A Unitarian Universalist Church that supported BLM was attacked just like all the others. Obviously supporting BLM DOESN'T matter:

The violence continues as a fear deterrent and a distraction from voting in person. Covid and violence in the streets make people want to hide and stay home, and thus vote by mail. The Democrats only hope is to make people want to vote by mail which they can cheat at.
Once again President Trump’s situation resembles Lincoln’s. This isn’t the first time the Democrats tried to cheat in a Presidential election using voting by mail…

The fate of the 1864 presidential election in the United States – and that of the entire nation – could have turned out differently due to a conspiracy that used voting by mail to sway the poll in favour of Democrats.
The judge advocate called the case “one of the most gigantic frauds ever attempted to be perpetrated on this nation”.
"If successful, it could “have produced a disruption of our entire country, and our war for the preservation of the Union will be practically at an end and futile”, he added. “A crime so enormous as this calls for a vigorous punishment, and I do not hesitate to say merits the extreme penalty of death.”
Lincoln, however, approved the tribunal’s recommendation of life in prison for the two men, according to The Washington Post. He went on to win the election with 212 out of 233 total electoral votes as a series of victories boosted the North’s morale and McClellan had to repudiate his own party’s anti-war platform."

https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1296608655228502016 More Mail in Ballot Deviltry: Remember that the Postal Union has endorsed Biden, so they certainly cannot be trusted to carry ballots! And also remember that the Postal Union has had a special paid time off arrangement since the 90’s to allow members to do campaigning exclusively for Democrats. How trusting and gullible do they think we are? Now this: An eyewitness told The Kyle Olson Show that as many as 20,000 unverified absentee ballots in Detroit were fed through machines and counted during the August 4 primary.
Cushman said he is concerned about election integrity and signed up to be an observer. He noted that a car with Ohio license plates was driven into the large facility. Cushman said he did not know what the purpose was, but he suspected “that car was somebody that was delivering ballots. It just seemed a little odd.”
In an affidavit, Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check to see if the individual was authorized to cast that ballot. That is significant, he said, because the poll book is used to ensure “that name is someone that’s a qualified, real voter.”
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.”
According to Cushman, some workers left early as the day dragged into the night. Polls closed at 8:00 p.m., but Cushman observed at 12:37 a.m. that “the threat was made that the $100 bonus that had been promised earlier (over the public address system) would not be paid.”
Cushman said in his affidavit that an order was made around 2:00 a.m. to open the remaining ballots “for immediate tabulation without additional processing or notation.”
“This is just my estimate,” he told The Kyle Olson Show, “but I would guess there were 10,000 to 20,000 after 2:00 a.m. — could have been more.”
Cushman thought election officials should go back to analyze what ballots were counted after the procedures were suspected and throw those votes out.
All of this is potentially consequential given the narrow 10,704-vote victory Donald Trump won in 2016 and the expected close margin anticipated in 2020.
“It’s very hard to change the result of an election after the fact,” Cushman stated.
He said in instances, such as what happened in Detroit with numbers not squaring, Michigan law prevents a recount.
Cushman also said he does “not have faith” that the errors during the primary election will be rectified by the November election.
Trump Tweets:
For our Country to be sending 80 million UNSOLICITED BALLOTS is very unfair and a roadmap to disaster. Even recent small and easier to control elections which did this are a catastrophic disaster. Fraudulent & missing Ballots like never seen before. 20% and 30% off. STOP!
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1298256297431666688 In New Jersey they want you to certify that you asked for the Universal Mail-In Ballot that they sent you. But you never asked for it. Disaster in the wings!
https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1297152619526393856?s=21 So now the Democrats are using Mail Drop Boxes, which are a voter security disaster. Among other things, they make it possible for a person to vote multiple times. Also, who controls them, are they placed in Republican or Democrat areas? They are not Covid sanitized. A big fraud! 80 Million Unsolicited Ballots are impossible for election centers to tabulate accurately. The Democrats know this better than anyone else. The fraud and abuse will be an embarrassment to our Country. Hopefully the Courts will stop this scam!
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1298404245629284354 The greatest Election Fraud in our history is about to happen. This may top the Democrats illegally spying on my campaign!
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1297706044236472320 A hopeful reasoning from an Anon: Regarding election delay fears. If election was delayed for Trump, it is delayed for Pelosi. Thus she can’t take over because she’d lose her seat too. 20th amendment kicks in & next in line is patriot Sen Grassley who is not up for re-election. Q2274 & Q49 Trust Grassley. https://mobile.twitter.com/3days3nights/status/1296934183911206912 Rand Paul has started what could be the biggest civil rights legislation of our time:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) have introduced companion pieces of legislation that would allow federal education funds to follow individual children to their chosen school or learning environment.
In early August, Paul — a member of the Senate committee that oversees education — and this week, Roy — in the U.S. House — launched the Support Children Having Open Opportunities for Learning (SCHOOL) Act.
“The proposal mandates that money follows the child, not the system, “whether learning in person or remotely, to the public school, private school, or home school they attend.”
“The SCHOOL Act eases one of this pandemic’s most crushing burdens, returning more of families’ own money to them so they have greater flexibility to provide the best possible education for their kids and cover the costs that come with it,” Paul said in a statement. “I am proud to be joined across the Capitol in this effort by Representative Roy as momentum builds for this much-needed legislation.”
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/21/school-act-would-assure-education-money-follows-the-child-not-the-system/ Violence in the streets:

