Two minutes. It was great and brought tears to my eyes:

Babies now dying at a much higher rate when gestated during the vaccine times:
9 months from vax availability... not 9 months from covid. 9 months from the vax.

VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years
WebMD defines "ectopic pregnancy": "Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away. In more than 90% of cases, the egg implants in a fallopian tube. This is called a tubal pregnancy. Because a fertilized egg can’t survive outside a uterus, your doctor will need to take it out so you don’t have serious health problems. They’ll use one of two methods: medication or surgery."
I performed a search in VAERS for ectopic pregnancies following COVID-19 shots for the past 11 months, and there have been 52 cases where a pregnant mother received a COVID-19 shot and then was found to have an ectopic pregnancy. Next, I performed the exact same search but excluded COVID-19 "vaccines" and it returned a result of 30 cases where a pregnant mother received an FDA-approved vaccine and then reported an ectopic pregnancy following ALL vaccines for the past 30+ years, which is about 1 per year. That means that following COVID-19 injections into pregnant women for the past 11 months has seen a 50 X increase in ectopic pregnancies compared to pregnant women receiving vaccines for the past 30+ years.
Back to "Normal"
Nearly three-quarters of Americans (74 percent) now say their lives have returned to “normal,” according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The survey of 1,696 adults, which was conducted from Nov. 17 to 19, found that only 15 percent say that things “never stopped being normal” for them. Americans now characterize their own lives as either "very normal" (21 percent) or "somewhat normal" (53 percent), considering “the impact of COVID-19.” Far fewer say their lives are either “not very normal” (19 percent) or “not normal at all” (7 percent).
Among those who voted for former President Donald Trump in the last election, 61 percent say the pandemic is over as it pertains to their own lives, versus just 16 percent of those who voted for President Biden. Likewise, 83 percent of Trump voters say COVID poses no threat or a small threat to them personally; 74 percent say it poses no threat or a small threat to others in their lives; and 62 percent say it poses no threat or a small threat to the United States as a whole.
In contrast, the vast majority of Biden voters say COVID poses a big threat or some threat to the country as a whole (97 percent) or to others in their lives (72 percent), even as far fewer (55 percent) say the same about the personal threat posed by the virus.
That goes a long way toward explaining why 77 percent of Democrats wear a mask most of the time in public, compared to just 31 percent of Republicans — despite the fact that similar numbers of Democrats (76 percent) and Republicans (82 percent) describe their own lives as normal.
Just 58 percent of Republicans say they have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to 85 percent of Democrats, while only 32 percent of Republicans say they have already received a booster (13 percent) or would get one if available (19 percent), compared to 73 percent of Democrats (32 percent already received, 41 percent would get one if available).

IVM is Ivermectin.

Hard numbers and good science: Vaccine damages hearts and blood vessels increasing risk.
The risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, according to a report presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2021, held from November 13 to 15, 2021.
The study included 566 men and women (1:1) aged 28-97 years, who were patients in a preventive cardiology practice. All patients received a new PULS Cardiac Test 2-10 weeks after their second COVID-19 vaccine. This test result was compared with a PULS score from 3-5 months prevaccination. The PULS Cardiac Test measures multiple protein biomarkers, including hepatocyte growth factor [HGF], soluble Fas, and IL-16, and uses the results to calculate a 5-year risk score for new ACS. The PULS score increases with above-normal elevation. All participants received this test every 3-6 months for 8 years.
From prevaccination to postvaccination, the levels of IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 to 82=/-75 above the norm. Soluble Fas showed an increase from 22±15 to 46=/-24 above the norm. HGF rose from 42±12 to 86±31 above the norm. As a result, the 5-year ACS PULS risk score increased from 11% to 25%. By the time the report was published, changes had persisted for 2.5 months or more after the second vaccine dose. The study author concluded that “mRNA [vaccines] dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
Reference Gundry SR. mRNA COVID vaccines dramatically increase endothelial inflammatory markers and ACS risk as measured by the PULS cardiac test: a warning. Presented at: AHA Scientific Sessions 2021; November 13-15, 2021. Poster VMP41.

