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22 March 2019 - Dinner News


Fox News ^ | Maech 22, 2019 | Brooke Singman, Jake Gibson 

Posted on 3/22/2019, 5:09:18 PM by jazusamo

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not recommending any further indictments as part of his sweeping Russia investigation which effectively ended Friday, according to a senior Justice Department official. 

Mueller transmitted to the Justice Department the report on his team’s probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election. While the probe’s conclusions are not yet known, the investigation already has led to indictments, convictions or guilty pleas for nearly three-dozen people and three companies. 

But a senior DOJ official told Fox News Mueller is “not recommending any further indictments.” 

Information about the contents of the report could start to emerge in the coming days. 

There has been speculation for the entirety of the investigation, lasting nearly two years, on whether President Trump or his family members could face criminal consequences. 

Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani told Fox News on Friday that the Trump legal team is “confident” in the results of the report. 

“This marks the end of the investigation. We await a disclosure of the facts,” Giuliani said. “We are confident that there is no finding of collusion by the President and this underscores what the President has been saying from the beginning - that he did nothing wrong.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Rachael Maddow fighting back tears on her show today.  Lovely!

Mika Brzezinski Becomes Visibly Confused After Reading Mueller Won’t Indict Anyone Else :: Grabien News — Jaime Alvaro Burbano (@JaimeABurbano) March 22, 2019

A disappointed Brzezinski posted an Instagram photo of a sad eyed dog looking askance, captioned “Mood”, after the Mueller report was released to Attorney General William Barr.

The corrupt Mueller team indicted 37 individuals and 3 companies, with more than 4 out of 5 of the indicted individuals related to Russians who may not even be real and probably had nothing to do with our 2016 election.

Dirty cop Robert Mueller and his team of conflicted liberal attorneys and investigators saw their unconstitutional witch hunt fall apart. It seems like on a daily basis more and more information becomes available of the entire gang’s unlawful acts. In spite of this, they charged forward working with their mainstream media (MSM) to report their unlawful and phony leaks planned to keep their criminal conspiracy alive.

Corrupt and dirty cop Mueller started the ‘witch hunt’ almost two years ago, on May 17, 2017, and began looking into individuals with any relationship with President Trump. Mueller’s team were not interested in crimes that President Trump committed. There were none. Instead, Mueller went after anyone with any relationship to the President and any other ‘fake indictments’ with Russians they could create.

Mueller’s entire team had serious conflicts of interest and his investigation is unconstitutional, but this has not deterred Mueller.

Dirty Cop Mueller and his team went ahead and indicted some individuals related to the President and then they apparently made up other individuals out of thin air and indicted them too.

Here’s an updated list of the pathetic indictments and their current status. Fox’s Shepard Smith is outed as a Gay Sexual Attacker:

A man told his story to Big League Politics about an encounter with Fox News host Shep Smith in 2004 in New York City. The man describes how he woke up with Smith on top of him with his tongue down his throat, how he tried to push the Fox host off him, and how Smith lunged at him three or four more times while continuing to force the unwanted physical encounter.

In a revelatory interview with Neil McCabe for Big League Politics, John Doe #1, 35, says that Smith took advantage of him. Here is audio from the interview:

“I wake up, and Shepard is on top of me, like, in a towel or a bathrobe. And he’s got his tongue down my throat and his hands all over me. Completely uninvited. I mean, I gave him no signal. There was nothing,” John Doe #1 says in the interview — excerpts of which are presented in audio form above. New Zealand is the Globalist Leftist Refuge for an Apocalypse or and Inditement:

Globalists have prepped NZ as a globalist refuge (I won't post the dumbass Infowars link but he has a point.) 

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones says Obama in NZ to escape apocalypse

As the rest of the world slides further right, New Zealand is a haven of liberal politics

Apparently NZ was their bug out location for the planned Collapse of the US Economy but now it's their bug out location for the unplanned destruction of the Deep State….

Websites such as Dissenter, Zero Hedge, 4chan, 8chan, and video hosting platform LiveLeak, among others, which hosted footage of the attacks or simply allowed people to engage in uncensored discussion of the shootings, have been partially or completely blocked in both New Zealand and Australia for the sake of “protecting consumers,” according to New Zealand Telecom, the privately-owned telecommunications provider.

In an open letter to Facebook, Twitter and Google, New Zealand telecom CEOssaid the suppression hasn’t gone far enough, and urged that U.S. social media follow European proposals for hyper-vigilant policing of content for the sake of “protecting consumers”. 

In our time of movies, TV and video games saturated with over-the-top violence, why would the New Zealand government take such extreme measures to prevent its citizens from seeing the video?   (The video can still be viewed on BitChute, the file-sharing video hosting service, and also here.) Google Hacked the Election!  Should people remain in office given they got there via what may be a crime?:

New research from psychologist and search engine expert Dr. Robert Epstein shows that biased Google searches had a measurable impact on the 2018 midterm elections, pushing tens of thousands of votes towards the Democrat candidates in three key congressional races, and potentially millions more in races across the country.

