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The War on Innocent Souls

Brilliant Analysis of the Insidious Scheme to take your kids with CRT and Sex Programming: Once CRT is done tearing down these kids and leaving them with a negative self-identity, Queer Theory (QT) is introduced and offers them a wide assortment of positive self-identities to choose from. Instead of living with the shame and guilt of being a member of the oppressive dominant culture, these students can be celebrated for coming out as gender nonbinary or pansexual.

In an instant, these kids can trade their negative self-identity and all the accompanying guilt and shame of being an "oppressor" for a positive self-identity as a much-venerated "oppressed" minority. At this point, the left desperately wants this new identity to stay at school so it has time to be cemented before the parents find out. In the guise of helping these students, schools withhold this information about their child's new identity from mom and dad. Once the parents do find out about their child's new identity it's firmly in place and an adversarial relationship between the child and parents has been manufactured. It takes extraordinarily deft parenting to repair the relationship once it has reached this stage. The parents' tendency will be to overreact and push the child further into the arms of the woke radicals who now have the little revolutionary they wanted from the beginning. The bond between parents and child has been severed ending the perpetuation of hate and bigotry. The left is determined to replicate this process in as many families as they can using whatever means at their disposal. It's not about diddling kids. It's about capturing the minds of impressionable children. Unfortunately, this creates environments where actual predators can thrive. When young children are isolated from their parents, encouraged to adopt different beliefs, and keep secrets from their parents, they are made easy targets for abusers. "But my school has Christian teachers and a Christian principal. They couldn't possibly have this agenda."

Hear me loud and clear on this. Most teachers love the kids in their classrooms and want only the best for them. They have had their empathy *for* these students weaponized *against* them by leftist activists promoting educational programs that sound nice and caring.

Highly empathetic teachers are being used to promote this agenda unaware of its insidious purpose. An example: I recently saw a teacher at a Christian school announce that she would no longer be using the words "mom", "dad", or "parents" in her classroom. Her reason? She had just read a paper on the importance of making kids from non-traditional families feel included. She suggested replacing "Donuts with Dads" with "Bagels with Buds" or something of the such.

This sounds like a very considerate thing to do for kids who might feel different because they don't have a dad or live with their grandparents, but its purpose is to subtly chip away at the very idea of the normative nuclear family (a stated goal of the BLM organization.) Christians who think that we can embrace the ideas from CRT and reject radical gender ideology need to realize how the former is used to prepare kids to accept the latter. These are your kids we're talking about. The left wants them. They would love to sever your bond with them. They think your appeals to childhood innocence are an attempt to force heteronormativity on them. Seriously. They write papers on it. It's not a secret agenda.

Pedophiles are attracted to places with children... like schools and Disneyland...

Disgusting Disney.

To Hell with Disney:

By the way, the butterfly is a symbol to the pedophiles...

Maybe not a coincidence after all:


Elon Musk having fun:

Rep. Matt Gaetz enters the Hunter Laptop from Hell into the Congressional Record:

Senator Grassley literally has the receipts showing the guilt of Hunter Biden:

Grassley told colleagues that Hunter Biden and the president’s brother, James Biden, “served as the perfect vehicle by which the communist Chinese government could gain inroads here in the United States through CEFC [state-sponsored Chinese energy company] and its affiliates.”

“And these inroads were focused on Chinese advancement into the global and U.S. energy sector. Hunter and James Biden were more than happy to go along, of course, for the right price,” he said.

This particular transaction was being made public for the first time. (Grassley said he and Johnson would release the full document.)

“There’s no middle man in this transaction,” the senator said. “This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden.”

According to a report about an audio recording from Hunter Biden’s laptop, he spoke of representing Ho, whom he called “the f***ing spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing.

DEMOCRATS IMPLICATED — Georgia Ballot Traffickers Were Using Democrat Officials’ Offices as Stopping Points During Ballot Drop Runs

100 Percent Fed Up added this on the investigation in January —

Using commercially available geo-tracking cell phone data, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.
Charlie Kirk: You have the surveillance video that Dinesh is using in his upcoming movie where people are coming out of the car with piles of ballots. Illegal. You cannot do that in Georgia. Stuffing them into ballot boxes funded by Mark Zuckerberg… Coming night after night after night, the same guys. They’re wearing latex gloves on camera, after they put the ballots in the drop boxes they take off the latex gloves because they don’t want fingerprints on the ballots and they take pictures of every ballot. And you’ll see this video footage. I had a six-hour meeting with Dinesh D’Souza and I saw all the evidence for myself. I was really skeptical at first and we dove into it. And I was blown away at how the sophisticated technology they used to be able to track these people using cellphone technology because your cellphone is letting off a ping every 3 to 5 seconds. You can go buy those pings off of certain geographic areas… They saw that some of these mules would visit these drop boxes every night. And then go to Stacey Abrams’ headquarters and then go back to the drop boxes.

A second Democrat office in the state of Georgia was also used as a stop for the dozens of ballot traffickers in the state.

Later this afternoon we reached out to True the Vote founder and president Catherine Engelbrecht who is spearheading this investigation. Catherine told us,

“We cannot confirm anything about organization names right now by advice of counsel.


Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko @DrZevZelenko · 6h My health update. Unfortunately, my cancer has progressed and spread to my remaining lung, and may have also spread to my left hip, and low back. I will have biopsies of the hip and back soon. There are experimental and alternative treatment options that I am exploring. I feel good and have no fear. I may have to scale down some of my smaller media events but fully intend to stay in the fight as long as I have consciousness. It has been four years since I was supposed to die. Everyday since has been miraculous and I attribute my continuous survival to the prayers of loving people. My Hebrew name is Velvel Wolf Zev Ben Leah It really isn’t important when and how a person dies. It is much more important how a person lives. With much love Zev Zelenko

Just your friendly neighborhood robot telling you to stay locked up in your homes in Shanghai for days on end while the Government enforces mandatory testing. That's all. Nothing sinister about that. No, sirree, not creepy *at all*.

Robot Dog Patrols Empty Streets Of China, Barks COVID Sanitary Instructions On Loudspeaker VIDEO here:

Just a thought...

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