Obviously from the video, the police thought he was going for his gun in the car. He was a very bad dude! Why do the Democrats keep deifying people who are hardened repeat criminals?
Trump Tweet:
Governor should call in the National Guard in Wisconsin. It is ready, willing, and more than able. End problem FAST!

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1298671449968959490 More senseless violence and throwing poop:
(I suppose it would be considered racist to compare them to the only other animals that throw poop...)
It appears as though the rioters in Portland have revealed Plan Number 2, as they’ve resorted to throwing balloons filled with feces at police, along with other objects including golf balls and rail spikes. They even used a torn out street sign to smash the windows of several police SUV’s. The rioters also targeted the Boys And Girls Club, sponsored by the Portland Trailblazers NBA team. Ironically, this club is located in what is a traditional black neighborhood. Perhaps if the rioters smash up enough black youth clubs, then racial injustice will end.
Not sure whose job it was to make these…. 💩🎈
Just when we thought we had seen it all in over 80 days.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 22, 2020
Goodyear decided that Blue Lives did Matter after all, since they are customers for their tires, but All Lives Don't Matter to Goodyear, nor do they support Making America Great Again. Perhaps they were afraid of seeing their tires burning.
A slide has leaked from a Goodyear diversity training which brands “Blue Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter” and “MAGA” attire “unacceptable,” while deeming Black Lives Matter and LGBT slogans to be “acceptable.”

The leaked slide is of their “zero tolerance” policy towards support for police or conservative values.
According to a report from WIBW, the person who took the photo of the slide said that it was presented at a Topeka plant by an area manager and says it came from their corporate office out of Akron, Ohio. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/goodyear-bans-employees-wearing-lives-matter-blue-lives-matter-maga-slogans-says-black-lives-matter-allowed/ Would you be surprised to learn that the Chinese were using something like the Social Credit System here in America to identify, encourage and empower rioters?
This is why the US shut down the Chinese Consulate in Houston: Chinese Consulate in Houston Intervened in US Political Movement (ChiComs coordinated BLM Antfa via Tik Tok) ChinaScope ^ | 8/18/20 Radio Free Asia (RFA) published an article explaining the reason that the U.S. closed China’s Consulate in Houston.
The article stated that the U.S. has known that the staff members at the consulate were conducting suspicious activities, but, for a while, it did not take any action. The Second Department of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), which is the PLA’s intelligence unit, sent staff members from a large network company, with fake IDs, to China’s Consulate in Houston. Those technicians used a large video platform’s backend data to identify people who might participate in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and ANTIFA’s protests and then created and sent them customized videos on how to organize riots and how to do promotions. The purpose was to “weaponize” big data technology. It delivered relevant materials precisely to those people who were most likely to participate in the protests, while other people could not even find those videos.
RFA did not spell out the company names. A Twitter account said the technicians were from Huawei and the video platform they used to identify candidates and push videos to was TikTok.
Sources: 1. Radio Free Asia, August 7, 2020 https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/news/ear/ear-straw-08062020081345.html 2. Twitter, @Raymond999USA (Excerpt) Read more at chinascope.org ...http://chinascope.org/archives/24225 In case it’s hasn’t been obvious enough that they are terrorists... A Black Lives Matter militant in Chicago this week issued what many have interpreted as a terroristic threat.
Taylor Norwood this week unleashed on Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot during a press conference for allowing the police to arrest her ‘innocent friends’ who were just exercising their Fist Amendment right.
Norwood accused Lightfoot of protecting the whites in North Chicago from blacks in Southside Chicago by blocking off exits to the north following back-to-back weekends of BLM terrorists looting Magnificent Mile.
.#BlackLivesMatter activist in Chicago: “We have demands and they need to be met … we’re not asking you anything. We’re telling you what’s about to happen with your permission or not. … You can listen to us or you can get ran over.” pic.twitter.com/yEXFT4LOv9 — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 22, 2020
Security for me but fear for thee...
The Chicago Police Department has effectively banned protesters from demonstrating on Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s block in the Logan Square neighborhood, ordering officers to arrest anyone who refuses to leave, the Tribune has learned.
The directive surfaced in a July email from then-Shakespeare District Commander Melvin Roman to officers under his command. It did not distinguish between the peaceful protesters Lightfoot regularly says she supports and those who might intend to be destructive, but ordered that after a warning is given to demonstrators, “It should be locked down.”
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said Tuesday she would not send the National Guard to help deal with continued unrest in Portland. Hours later, another riot took place.
A group of about 150, many wearing helmets, gas masks, and body armor and carrying shields, descended on City Hall after 9:30 p.m. Some smashed windows and entered the building, including people marked as “press,” while others lit a fire outside.
Police officers began warning the mob to leave the area. Most ignored the warnings, so police used force to disperse them, according to a nightly incident summary from the Portland Police Bureau.
Police disengaged to try to reduce the intensity of the situation but the mob soon returned to the area, shining lasers in the eyes of officers and trying to break more windows. Just after 11 p.m., a man ignited an aerosol can while spraying it toward the city building, where security guards were inside.
Because of the threat to life, officers again dispersed the crowd. Rioters hurled eggs and bottles at them and continued shining lasers.
Clashes continued into the early hours of Wednesday.
Twenty-three people were arrested for charges including disorderly conduct, harassment, and resisting arrest. Under a new policy from Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, most charges will likely be dropped.
Oregon has laws against undercover reporting.

