Here is Eric Coomer VP of Strategy and Security at Dominion, demonstrating how to change votes in the computer to whatever the operator wants:

See it before they take the video down... 1.5 minutes

This is his position with Dominion.
In early October, a week before early voting started in Georgia, Eric Coomer updated all the voting machines in Georgia. The individual running the upgrades in Dominion’s voting machines was Eric Coomer:
In GA, during (late?) Sept, Dominion’s radical Leftist Eric Coomer made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission”. From this 9/29/20 AJC story
— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) November 24, 2020

Pennsylvania judge orders certification to halt!
A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday blocked the state from certifying election results in the presidential race and all other races pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday.
Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough ordered the state to hold off on taking any further action to certify the results of the 2020 election.
“To the extent that there remains any further action to perfect the certification of the results of the 2020 General Election for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States of America, respondents are preliminarily enjoined from doing so, pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday,” the judge wrote.
“Respondents are preliminarily enjoined from certifying the remaining results of the election, pending the evidentiary hearing.”
The Pennsylvania Secretary of State on Tuesday certified the presidential and vice-presidential election and Governor Wolf signed the Certificate of Ascertainment for the slate of elector for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
However, Republican lawmakers late Tuesday filed an emergency brief and argued there was no need to rush because Pennsylvania certified election results on December 12 in 2016.
The Republican lawmakers sued Governor Wolf, Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
“As with prior historical attempts to illegally expand mail-in voting by statute, which have been struck down going as far back as the Military Absentee Ballot Act of 1839, Act 77 is another illegal attempt to override the limitations on absentee voting prescribed in the Pennsylvania Constitution, without first following the necessary procedure to amend the constitution to allow for the expansion.”
The Republican plaintiffs, Congressman Mike Kelly, Sean Parnell, Wanda Logan and others argued that Pennsylvania’s vote-by-mail measure, Act 77, is in violation of the PA constitution.
Biden is the biggest LARP ever!
Jenna Ellis, Trump Legal Team:
All this media chatter of Joe Biden picking his cabinet is like fantasy football. Meaningless in the real game.
This video is 2 minutes long and really gets to the heart of it - by Randy Quade,and retweeted by President Trump:

See this Affidavit retweeted by President Trump. Here are vitally important excerpts:

... some townships as much as 350% over the amount of voters possible...

On Saturday Sidney Powell told Newsmax that 35,000 votes were added to every Democratic candidate in AZ, to start their count, and that she believes this also happened elsewhere. On Tuesday Attorney Sidney Powell told Lou Dobbs “We’ve got one witness that says in Arizona at least there were 35,000 votes added to every Democratic candidate just to start their voting off.”
Sidney Powell: “I mean, people sitting on the floor writing on the side of buses filling out ballot after ballot. It’s in your face everywhere. The statistical evidence is insurmountable. The mathematical evidence is to a mathematical impossibility. This is no way there was anything but widespread election fraud here. We’ve got one witness that says in Arizona at least there were 35,000 votes added to every Democratic candidate just to start their voting off. It’s like getting your $500 of Monopoly money to begin with when you haven’t done anything. And it was only for Democrats.”
GSA money to Biden, even a small amount, has strings attached, and what interesting strings!:

Interesting legal theory:

Lin Wood Words of Wisdom:
Third party bad actors who seek to overthrow our government by stealing our election have been caught. They know it.
They lost ballot box fraud phase.
They will soon move to phase 2 of the overthrow effort.
Be prepared. Get in the arena. NOW.

Threat of blood in suburbia... America held hostage:
Adam Rahuba, of Pittsburgh, PA, is warning President Trump and his supporters that if he doesn’t concede and turn the keys over to the far-left, radical regime of puppet Joe Biden, there will be blood in the streets of the suburbs in America.
The tweet reads:
Attn: @realDonaldTrump
If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas.
Your supporters will not be able to go to work or go to the grocery store to feed their families.
We are armed and will retaliate to attempts of vehicular homicide.
Antifa is just “an idea”- @JoeBiden It’s time for us to end this idea. — Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) November 24, 2020
Here are a few tweets by Adam Rahuba, whose Twitter account has now been suspended. His tweets include comments about “targeting conservative politicians” and how he’s begun “operations directly against MAGA voters.” Hmmm….wonder what that means?

