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Modern Warfare is Information Warfare

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

Biological warfare:

Moves and counter moves in biological warfare:

Remember also who deletes your money, your time, your emotions, and your attitudes...

Covid is not what is killing us.

Insurance CEO says deaths up 40% among working age people, and it's NOT mostly COVID

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business," OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison says.

The head of OneAmerica insurance said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.

Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica. “And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

Davison was one of several business leaders who spoke during the virtual news conference on Dec. 30 that was organized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said. “What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.” He said at the same time, the company is seeing an “uptick” in disability claims, saying at first it was short-term disability claims, and now the increase is in long-term disability claims.

Fentanyl from China kills more than Covid - Drug abuse due to lockdown depression, anxiety over covid hype, lost employment...

For the first time in U.S. history, more fentanyl than heroin has been intercepted by federal law enforcement at the country’s borders. Fentany is now the leading killer of American adults ages 18-45, causing more deaths than suicide, COVID-19, and car accidents.

In December 2021, a DEA investigation identified a “direct link between fentanyl-related overdose deaths and criminal drug networks in Mexico.”

“Mexican criminal drug networks are harnessing the perfect drug trafficking tool: social media applications that are available on every smartphone,” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said. “They are using these platforms to flood our country with fentanyl. The ease with which drug dealers can operate on social media and other popular smartphone apps is fueling our Nation’s unprecedented overdose epidemic.”

In January 2021, the Congressional Research Service stated that China remains a major producer of illegal fentanyl, which is smuggled into the U.S. by traffickers, often through the mail.

The FDA has recalled its approval of the PCR test saying it cannot distinguish between Covid and the flu:

How much classified as covid was the flu? Even today they are still using the PCR test even though it's formally no longer approved...

China Responsibility:

Covid is a released biological weapon.

Lockdown induced illness and death by bought politicians including the Bidens

Dangerous vaccination mandated by bought politicians including the Bidens

Fentanyl flooding America

Chinese fingerprints on everything...

Russia Fines Google, Facebook $120 Million for Corrupting Minors with Porn, Trans Ideology

After repeatedly accusing Google of ignoring Russian laws on obscenity, Russia has dramatically escalated its long-running battle with major US-based internet platforms. On Friday a Moscow court imposed an unprecedented fine of almost $100 million on Google for corrupting minors with porn, propaganda and transgenderism. . .

The Old Soviet Standard Procedure:

Well loved doctor sounds the alarm against vaccination of women when vaccinated mothers still-births spike - so Canada locks up the MD, denies his access to a lawyer or phone, and drugs him.

In November, Dr. Melvin Bruchet and his friend, Dr. Daniel Nagase, filed criminal charges against elected and appointed Candian government officials in British Columbia over a possible conflict of interest regarding provincial lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports. The doctors exposed a severe spike in stillbirths at a Vancouver hospital. The women were injected with the experimental Covid “vaccine” in all cases. In December 2021, the Canadian government targeted Dr. Melvin Bruchet and unlawfully placed him in detention against his will.

Stillbirths Explode in Canada

In November 2021, RAIR Foundation USA reported that stillbirths in fully “vaccinated” women are exploding in Canada,

….in Waterloo, Ontario, 86 cases have been reported in six months, compared to typically five to six per year, says doctor Daniel Nagase. “That is highly unusual.” At Lions Gate Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, 13 stillbirths were recorded over 24 hours, reported the doctor. Until recently, Dr. Nagase worked at an Alberta hospital but said he was fired after treating three covid patients with ivermectin at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre.”

Soviet Style Detention

On December 8, Dr. Bruchet had an argument with a tenant over loud music in his apartment building (a relatively common occurrence). It is unclear whether the tenant reported him as a candidate for the mental health act or someone else. Suddenly, Dr. Bruchet was targeted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

While Dr. Nagase was being interviewed in his home, three RCMP squad cars and six RCMP officers descended on Dr. Bruchet and hauled him off in handcuffs for a “psych evaluation.”

