the virus has infected so many? Almost empty streets, but you can still see people going outside, at least for work or to grab a coffee. I have seen some footage from Milan, and I never witnessed such scenes. Imagine New York with just 3 or 4 cars moving and very few people outside.

What are you doing to keep your mind healthy? Are you exercising at home or anything like that? Usually, I would wake up early, pull out my rug and pray, then workout. Then what more, listening to the news, help mom with home cleaning and looking outside onto the streets. I am an introvert, so I am actually enjoying my time at home. But I will surely miss my time at the gym and friends, but at least I am with my family.

I am curious to know how people are talking about COVID-19 with their children. How are the kids doing? Interesting question. There are parents and educators who do not want to scare their kids.They teach them to wash their hands as often as possible and to not touch things.But on the other hand we have witnessed parks with many children inside playing, this is not safe for them. Again, this is Italy, so go figure…

What advice do you have for the people of the United States? Our case numbers are rising but some still are of the belief that this is similar to the flu. What do you have to say regarding that? Guys, this is no joke. Think not only about the seriousness of the virus but also about the social and economical frame surrounding it.

Our countries are not prepared for a pandemic,and when we lack medical personnel and places, who is going to care for us? Are we going to sacrifice the oldest ones to save the younger that have a greater chance of healing and recovering?

Do not be selfish, do not spread the risk of getting the virus and stay home. This mess is happening in a nation of the so-called “1st World”! It is Europe 2020, not a place under war or else.A healthy country after all, yet all the nation has just become a one, big Red Zone with restrictions.

No more soccer games, no more theater, cinema, nightlife, all churches, mosques, temples closed. Even the Vatican has cases of Coronavirus!

I also have friends who have lost relatives in this battle against the virus.

So please, I beg you all, be mindful. The situation is critical, it could happen to your own state, county, city, or family. You can see fear and anger in our eyes. Please, be responsible.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Just that I am praying God every day for us all and I hope things to get better as soon as possible. Hope that my testimony will be a sign for other people to wake up. And I am not saying that we have to panic but to treat this thing with seriousness and act accordingly.

Thank you so much for the interview and for your support. Hugs and kisses from Italy, ciao belli!

Partly it may be cultural: more observant Catholics taking Holy Communion; elderly living cheek-by-jowl with the young; constant social kissing.

But perhaps the best explanation so far is this one from David Vance: Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe’s hotspot for Wuhan Coronavirus He elaborates on his theory here: The murky reality is that the EU turned a blind eye to vast numbers of illegal Chinese immigrants working in Italian factories. The ‘Open Borders’ EU will of course try to keep this under wraps, but reality is, the Chinese Mafia operate Italian textile factories with tens of thousands ofillegal immigrantsshipping ‘made in Italy’ goods into China and elsewhere.

China hints at denying America drugs. )otrrcad ank icStt)roar Cnd ackti(S .

Fox News ^| 3/13/2020 | Barnini Chakraborty | Fox NewsPosted on 3/13/2020, 4:19:09

Now that the number of new people infected with the coronavirus in China is slowing, the country's Communist Party is ratcheting up threats against the West, with a particularly nasty warning about access to life-saving drugs aimed at the United States.In an article in Xinhua, the state-run media agency that's largely considered the mouthpiece of the party, Beijing bragged about its handling of COVID-19, a virus that originated in Wuhan and has spread quickly around the world, killing nearly 5,000 people and infecting thousands more. The article also claimed that China could impose pharmaceutical export controls which would plunge America into "the mighty sea of coronavirus."(Excerpt) Read more at 

Chinese state media have mistranslated comments made by U.S. officials during a recent congressional hearing in order to push the Chinese regime’s new propaganda narrative: that the novel coronavirusoriginated in the United States.

This claim was then amplified by a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, who raised the question of whether the U.S. military introduced the virus to China.The global pandemic originated in Wuhan, capital of China’s Hubei province, where thousands have died of the disease caused by the virus, COVID-19.

Chinese media outlets first promoted the U.S. origin narrative in late February, after China’s top epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan saidat a press conference that there was a possibility the novel coronavirus did not originate from China.Several Chinese state media outlets publishedwrong translations of an exchangebetween U.S. Representative Harley Rouda (D-Calif.) and Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) during a hearing on March 11.Rouda asked Redfield whether there was a possibility that some people in the United States died of COVID-19 before they were properly tested and diagnosed for the novel coronavirus, as the symptoms are similar to the seasonal flu. Redfield replied: “Some cases have been actually diagnosed in that way in the United States today.”

