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The War at Home


He had been to Washington 17 times before he became President. Ah, exactly 17. Always. 2025 is going to be amazing! We are all leveling up one step at a time!

"I had no wars at all. I finished a war we were in for 20 years. We have to get the right people. When I first came here, I was only in Washington 17 times in my life, all of a sudden I'm President. I really knew nobody. Some were good, some were rhinos. We had some that we have to do better.

So we will work with a lot of people to get a lot of people in. I now know sort of everybody. I'm not having to rely on people I didn't know very well. I think we are going to have phenomenal people. I know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the strong ones. I think we are going to have great people."


Trump is slowly absorbing all votes on the table.

First Vivek, then DeSantis, then Haley, now a large portion of the Libertarian vote, and next up is RFK Jr.

Trump understands that the best way to neutralize an “enemy”, is to befriend them.

It’s a Sun Tzu master class.

Calling all Biden Voters!

Do you like open borders, drag shows, and teaching kids about 2SLGBTQIA+, but want an alternative to Joe Biden?

If so, I implore you to vote for Libertarian Party candidate, Chase Oliver!

He is essentially Biden, but without the dementia!

Former FBI agent Steve Friend alleges in the new documentary film “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth” that the agency’s use of SWAT raids against January 6 defendants is unnecessary and intended to inflict pain.“The person has told us that he will cooperate with us. And we’re going to reward that two years later by sending a BearCat into his front yard at 6 o’clock in the morning,” Friend stated.“That’s not what I signed up to do, and I’m a guy who was on SWAT. I did SWAT for five years,” he said.The FBI suspended Friend in 2022 without pay because he declined to go on January 6 raids.He then became a whistleblower and testified before the House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee last year along with two other FBI agents, who had also been suspended for their objections to the bureau’s treatment of Americans subject to Jan. 6 investigations.

Jan. 6 defendant, Felipe Antonio Martinez, also got the SWAT treatment complete with two flash-bang grenades, his young teenage daughter told Searcy. The FBI then handcuffed her during her father’s arrest, she said.

Martinez was not accused of engaging in any violence or entering the Capitol building.

“By driving these armored vehicles and all these SWAT team members into these little neighborhoods, they are not only terrorizing Derek and his family, they are sending a message to his community, to all of his neighbors, that ‘This is a dangerous person here,’” Searcy asserted.

“This is a terror tactic, and it’s being used on American citizens. It’s being used to silence you, to make you say, ‘Woah, I better not ever ever speak up against the government myself ’cause that might happen to me,’” he said.

Jan. 6 defendants Mark and Jalise Middleton of Texas are two who received the SWAT treatment.

Jalise told “The War on Truth” filmmakers that she was coming down the handicapped ramp in front their home with her hands up in April 2021 when she heard two flash-bang grenades go off behind her.

Mark recounted, “When I asked them, ‘Why did they do that?’ They said, ‘Washington told them to do it this way.’ What we found out is that every J6er they arrest gets at least one flash-bang.”

Apparently Ukraine hacked a television transmission and used it to threaten people to not show up for a Trump rally.

Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland “personally approved” the use of DEADLY FORCE against President a Trump during the Unconstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago.

Independent journalist Tayler Hansen told Nick Searcy, producer of the new documentary film “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth,” that he and Babbitt were the first ones to reach the House speaker’s hallway doors. Video shows the entrance was being guarded by at least three Capitol Police officers.

“Ashli was joking and talking with the officers,” Hansen said. “I had a laugh with the officers, and then the crowd just seemed to basically surge behind us, and then the whole room was full.”

“What was she saying to the cops during that period?” Searcy asked.

“So she was telling them that they needed backup, that they needed help. She was basically yelling at these officers, telling them to do their job,” Hansen said.

Military Times reported that Babbitt had served as a “security forces controller, a job that usually entails manning gate security at Air Force installations.”

“Not only was she demanding the officers call for effing backup and yelling at them to get help and trying to actively help them to subdue people and telling the crowd to calm down, but she quite literally physically subdued and hit the biggest agitator in the entire room in the face, trying to stop him,” Hansen said.

“Grabbing and subduing Zachary Alam, with her right hand pulling him back with his backpack, and she actually hits him with a left hook, knocking his glasses off, but you never hear that from media,” he said. “Instead, they’re more interested in calling her a terrorist.”

According to a news release from the Justice Department, Alam was found guilty in September of breaking three glass panes to the doors in the speaker’s lobby with his helmet on Jan. 6.

Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd shot Babbitt as she raised herself into the opening of one of the broken-out windows. It’s not clear whether she was trying to climb through the opening or prevent others from doing so.

Her family filed a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the federal government in January.

“Lt. Byrd later confessed that he shot Ashli before seeing her hands or assessing her intentions or even identifying her as female. Ashli was unarmed,” the complaint said.

“Her hands were up in the air, empty, and in plain view of Lt. Byrd and other officers in the lobby,” it said. “Ashli posed no threat to the safety of anyone. Not one member of Congress was in the lobby, which was guarded by multiple armed police officers.”

The court filing said, “Lt. Byrd, who was not in uniform, did not identify himself as a police officer or otherwise make his presence known to Ashli. Lt. Byrd did not give Ashli any warnings or commands before shooting her dead.”