Sorry, Tucker, your outrage is too little, too late - American Thinker
While Google and Big Tech may have played a significant role in the rigged election of 2020, it is not the story.
The story is why five states suddenly stopped counting votes, something that has never happened in the history of presidential elections in this country.
The story is President Trump having huge leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina and Georgia when we went to bed and waking up to a Biden surge giving him the lead in those states.
The story is Republican observers restricted from monitoring vote counts in these battleground states and the sworn affidavits of workers witnessing votes dropped off in the dead of night after the counting was stopped.
The story is the Pennsylvania Supreme Court doing an end-run around the legislature, breaking federal election laws, to rig the voting for Democrats.
The story is Pennsylvania ignoring an order from Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito, allotted to the Third Circuit, to segregate mail-in ballots received after Election Day.
The story is why no one in the mainstream media is investigating the Trump legal team's allegations of massive computerized vote fraud via Dominion Systems.
The story is why Dominion backed out of a hearing with the Pennsylvania State Legislature, and why Dominion officials suddenly closed social media accounts and lawyered up?
Newsmax is not to be trusted.
They have been in the Clinton's pocket for a very long time.
OANN and Epoch Times are better.
Newsmax Calls Biden Winner in Mich., Nevada, Pa. Based on Fraudulent Certifications and called Georgia for Biden last Friday.
Newsmax CEO Ruddy donated $1 mil to the Clinton Foundation in 2016.
"Newsmax has not yet called the entirety of the 2020 presidential race for former vice president Joe Biden, but expects to make a determination shortly after reviewing legal challenges made by the Trump campaign."
Chris Ruddy, the Newsmax CEO, has reportedly been “friends with the Clintons since 2007” and “last year [2014] pledged $1 million to the Clinton Foundation over a five-year period.” Ruddy told the Journal through a spokesman that though he felt Hillary Clinton would “make a great presidential candidate,” the donation was not an endorsement.
Lsat year, as Bloomberg News noted in its profile of him, Ruddy launched “NewsmaxTV, a 24-hour cable news channel that will be, he says, a kinder, gentler Fox.”
“Our goal is to be a little more boomer-oriented, more information-based rather than being vituperative and polarizing,” Ruddy told the outlet,

Attorney General William Barr is launching a crackdown on the Philadelphia Mafia — and some expect that the City’s most senior mobsters are getting ready to flip on former Boss ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino, who is widely suspected of rigging the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.
Unless, of course, Merlino flips first.
A superseding indictment was unsealed today against 15 defendants, including alleged members and associates of the South Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey-based criminal organization La Cosa Nostra (LCN), popularly known as the ‘mafia’ or ‘mob.’ The superseding indictment charges various crimes including racketeering conspiracy, illegal gambling, loansharking, extortion, and drug trafficking.
PA Secretary of State certified the PA election, in spite of overwhelming evidence of fraud.
Lin Wood won't let him get away with it:
Wood included two images of a subpoena for Atlanta Hawks VP Scott Wilkinson from the US District Court with GA Secretary of State Raffensperger listed as the Defendant.
The subpoena demands and surveillance tapes, documents, information or objects, permission to inspect the premises a suite in the State Farm Arena. The subpoena includes recordings of elevators and loading docks and loading dock entrances. The subpoena also asks for any work orders or permits related to a water break in the Hawks arena.
Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA. Several people have seen it. Many more will see it soon. Video camera eye does not lie. How do you spell Election Fraud? — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 24, 2020
In time, people are going to prison in Georgia. Every lie will be revealed.#FightBack for TRUTH — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 24, 2020
What really happened in Georgia when "the water main" reportedly "broke causing a delay in the election counting in the state"?
The Gateway Pundit was first to report about the “water main break” in the Atlanta Hawks State Farm Arena –
According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m. According to CBS WVLT8 ballots in Georgia would not be counted due to a water main break: Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said.
According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m. WVLT8 also released a statement from the Secretary of State related to the incident: Tonight Fulton County will report results for approximately 86,000 absentee ballots, as well as Election Day and Early Voting results. These represent the vast majority of ballots cast within Fulton County.
One Georgia resident, attorney Paul J. Dzikowski, attempted to obtain more information on the reported water main break in Atlanta. He sent a letter to and requested any information related to the water main break under the Georgia Open Records Act. This is what he wrote in his request:
In response the only public records generated as a result of the alleged “burst pipe” that halted the counting of ballots in Atlanta (Fulton Co.) were a few text messages. These messages were with the Sr. Vice President of the Atlanta Hawks, Geoffrey Stiles, who called it a “slow leak” that was “contained quickly,” and he said the entire thing was “highly exaggerated.”
Hillary & Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState overheard at Atlanta cafe tonight: Brad: Does Bleachbit work on video tapes? Hillary: Not as well as a hammer. Brad: Any other way to destroy evidence? Hillary: If I had been in Nixon’s shoes, I would have burned the tapes. F-E-L-O-N-Y — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 24, 2020
Lin Wood @LLinWood
20/20 is not year 3rd party bad actors planned to overthrow duly elected President at ballot box. They knew they would be caught red-handed. They were. Too obvious.
They have other plans.
DonaldTrump is ready.
Patriots are ready. Watch for whites of their Communist eyes.
Here is a worthy video - both short, amusing, and informative

One and a half minutes of accurate and entertaining satire...