"Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is."
Winston Churchill
See for yourself:

Video here. It's near the start of the video. https://frankspeech.com/video/klaus-schwab-why-does-klaus-schwab-have-vladimir-lenin-bust-his-office

Burning up the evidence? Biden Secret Service cars burst into flame after Thanksgiving.
Five cars rented by Biden’s Secret Service burst into flames after Joe Biden left Nantucket.
The Biden clan spent Thanksgiving weekend at a $30 million estate in Nantucket, Massachusetts. The fire erupted Monday morning at 5 am just 40 feet away from the airport’s 25,000 gallon jet fuel tanks, the Nantucket Current reported.
Not suspicious? Secret Service rental cars burst into flame after big crime family meetings all the time...

REVEALED: Biden ordered Trudeau to END the freedom convoy over fears US car plants would close within hours - before the Canadian PM invoked emergency powers to quash it
President Biden demanded Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stop the 'freedom convoy' that protested at the border against vaccine mandates
Trudeau is set to testify Friday regarding his decision to clear out the convoy as part of a Canadian government investigation
The trucker protest grew until it closed vital trade routes along the Canada-U.S. border and shut down key parts of the capital for more than three weeks
Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland previously testified that Washington was 'very, very, very worried' about the blockades
The minister emailed staff on February 10 saying Washington feared 'all of their northeastern car plants will shut down' if the convoy was not stopped in 12 hours
Trudeau, according to texts between Clow and Freeland, talked to Biden about 'money, people and political/media support' from America
Three days after speaking with Biden, on February 14, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to clear out the protesters

HUGE! Twitter to Stop Enforcing Its Bogus Regime-Endorsed "COVID-19 Misleading Information Policy" that Was Based on Bag of Fauci Lies

For those who don’t understand my stance on Elon, here is the best summary:
It was the US MIL who allocated US taxpayer dollars to Elon that led to the purchase of Twitter. The US MIL used the Deep State playbook to take Twitter via the private sector to make it appear organic.
And who controlled the military and signed off on all of Elon’s massive DoD contracts?
Elon is a white hat carrying out operations in the private sector via proxy for the US MIL.

Speaking of international law. This one is no longer collecting dust.
“Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter give Russia, as the legal successor to the victor of World War II, the right to take any action, including military ones, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia. , Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN charter that allows a Russian special operation to be carried out in Ukraine.
The Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced to criminal liability all those who fought against the United Nations and committed genocide. The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people. UN Charter, Articles 106 and 107, gives the victors of World War II - the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China - the right to take action against the countries that fought against them to prevent actions that aim to revise the results of the Second World War. .
In particular, the use of military force against these countries is permitted. To do this, you only need to NOTIFY the other three winning countries, but not get their consent. Russia, as the LEGAL successor to the USSR, can also use force against states that want to overhaul the Yalta-Potsdam system in Europe. Russia can stop attempts to revive Nazism in Germany, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, which acted as the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the war.”
"I don't eat anymore."

Sam Bankman-"Fraud"

Here are all the other “top business and policy leaders” at the NYT whitewashing summit:
Eric Adams, New York City mayor
Ben Affleck, Artists Equity C.E.O.
Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX founder
Gerry Cardinale, RedBird Capital Partners founder, managing partner and C.I.O.
Shou Chew, TikTok C.E.O.
Larry Fink, BlackRock chairman and C.E.O.
Reed Hastings, Netflix founder and co-C.E.O.
Andy Jassy, Amazon president and C.E.O.
Van Jones, CNN host, author and Dream.Org founder
Scarlett Lewis, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement founder and mother of Sandy Hook shooting victim, Jesse
Mike Pence, 48th vice president of the United States and author of “So Help Me God”
Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Minister of Israel, current leader of the Likud party
Priscilla Sims Brown, Amalgamated Bank president and C.E.O.
Secretary Janet L. Yellen, U.S. Department of the Treasury
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta founder, chairman and C.E.O.
The shocked, stunned and simply disgusted reactions are still coming in:
This should tell you where Pence stands...