The study, from Epstein and a team at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), analyzed Google searches related to three highly competitive congressional races in Southern California. In all three races, the Democrat won — and Epstein’s research suggests that Google search bias may have tipped them over the edge.

The research follows a previous study conducted in 2016 which showed that biased Google results pushed votes to Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Democrats and Google executives have disputed these findings.Epstein says that in the days leading up to the 2018 midterms, he was able to preserve “more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the nearly 400,000 web pages to which the search results linked.”

Analysis of this data showed a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related Google search results as compared to competing search engines. Users performing Google searches related to the three congressional races the study focused on were significantly more likely to see pro-Democrat stories and links at the top of their results.As Epstein’s previous studies have shown, this can have a huge impact on the decisions of undecided voters, who often assume that their search results are unbiased.

Epstein has called this the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME).According to Epstein’s study, at least 35,455 undecided voters in the three districts may have been persuaded to vote for a Democrat candidate because of slanted Google search results.

Considering that each vote gained by a Democrat is potentially a vote lost by a Republican, this means more than 70,910 votes may have been lost by Republicans in the three districts due to Google bias. In one of these districts, CA 45, the Democrat margin of victory was just over 12,000 votes.The total Democrat win margin across all three districts was 71,337, meaning that bias Google searches could account for the vast majority of Democrat votes. Extrapolated to elections around the country, Epstein says that bias Google results could have influenced 4.6 million undecided voters to support Democrat candidates.

Moreover, Epstein’s findings are based on modest assumptions, such as the assumption that voters conduct one election-related search per week. According to Epstein, marketing research shows that people typically conduct 4-5 searches per day, not one per week. In other words, the true impact of biased search results could be much higher.Epstein’s study may also understate the level of liberal bias in Google search results, due to its use of a 2017 study from Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center to rank sources by their bias. The study assigns conservative sources like Breitbart News a far higher bias rating than ostensibly centrist but in fact highly liberal sources like the New York Times. The study also gives online encyclopedia Wikipedia a non-liberal bias rating, despite the fact that its most controversial pages are typically hijacked by its cabal of left-wing editors to push partisan liberal narratives.

As the Los Angeles Times notes, Epstein is not a Republican and publicly supported Hillary Clinton in 2016. Nevertheless, Democrats and liberals continue to ignore or doubt his findings. House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) has repeatedly called claims of big tech bias a “conspiracy theory,” as have other congressional Democrats. And left-wing academics interviewed by the Los Angeles Times also heaped doubt on Epstein’s work.

Dr. Robert Epstein is featured in the 2018 documentary The Creepy Line, which was produced by Breitbart News editor-at-large Peter Schweizer and explores the bias amongst the Masters of the Universe in Silicon Valley.Breitbart News continues to expose left-wing bias at Google. Recent reports reveal that company managers have told employees that the tech giant must stop “fake news” because “that’s how Trump won,” that Google-owned YouTube adjusted its algorithms to push pro-life content off its top search results, and that the company’s own internal researchers describe the company’s changes in policy since 2016 as a “shift towards censorship.” SPLC Scam Exposed:

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a “highly profitable scam” that “never lived up to the values it espoused,” according to former SPLC staffer Bob Moser.

The New Yorker on Thursday published a scathing essay from Moser, now a Rolling Stone reporter, accusing the left-wing non-profit of “ripping off donors” while turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and racial discrimination within its own ranks.

According to Moser, SPLC employees were aware that donors were being misled about the SPLC’s mission.

He described “the guilt you couldn’t help feeling about the legions of donors who believed that their money was being used, faithfully and well, to do the Lord’s work in the heart of Dixie. We were part of the con, and we knew it.”

The non-profit recently reported more than half a billion dollars in assets, including $121 million in off-shore funds. Macron Gives Soldiers Go-ahead to 'Open Fire' On Yellow Vest Protestors NN ^ | 03-20-19 | Jack Murphy 

Posted on 3/22/2019, 1:14:07 PM by McQ444

French president Emmanuel Macron has permitted French Soldiers to 'open fire' on Yellow Vest protestors this weekend, according to the military governor of Paris. Macron is now facing a growing crisis as the Yellow Vest protests reach their 19th week.General Bruno Leray's announcement signals how fast the movement is growing as the French government scrambles to keep law and order in the city.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Illan Omar holding Secret Meetings with Financial Supporters of Terrorism:

Democratic freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) has been holding a series of secret fundraisers with groups that have been tied to the support of terrorism, appearances that have been closed to the press and hidden from public view.

The content of these speeches, given to predominately Muslim audiences, remains unknown, prompting some of Omar's critics to express concern about the type of rhetoric she is using before these paying audiences, particularly in light of the lawmaker's repeated use of anti-Semitic tropes in public.

Omar recently spoke in Florida at a private event hosted by Islamic Relief, a charity organization long said to have deep ties to groups that advocate terrorism against Israel. Over the weekend, she will appear at another private event in California that is hosted by CAIR-CA PAC, a political action committee affiliated with the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR a group that was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a massive terror-funding incident.

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