But Chinese state-run media mistranslated this exchange to insinuate that Redfield admitted to people dying of COVID-19 earlier in the flu season in the United States.Global Times, Beijing News, and other outlets also cited CDC statistics to give Chinese readers the impression that large numbers of Americans have already died of the virus. “According to the U.S. CDC, at least 34 million Americans are infected with influenza this season, and 20,000 of them have died.”

On March 12, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for China’s foreign affairs ministry, posted on Twittera video of the exchange along with the mistranslated Chinese subtitles. Then, in English, he wrote: “Some influenza deaths were actually infected with COVID-19, Robert Redfield from US CDC admitted at the House of Representatives.”In a second tweet, Zhao insinuated that the CDC had covered up the real number of coronavirus infections. “CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected?…It might be US army [sic] who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” he wrote.

China also being helpful:

Chinese billionaire businessman Jack Ma on Friday offered the United States 500,000 coronavirus test kits and a million masks, as the country faces a shortage of kits for diagnosing the potentially deadly disease.

In a statement on Twitter, the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba said, "drawing from my own country's experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate protective equipment for medical professionalsare most effective in preventing the spread of the virus.""We hope that our donation can help Americans fight against the pandemic!" he said in the statement, which was posted by the Jack Ma Foundation.Ma, who is China's richest man, said that over the past weeks, his organizations had helped provide similar supplies to virus-hit countries such as Japan, South Korea, Italy, Iran and Spain.

A new PAC was formed this week in Chicago, Illinois to pay "ten stacks" to the first person who infects President Trump with coronavirus:

Law and Crime reported:

A political action committee (PAC) was created on Thursday with the express purpose of infecting President Donald Trump with the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).The group is named “10 Stacks to the person who infects Donald douchebag Trump with Coronavirus/Covid-19,” and the official paperwork was filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) establishing the organization as an entity legally entitled to raise and spend money in federal elections.The group’s form text file elaborates on what it apparently hopes to achieve: “CORONAVIRUS PLEASE KILL DONALD TRUMP!!!!” This is likely the kind of thing that will get the FBI or some other law enforcement knocking on your door.

Biden threatens physical violence against a man who spoke out for his 2nd amendment rights.

77-year-old Joe Biden on Tuesday snapped at auto plant workers in Detroit who confronted him about wanting to take away their guns.

Joe couldn’t take the heat and started screaming at the auto workers and even told his staffer to shut up.“You are actively trying to diminish our Second Amendment right and take away our guns,” one auto worker said.“You’re full of shit,” Biden retorted.Biden then called the worker a “horse’s ass”and threatened to “slap” the man.

Here’s a close-up video of Joe Biden yelling in a union worker’s face today.

There’s no way he could beat Trump.— Samuel D. Finkelstein II (@CANCEL_SAM) March 10, 2020

But if you watched the leftie mainstream media you would have missed Joe Biden threatening physical violence against the auto worker.

Jerry Wayne, a Michigan autoworker who was recently thrust into the political spotlight after getting into it with Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, was gifted a new rifle on Wednesday. Wayne has become a hero of Second Amendment supporters after he stood his ground while questioning Biden even when the former vice president called him a liar and threatened to fight him.

Just days later, a Michigan firearms manufacturer reached out to Wayne to present him with a custom rifle featuring artwork mocking the Biden encounter.

“AR-14,” is inscribed on the side of the rifle along with a silhouette of Biden saying, “You’re full of shit!”

Biden told Wayne he was “full of shit” and referred to AR-15s as AR-14s in the viral confrontation video.

The magazine reads “100 Round Clip Magazine,” which is also mocking a bonehead Biden quote from 2019. The manufacturer, Next Level Armament, wrote, “When a patriot stands up for the 2a community it is a great thing, especially when he’s from the great state of Michigan. But when Jerry Wayne got all up in Joe Biden’s feels, we decided we needed to get him taken care of. Next Level Armament AR-14 edition AR-15 lasered up by @armoryvalentine for our boy. Luckily he was able to make time to stop by for a visit and we were able to present this build to him!” And if that weren’t amazing enough: Biden actually refers to Hillary as Hitler. Really! See this short video:

You would think this would be headline news!

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