Micheal Byrd got a promotion. And a raise. For shooting an unarmed, 5ft tall woman (no threat to anyone) in the neck, through a door, and leaving her to bleed out like a dog.

Video in the new documentary film “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth,” apparently shows a U.S. Capitol Police officer stating the identifiers that undercover agents in the crowd would use during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol protest.

In the footage, someone off-camera inside the Capitol asks, “Do the non-uniformed guys have any identifiers?”

The Capitol police officer answers, “They will have a wristband. Their guns will have a thin stripe on the barrel. I don’t know the wristband color, but they’ll have a wristband somewhere.”

100 years ago, the US took a break from immigration — and America thrived

The pause in immigration led to a half-century-long decline in the foreign-born share of the population, from a level that fluctuated between 13% and 15% of the nation’s inhabitants during the Great Wave, to a low of less than 5% in 1970.Immigrant communities were thus not continually refreshed with newcomers; that, combined with vigorous and self-confident Americanization efforts in schools and elsewhere, forged the strong common national identity that helped America prevail over Nazism and Communism.In contrast to the more gradual process of assimilation, the economic benefits for American workers were immediate and immense.With the temporary halt in immigration during World War I, and then after the statutory reductions of the 1920s, less-skilled American workers saw their bargaining power increase overnight.

Without the endless stream of immigrants from Europe, employers had little choice but to raise wages and improve working conditions. 

The immigration pause changed the employer-employee dynamic from one where workers had to hustle to find jobs to one where companies had to hustle to find labor.

All Americans — as well as immigrants already here — benefited, but the gains for black Americans were the greatest and most obvious. 

Not only were jobs that had been closed to them opened up, but recruiters for industrialists actually roamed the South essentially begging people, black or white, to come work for them.

Without the endless stream of immigrants from Europe, employers had little choice but to raise wages and improve working conditions. The immigration pause changed the employer-employee dynamic from one where workers had to hustle to find jobs to one where companies had to hustle to find labor.

All Americans — as well as immigrants already here — benefited, but the gains for black Americans were the greatest and most obvious. Not only were jobs that had been closed to them opened up, but recruiters for industrialists actually roamed the South essentially begging people, black or white, to come work for them.

Exactly this 👇

The First-Net connected electronic pollbooks, tied to the voter rolls, tied to the election night reporting, tied to election management - and all completely uncertified and unregulated - is exactly how the steal is accomplished. 

Software brand is irrelevant. They're all essentially the same and serve the same purpose.

The brilliant and insightful Leah Hoopes on Twitter this morning:

“Don't forget if your County uses Bluecrest @BCrestinc to do mail sorting, signature verification, processing of mail in ballots, can also print ballots and generates barcodes for outgoing mail in ballots ,they too have remote access to ALL servers in your county, it is not a closed circuit, they use a VPN the internet, and have access to All Voter files . Why do I know this? I did a public records request for Delaware County PA and found them accessing our servers via remote access from Danbury Connecticut. DMT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL doing business as Bluecrest , DMT has 3.3 billion dollars in government contracts including DOD contracts.”

Amazing what information you can glean from a simple RTK request!

Internet-connected ballot sorting machines are the next level of the steal.

Bluecrest/Runbeck are not discreet competitors as they’d like us to think - they are partners. 

They exist to steal elections through mail in ballots and make the paper trail match the predetermined outcome:

Ron Paul said while speaking at the Libertarian National Convention that it is "very clear that there was a coup in 1963, and we're suffering from it ever since."

In Huge Blow to Hillary Attorney Marc Elias, Nevada Supreme Court Rules 7-0 in Favor of Voter ID Ballot Initiative

BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol

Cassidy is the Christian US military veteran who beheaded a statue of Satan inside the Iowa Capitol last year.

Stephen A. Schwarzman — chairman, CEO and co-founder of Blackstone, the private equity and real estate giant — tells Axios he will support Donald Trump as a "vote for change."

  • Schwarzman said Friday that he plans to donate to Trump and various Republican Senate candidates.

Why it matters: The endorsement gives Trump access to a potent network of Republican donors Schwarzman has cultivated. Trump also could get a new look from some business leaders who have been reluctant to back him.

Schwarzman, billionaire and lifelong moderate Republican, was one of Trump's most visible business supporters when he was in the White House.

  • But ahead of this year's GOP primaries, Schwarzman called for "a new generation of leaders." Schwarzman wound up not backing a primary candidate.

Axios is told Schwarzman's concern about rising antisemitism sped his decision to re-embrace Trump, along with concerns about President Biden's policies.

  • "The dramatic rise of antisemitism has led me to focus on the consequences of upcoming elections with greater urgency," he says in a statement to Axios.

  • "I share the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction. For these reasons, I am planning to vote for change and support Donald Trump for President. In addition, I will be supporting Republican Senate candidates and other Republicans up and down the ticket."

"666 Murder Murder Jesus"

Church is left in dead Silence after Pastor Plays a Jay Z Song in Reverse….

It sounded quite clear to me.

This guy pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's belly during a robbery. Not a hero.

Short but really effective wake up call for the democrats:

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