Project Veritas Action just filed a lawsuit challenging Oregon’s unconstitutional recording laws. Stay tuned... more updates coming soon.
Nice short video of James O’Keefe in Portland filing the papers!:
In June Black Lives Matter greater New York Chair Hawk Newsome issued a terroristic threat during his appearance on Fox News.
“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.. I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.” said Hawk Newsome.
Rioters cemented a door shut on a police station, and then started a fire at the other end of the station in an apparent attempt to murder the officers:
The criminals at the 12th street entrance reportedly mixed what is suspected to be cement mix and water in a bucket with a wooden stick before applying it to the door. Photos show the criminals also destroyed the electronic key card off the door.
On the East Pine Street side of the East Precinct, the criminals started a fire. The intent appeared to be to burn the building with the officers inside.
A source tells me the officers inside had to kick the door open to exit the building and disperse the rioters. Luckily, already lacking discernible skills, the rioters did not follow directions and may have used too much water in the cement mixture. Photos indicate it too runny to fully seal the doorway shut.
Seattle Police Officers Guild president Mike Solan is condemning the crime, along with the lack of response from city leaders.
“It’s clear that domestic terrorists are continuing to hold our great city hostage by their criminal acts,” Solan tells the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “We’re talking about a little over 100 people who continue to force their political agenda to push assaults on officers, destroy private and public property, to continue their dangerous ideology. What’s next has been seen before and I’m fearful that someone will lose their life in the coming days. This could all stop if our public officials would decry and push back against these criminal acts.”
Rioters block roads to prevent Emergency vehicles from access:
ATLANTA- Law Enforcement Today has received numerous reports from law enforcement sources in Atlanta that a number of officers have come under attack as riots are popping off in the city.
Rioters are laying down metal slabs, reportedly to block emergency responders from being able to get to the scene.
Heavily armed groups of protestors have been seen in the streets.
BREAKING: Individuals are now laying large metal slabs on a road in #Atlanta to prevent potential law enforcement vehicles from accessing the area. #Georgia
It looks like Obama et al actually imported terrorists from the Ukraine and Germany to run BLM riots:
A stunning report is indicating that the Obama administration imported foreign terrorists to the U.S. in preparation for the ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter uprising that is currently laying waste to America’s cities.
Ukraine-based independent journalist George Eliason published the bombshell report on Tuesday alleging that the foreign terrorists were brought overseas due to the scheming of former President Barack H. Obama and CIA Director John Brennan.
“It is an American problem caused by the former Obama-Biden administration’s continuing coup against the Presidency of Donald Trump,” Eliason writes of the ANTIFA/BLM terror uprising.
Eliason noted that ANTIFA terrorists were trained in Syria as part of a Kurdish neo-Marxist fighting force. He believes that since ANTIFA are “part of an insurgency ground force with provable foreign government representation and foreign insurgents from terrorist groups,”
He also performed extensive investigative work to determine the origins of ANTIFA and their leadership. Through careful analysis of ANTIFA’s official website, his investigation led back to Ben Utzer, who Eliason describes as “Antifa’s German Pirate Party chubby, never miss a meal, pasty white leader of the boots on the ground Obama-Biden Antifa-BLM insurrection.” “Utzer is the German directing the traffic for American Antifa seditionists willing to murder and destroying their own cities for a foreign hacker-politico who owns a little security company and loves dogs,” Eliason writes.
Eliason showed social media posts made by the German Pirate Party echoing ANTIFA talking points, opposing President Trump’s plan to restore law and order amidst sustained rioting, and even using the hashtag #WeAreAllAntifaNow. He contends that Utzer’s agitating shows that the terror group is actually headquartered in Europe.