The states of Missouri and Louisiana are suing the Federal Government, alleging that they colluded with big tech to silence non-state-sponsored opinions about COVID and masking (among other things) on social media.
This isn’t a news flash to anyone, but the states are right.
I won’t get into all the legalese because even though it interests me, it would likely bore you to tears. Still, Missouri and Louisiana are alleging that the Biden administration colluded with big tech to censor opinions and facts it doesn’t like, which is an infringement on the 1st Amendment rights of the citizens who live in that state. It is also a direct affront by the Federal government to those states.
Missouri v. Biden:
“This is a state suing the federal government,”
“It’s not some individual — their rights infringed upon. It’s a state — two states — and a bunch of other folks. And the people who wrote the Great Barrington declaration, their attorneys are involved in it, too.”
THREAD: The Missouri v. Biden case will go down in history as one of the most important civil liberties cases ever tried in a United States court. A ruling was issued recently and I would like to explain this to you. The judge in this case just smacked the government down once again.
READ ON The parties have been going back and forth. As we know, the judge has made two exceedingly rare rulings in this case; first, he granted expedited discovery. For details you can read this: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2022/09/06/ruling-today-government-cornered-in-court-on-social-media-censorship/
Then, once discovery started coming in, the Plaintiff attorneys couldn’t believe what they were reading, and petitioned the court for expedited depositions. His order declared that several claims the Plaintiffs had made about social media censorship had already been PROVEN. Unheard of, but true. The claims were PROVEN, and there is an active and wide ranging effort to censor and target Americans based on their THOUGHTS and speech.
If you haven’t yet, please read this: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2022/10/23/bombshell-court-order-outlines-proven-government-big-tech-censorship/
This article details everything in the judges order, and it’s something.
This piece was written before “The Intercept” wrote their piece. The Intercept piece that went viral was based on the discovery in THIS CASE.
So, once the judge ordered expedited discovery, the government shenanigans began.
The government (Defendants in this case) started filing motions to stop people from being deposed, and in other cases to delay it due to circumstances they outline that are inane and ridiculous. I will detail these in this thread, because I feel like a deep dive follow of this case is something everyone needs.
Then, they filed a mandamus in the appellate court to stop the depositions altogether. The Plaintiffs (MO and LA) consented to a SHORT delay in deposition, bringing them to early Dec.
That wasn’t good enough, of course, so the Defendants filed a motion to stay the depositions and outline all of their nonsense reasons why they would be IRREPARABLY harmed by having to expedite their depositions. They also claimed that the appellate court may rule that the parties won’t have to sit for deposition at all, and that some of the material is privileged- all of which the judge had ALREADY addressed.
Judges don’t like that. Today, the judge ruled on their request.
He ruled that their request for a stay was DENIED, which means that no matter what happens in the appellate court, they must sit for these depositions, because as the judge so eloquently writes, the HARM they are causing to Americans far supersedes any of their nonsense excuses. I am about to do a run down on this 7 page order now, so you have the sauce, but that is a summary.
Here is a link to the order so you can read along: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520.104.0.pdf
Please take the time to read this. It outlines all of the topics at hand where the government is actively working to censor views and facts that counter their approved narratives. Understand that this lawsuit covers every major issue in this country today- not just COVID, but also election integrity and the Biden Laptop story.
They filed their appeal to bar CISA, the Surgeon General and the director of Digital Strategy for the White House from having to testify. Their depositions are scheduled for December.
The judge outlines the four criteria the court will use to decide a stay. Note the last one is the Public Interest. Now he will go on to analyze each of these. This is where it gets good, and where we see just how seriously this judge is taking this case."
Arizona County Republican Chairs Send Letter Calling On Maricopa County Not To Certify Corrupt Midterm Election
Arizona County GOP Chairmembers have united in sending a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, objecting to the certification of the 2022 Midterm Election.
Chair members and representatives from Arizona’s 15 counties, and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, registered their objections to election certification “until such time as the many issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election are thoroughly investigated, and the potential statutory violations of A.R.S Title 16 are remedied.”
The 2022 Election in Arizona was an uncertifiable mess.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Maricopa County crooks will move forward with certification on Monday intentionally, one hour before they must fulfill a subpoena for election records.
The Gateway Pundit reported on the serious issues in Maricopa County’s General Election on November 8. Due to the incompetence of Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs, tabulators were down, printers ran out of ink, and long, long lines kept Republican voters waiting to cast their ballots. Republican voters were told to drop their ballots into “box 3” to be counted later.
Election experts and election workers later reported that these uncounted ballots were mixed with already counted ballots, leaving no way of knowing if all legal votes were counted!
Despite this issue occurring at well over 30% of polling locations on election day, Maricopa County officials would have us believe that only 17,000 ballots were affected and dropped into Box 3.
The County admitted to 30% of polling locations having issues, but a new report reveals that over 60% of polling locations were experiencing these anomalies and extreme wait times.
Republicans had at least 72% of the turnout on election day, and this was a deliberate attempt to silence the largest County’s Republican voters.
Maricopa County holds roughly 60% of the state’s registered voters. This was an attack on the entire Arizona Republican Party and America First candidates for statewide office.
The letter from GOP Chair Members states, “Statistically, the certification of an election in a county with 58.7% of the registered voters that experienced widespread, systemic failures disenfranchises the votes cast in the 14 remaining counties in the State of Arizona. Our voters will come to believe if you do not live in Maricopa, there is no need to vote.”
“If Maricopa County and the State of Arizona are allowed to move forward with this blunder of an election lacking in execution and contingency planning, the voters in the outlying counties will, like those in Maricopa County, be effectively disenfranchised and their votes which are their voices will be silenced.”
The letter to Maricopa County lists the election day failures as follows:
Election Day Administration Failures:
-Multiple failures related to ballot-on-demand (BOD) printers
-Tabulators experiencing problems reading ballots printed by the BOD printers at between 60and 118 voting locations
-Lack of training related to the “check-in” “check-out” procedures for e-Pollbooks
-“Door 3” ballots which Maricopa County failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines in segregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting of the ballots
-Failure to reconcile check-ins and ballots cast against check in at the voting locations
-Erroneous instructions advising ‘checked-in’ voters to vote elsewhere, vote provisionally elsewhere, drop off a mail ballot- all three of which would result in the voters’ ballots NOT being counted
-Untold numbers of voters giving up and leaving without voting
-Failure to provide voting materials for the accessible voting machines required by Federal law, which could have been used to allow voting