AUSTRALIA - The army is now transferring positive Covid cases and contacts in the Northern Territories to ‘Quarantine Camps’ by army truck. So it wasn’t a conspiracy theory then.
Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps
The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.
There were zero new COVID-19 cases reported on Sunday, however Minister Gunner said he was worried about 'mingling between households' in Binjari and Rockhole, whose populations are around 220 and 130 respectively. On Sunday, Gunner said: "Yes, these are strong measures, but the threat to lives is extreme."

June Mills, an Aboriginal elder in northern Australia took to Facebook and recorded a disturbing video. Mills claims the Australian military is forcibly holding down aboriginal people and vaccinating them against their will.
June Mills: The world needs to know what is going on, what is going on with our people. I’m hearing stories of people getting knocked down in the community, and apparently by the army, and forcefully vaccinated. And our brothers and sisters watching it. THEY’RE TRAUMATIZED! And we all are!
June is an elder from the towns which these people were removed from speaking out, and is rightly ANGRY.
More Businesses Backtrack on the Mandate:
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler have announced they will back off on vaccine mandates for thousands of employees.
A major Virginia ship builder that makes vessels for the U.S. Navy is no longer requiring employees to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. The 25,000 employees at Newport News Shipbuilding had initially been told they had to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to WRIC-TV but that all changed last week, after Mike Petters, CEO of Huntington Ingalls Industries, told workers that the Jan. 4 deadline it imposed has been suspended, according to WTKR-TV.
NIH Director joins Pfizer CEO in calling those who wrong-speak on vaccines criminals:
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins thinks that people who spread misinformation about Covid-19 online and Dr. Anthony Fauci should be identified and "brought to justice."
"Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That's a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling," Collins, who will soon step down from his post at the head of the NIH, told the Washington Post on Friday.
Describing an onslaught of angry messages faced by White House coronavirus adviser and former NIH physician Dr. Anthony Fauci, Collins said the government needs to push back more forcefully against "misinformation," and suggested that those responsible for spreading such information should be identified and "brought to justice."
Collins did not elaborate on what "justice" might entail.

Ontario Canada Teachers Union now counts white votes less than votes of color.

On Monday, @OSSTFD20TEACHER (Ontario Sec School Teachers' Fed, District 20) announced that their rules would be changed so that each non-white union member would have his/her vote weighted more than white members. Here are the slides they used to justify the decision to rank & file: https://twitter.com/jonkay/status/1461847160253779974?
How to optimize getting a National Science Foundation Grant: Just use these words...

Leif Rasmussen, a PhD candidate in computer science at Northwestern University, and the author of the new CSPI report, “Increasing Politicization and Homogeneity in Scientific Funding: An Analysis of NSF Grants, 1990-2020.” He discusses the report and critiques of it, along with his experiences in academia, and the growing bias against non-conformists in intellectual life. A twitter thread summarizing the report can be found here.

"Qanon Shaman's lawyer threw the case?
Albert Watkins, the lawyer previously representing Chansley, sent a message to former President Trump through the media to take care of “the jackasses that you f—– up because of January 6.”
The expletive-filled rant caused many to question how committed he had been to Chansley’s defense.
Attorneys John Pierce and William Shipley are taking over the defense of Jacob Chansley, best known as the “QAnon Shaman.”
Chansley has been sentenced to 41 months in prison for, essentially, taking photos in the Capitol on January 6. He is likely the most recognizable figure from the protest, due to his elaborate outfit.
On Monday, the lawyers filed Notice of Appearance on behalf of Chansley and will be representing him in all further legal matters regarding his attendance at the January 6 protests.
Chansley’s legal representation will be funded by the National Constitutional Law Union (NCLU), a registered non-profit organization created to assist Americans in defending the Constitution and their Constitutional rights from encroachment by the government.
In a statement provided to the Gateway Pundit by the NCLU, the organization announced that the legal team will be filing a claim of “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel” on behalf of Chansley.
“Mr. Chansley will be pursuing all remedies available to him under the Constitution and federal statutory law with respect to the outcome of the criminal prosecution of him by the United States Department of Justice,” the NCLU statement read. “This includes a possible direct appeal of his conviction and sentence to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, as well as claims of ‘Ineffective Assistance of Counsel’ in the appropriate venue.”