“Antifa, BLM, and other groups were brought in to create a funnel catching disenfranchised people from across the spectrum bringing them under one umbrella for the IO coup project. This is how the manpower problem for sedition was tackled,” he writes.
He pulled up other social media activity from the Pirate Party to make the case that they are a foreign entity effectively staging a coup d’état against the Trump administration. “Let’s be clear. A German political party with European Parliament representation declared war on the nascent presidency of Donald Trump in no uncertain terms in early December 2016,” Eliason writes.
He is calling on American patriots to form militia-type groups to defend the homeland while this foreign coup plays itself out. He argues that supporting law enforcement should be a top priority for Americans who want to save their nation from the leftist occupation.
“While this is going on if you care about the country, the police that protected you need your protection. With all the defunding they are short-staffed and demoralized. Contact them about building auxiliary support groups and then do what they say to do,” Eliason writes.
“We went through this in Donbass after these same nationalists took over the country in 2014. Donbass stood against it because the people stood behind the police pushing Ukraine’s version of Antifa out,” he concludes.
https://bigleaguepolitics.com/shock-report-obama-biden-administration-imported-foreign-terrorists-to-bolster-antifas-ranks/ On the lighter side: On Saturday a group of Antifa goons thought it would be a good idea to crash the Sturgis Biker Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. At one point a tall Antifa goon with purple hair kicked a bike and that’s when all hell broke loose. The Sturgis bikers erupted and police took the purple haired goon. The rest of Antifa had to get a police escort to get out of town.
Here is a letter Dagny sent to the Secretary of State of Oregon:
Dear Ms. Clarno, The Postal Union has now endorsed Biden: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The 300,000-member National Association of Letter Carriers said on Friday that the union’s executive council had endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for president, warning “the very survival” of the U.S. Postal Service is at stake." https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-post-union/postal-union-endorses-biden-candidacy-as-survival-of-usps-at-stake-idUSKCN25A2NJ For years going back to the 90’s the USPS has had a special arrangement wherein the Democrats have had paid time off to do electioneering for the Democrats. CNN reported:
"The investigation, as documented in a report from the Office of Special Counsel, said the USPS granted employees union leave time off, at the request of the union, to do political activity -- which OSC concluded was a "systematic violation" of a law regarding the political activity of federal employees.
The report said the practice was longstanding, perhaps ranging as far back as the 1990s.” "According to the [Office of Special Counsel] report, the union would provide a list of USPS employees to USPS, asking they be put on unpaid leave to participate in the political effort. Then the USPS management would disperse the lists, which were viewed lower down as "directives," to give the letter carriers time off, including telling local supervisors to do so over concerns it would affect postal operations. The union would pay the employees out of its own political fund during their time off." https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/07/19/politics/osc-usps-hillary-clinton-hatch-act/index.html?__twitter_impression=true
To say our vote by mail is secure is an absurd statement.
Here is a test of your confidence in the mail. Put $5,000 in cash in an envelope and mail it to yourself. If you are not willing to do that, then how can you in truth say you trust the mail system.
Democrat partisans are running the mail system. That is a fact established by the sources above.
Please do not betray the people of Oregon. They have a right to a secure, free, and fair election. With a Democrat controlled delivery of the ballots, that is not possible.
To claim it is secure is to make a mockery of your office.