Database Latency: Real-time Election Fraud
County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.
National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes. They didn’t happen because there is no history.
The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine -- except for ballots. Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database -- the one that was changed, then changed back.
Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot. They may vote in person. Oops! “You already voted!” Ever heard that?
Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back. Who would know?
A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know? With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file -- months after the election.
Here’s the fraud equation taking place across the country:
Count the in-person votes on election day.
Count the early, in-person votes.
Shut down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County everything).
Bring in undeliverable ballots gathered when you changed voters’ names, addresses, or zip codes, then changed them back.
Determine the votes you need to win. Press the “WIN” button.
Wait for the Republicans to file a lawsuit months later.
In a real-life example, this month, we found a county that changed 31,500 zip codes, yet the voter remained at the same address. Curious?
That means the voter did not change their address, continued to receive all their mail, except one item -- a ballot sent from a voter commission.
Our teams in Wisconsin and Florida are discovering this scam by the truckload -- do not email me that it is not real! And NCOA and Melissa? They are totally blind to this -- because the addresses are changed back!
The Fractal team spent the last 20 months, with guidance from Mike Lindell, encouragement from the great Sheriff David Clarke, and over a dozen election integrity teams advancing voter integrity analysis from the ancient, batch, latent to the modern, current real-time.
We learned the core strategy to fight ballot-gathering fraud in real time analysis of voter rolls and cast ballots. It is also real-time analysis of ballot collection points -- like large apartment complexes and dorms where ballots gather because there is not an apartment number.

What happens if our Second Amendment isn't protected...

🇷🇺⚡️The State Duma adopted a law banning LGBT propaganda, pedophilia and gender reassignment in advertising, books, movies and the media.
◾About the recruitment of Mexican mercenaries in the Ukraine "International Legion"
◾Thanks to the authors of the @ophiucu Los Sombreros Blancos channel, our team got an email from a Mexican citizen to the Russian authorities about the recruitment of recruits from Latin America to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For the safety of the author, we do not disclose his personal data.
▪️The author claims that with the help of a fake Instagram account of a “Ukrainian employee of the diplomatic mission”, he got in touch and revealed the identities of two Mexican mercenaries of the “International Legion” - Enrique Rodriguez “Capon” Leon and Pedro Isai “Lizaola” Corona.
▪️"Kapon" is not only a mercenary, but also a recruiter who actively participated in the selection of recruits in Morgan's chats.
▪️According to the author, “Lizaola” stated that there are mercenaries in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who work for Mexican cartels.
▪️Employees of the Ukrainian embassy in Mexico City are indirectly involved in their recruitment, who send those interested in sending them to Ukraine to Kapon.
◾A vigilant Mexican warns that another mercenary with the call sign "Cerberus" may be a link between the Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) cartel and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
▪️Mexican mercenaries, during conversations with the author, stated that the collection point for foreign recruits in Poland is the ALEBRICHE restaurant in Krakow.
▪️The letter also says that on November 1-2, a meeting of recruits recruited into the "International Legion" was held in Mexico City, which was attended by representatives of the Ukrainian army and American PMCs.
◾We hope that this letter not only reached the recipient, but also aroused interest in the relevant authorities. After all, even in distant Mexico there are people who now remain on the side of Russia.
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198 ways to protest without violence