GoFundMe tries to cover up for their Rittenhouse Sabotage.
GoFundMe reinstated the Rittenhouse campaign. They said it was originally cancelled because they didn't accept any campaigns for accused criminals, however campaigns for George Floyd rioters and Antifa charged with violence remain live or ended with no action by massive crowdfunding platform, despite purported rule violations.
The Mitt Romney Connection:
With the jury being selected for Ghislaine ‘s trial EPSTEIN’S RECRUITER GHISLAINE MAXWELL‘S FATHER ROBERT MAXWELL GAVE MITT ROMNEY HIS FIRST $2M INVESTMENT AND GOT HIM STARTED IN BUSINESS Maxwell, the late owner of Mirror Newspapers, invested $2 million in Mr Romney’s first private equity fund, which launched the controversial career in finance that the Republican presidential challenger now cites as proof of his ability to lead the US to prosperity. He was recruited by Lyons, a late colleague of Mr Romney’s at Bain & Company and one of the "Guinness Four" who were convicted in 1990 over the infamous share-trading fraud at the drinks firm. Lyons and his family invested almost $3 million in Mr Romney’s fund. Both Lyons and Maxwell kept their money in tax havens. The discovery of their financial links to Mr Romney comes amid mounting pressure on the former Massachusetts governor to disclose details of his own offshore holdings, including a Swiss bank account.. NCSWIC
Expect supply chain for electronics to fail:
WOW!! Just received a bulk letter from Starlink. Was told when I submitted my deposit in March 2021 that they expected that I would receive the equipment and be online late 3rd quarter this year. Well, surprise, surprise...it's been pushed out until late 2022!! Of course there is no way to contact them, no phone number, no customer service, no email."
Crossing state lines... Doesn't this include everybody?
Joe Biden will require essential, non-resident travelers crossing US land borders, such as truck drivers to be fully vaccinated by January 22, 2022.
“President Joe Biden now require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22.” – Associated Press reported.
The trucking industry is short 80,000 drivers, a record high, according to Chris Spear, the President and CEO of the American Trucking Association. Last week Mr. Spear said a whopping 37% of truck drivers will reject the Covid jab.
“In our sample survey of our fleets, it came back as 37% of our drivers not only said “no” – but “hell no”” Mr. Spear said, adding that even if 3.7% of his drivers were to leave rather than get the vaccine it would be “catastrophic.”
Earlier this month, White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said firing thousands of truck drivers and frontline workers over Biden’s vaccine mandate won’t affect the supply chain.
Grace Meng’s husband, Meng Hongwei, was a high-level police official in China and a CCP insider before becoming the first Chinese president of Interpol, the organization that oversees international law enforcement coordination between member nations.
During a visit to China in 2018, he sent a last ominous text message to his wife — a knife emoji — and hasn’t contacted her since.
The Chinese government later confirmed that he had been arrested and charged with accepting bribes as part of President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on corruption, the BBC reported in 2020.
“I have the responsibility to show my face, to tell the world what happened,” she said. “During the past three years, I learned … I know how to live with the monster, the authority.” “Because they eat their children,” Meng said.
She called the case against her husband “fake.” “It’s an example of a political disagreement being turned into a criminal affair,” she said. “The extent of corruption in China today is extremely serious. It’s everywhere. But there are two different opinions about how to solve corruption. One is the method used now. The other is to move toward constitutional democracy, to solve the problem at its roots.”
Meanwhile, Meng said, Interpol has essentially enabled the totalitarian state.
Just moments after she first spoke to the media about her husband’s disappearance back in 2018, the Chinese government released a statement claiming that he was being investigated for unspecified crimes. Then, Interpol announced that he had resigned, effective immediately. “Can someone who has been forcibly disappeared write a resignation letter of their own free will?” she asked. “Can a police organization turn a blind eye to a typical criminal offense like this?”

A very happy thing: Kyle Rittenhouse and his mom visit President Trump at Mar A Lago Florida. Rumor has it they is taking a 3 week break there to recover as Trump's guests.

This is a very strange thing...
This is the official trailer and not a photoshop: https://southpark.cc.com/news/qu014k/paramount-reveals-south-park-post-covid-first-look

Black man with a mustache and beard.
Running over mostly white Christmas shoppers.
Red matching vehicle shape.
More damage to the car on the driver's side with extra damage to the headlight.

CNN appears to have lightened his skin:

The Christmas Killer and the Bloods Gang?:
One theory:
So this guy, who looks fairly "sane"... and raps decent just as far as skill... and practically screams on all his videos that he's a Blood member....
...this guy takes a 16yo ho across state lines, gets busted pimping her. But ho's mama DEFENDS MathBoi to the cops, and most of his charges get dropped. But he is now being accused of pedophilia, which you can see here: https://files.catbox.moe/qxvu96.mp4
It would be incredibly easy to follow this trail back to the DNC working in conjunction with the Bloods to strong-arm a Bloods member by accusing him of pedophilia, use him to engineer a FF and then cover it up with a complicit media and complicit local law enforcement.
He's a Bloods gang member. he was being accused by "people" (how he puts it) of being a pedo because he trafficked an underage career Bloods ho. Even though charges were dropped. So his higher ups within the Bloods tap him for a job they were contracted for by the DNC, and say if we let you out to do this, we will take care of you in prison (where he already was at that time anyway) after. And if you don't we will tell everyone in this prison and everyone in the gang that you are a pedo (which is a death sentence in prison).
Practically the only thing the cops said, and they said it over and over, was that this guy "ACTED ALONE". Apparently that's all they want you to know. I wonder why.
Well, if he didn't act alone, then he did it for the Bloods. You don't LEAVE the bloods. You don't go join some other terror activity with some other group. He was acting as a blood.
Laura Loomer:
Darrell Brooks Belongs to Black Supremacist Sect of Islam Called ‘The Five Percent Nation’, He Committed Vehicular Jihad
Laura Loomer posted that the suspect was likely a black Muslim, and now we can exclusively confirm that Darrell Brooks is a supporter of The Five Percent Nation, otherwise known as the Nation of Gods and Earths (NGE or NOGE), a sub-sect of Nation of Islam (NOI).
The Five Percent Nation is a black nationalist movement influenced by Islam. Members of the group call themselves “Allah’s Five Percenters”. The Fiver Percent Nation preaches black supremacy and teaches that black people are the original inhabitants of planet earth, and that the white man is an evil devil.
The term “Five Percenter” comes from the “five percent” who are described in Nation of Islam in their “Lost-Found Muslim Leason No.2”.
This lesson categorizes people in the world into 3 categories, where 85% of the world’s population, which includes White people, are described as “uncivilized people, poison animal eaters, slaves from mental death and power, people who do not know the Living God or their origin in this world, and they worship that which they do not know. They are easily led in the wrong direction, but hard to lead into the right direction.”
The other 10% of the world’s population is described as, “the rich, slave makers of the poor-who teach the poor lies, to believe that the Almighty, True and Living God is a spook and cannot be seen by the physical eye. Otherwise known as the Blood Suckers of the poor.” The last five percent, known as the “Five Percent Nation” are described as, “the poor, righteous Teachers, who do not believe in the teachings of the 10%, and are all wise and know who the living God is, and teach that the Living God is the Sun of man, the Supreme being (the Black Man) of Asia, and Teach freedom, Justice, and Equality to all of the human family on planet Earth.”
When LOOMERED exclusively reported the fact that Darrell Brooks was a wannabe rapper with a link to his YouTube music video which features the SUV he used in the attack, I noticed his rapper name is MathBoi Fly. Youtube has since deleted the video in their active coverup of this anti-white terrorist attack.
Given that Darrell Brooks can barely form a proper English sentence, his name isn’t MathBoi because he’s good at math! However, his rap name is MathBoi Fly because he belongs to the The Five Percent Nation, which teaches that Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet are the key to understanding humans’ relationship with the universe. These principles were created and founded by “Allah the Father”, formerly known as Clarence 13X, aka Clarence Edward Smith. The Five Percent Nation is a variation of Nation of Islam’s whose followers are predominantly black men. The founder of The Five Percent Nation founded this sub-sect of Nation of Islam after he left the Nation of Islam’s Temple Number Seven in Harlem, New York, the same temple in Harlem where Malcolm X was a minister from 1960-1963.
LOOMERED uncovered Darrell Brooks’s social media pages before they were wiped from the internet in an active coverup by Big Tech and the pro-BLM media. They are actively trying to cover up this act of black supremacist Islamic inspired terrorism against innocent White people in Wisconsin.