The first diagnosis made by the hospital was “frontal lobe dementia” after taking a PET scan. According to Dr. Nagase, such a situation normally does not warrant detention – just diagnosis and sending the individual home. Since Bruchet is 81, anyone outside the situation might assume that was correct. It was not.

Dr. Nagase was apprised of the situation and managed to get him out of the Psych ward on a day pass with the promise of returning on his own recognizance. Dr. Bruchet returned due to the hospital’s threats they would send the police after him.

The hospital then did a second evaluation and diagnosed him with “mania,” a condition that presumes the person may have outbursts and perhaps even be dangerous. They then took away the doctor’s phone access.

Dr. Nagase was concerned that the hospital might have given him Abilify, a medicine often used to treat mental and mood disorders that should not be given to elderly patients. In addition, the doctor was concerned because Dr. Bruchet was abnormally slurring his words. A common side effect of the powerful anti-psychotic medication.

The Soviet Union notoriously used psychiatric medicine to discredit dissidents.The Soviets often claimed that dissidents had “mental issues” and would lock them up in asylums, keep them drugged, and eventually they would die. How is this any different?

The question remains: was Dr. Bruchet unlawfully detained because he exposed the connection of stillbirths to the Covid vaccines? Or because he argued with his tenant over loud music? Or was Dr. Bruchet’s age a convenient excuse? “Dr. Mel,” as he is affectionately known, practiced medicine for many years in British Columbia.

FCC under pressure from airlines, FAA to halt rollout of 5G wireless technology near airports

Trade group Airlines for America filed an emergency petition Thursday with the Federal Communications Commission asking the agency to halt the pending launch of 5G networks near airports in what's known as the C-band. Wireless carriers already delayed the launch from Dec. 5 to Jan. 5 in light of the dispute.

"The FAA – the federal agency principally responsible for aviation safety – has now issued an Airworthiness Directive that concluded that an unsafe condition is likely to exist or develop in transport and commuter category airplane because of the interference impact of new 3.7 GHz license service on radio altimeters" that gauge distance between planes and the ground.

"Aircraft will not be able to rely on radio altimeters for numerous flight procedures and thus will not be able to land at certain airports," said the group, which represents 10 passenger and cargo airlines.

That FAA alert Dec. 23 laid out a process for issuing specific restrictions on flights to mitigate a predicted "wide range" of malfunctions on aircraft safety devices, Bloomberg Newsreported.

Desperate for Pilots

United Airlines said Friday that it will offer triple pay to pilots who pick up extra flights as bad weather and the omicron variant continue to slam the airline industry, with thousands of trips canceled since Christmas.

A flight operations executive with the company, Bryan Quigley, said in a staff note obtained by NBC News that pilots would earn three-and-a-half times their pay for additional flights between Dec. 30 and Jan. 3. They’ll earn triple pay for flying extra between Jan. 4 and 29, the note says.

American pilot Greg Pearson suffered severe injuries after the COVID vaccine Pearson got the COVID shot against his better judgment because of an employer mandate. He was forced to go to the emergency room shortly after as his heart began pounding ‘out of his chest’.

“I went to the ER where they quickly hooked me up to EKG IVs, did blood work quickly and determined that I was in atrial fibrillation. It’s the major cause of stroke.”

I could have stroked out at 100 feet while trying to land an airplane. I could have just pushed down on that stick before the person next to me could do anything. [Then] it’s all over for a lot of people.”

What Pearson then revealed was truly shocking, saying that he knows of several active pilots who are injured by the jab but stay quiet out of fear of losing their jobs:

“There’s a number of pilots out there who are fearful to come forward and speak… They are fearful of retribution.

There are guys that are going to work with crushing pains in their chests and their heads. They’re scared that they’re going to lose their careers.”

Sick Nurses Working in Hospitals

Covid-positive nurses are being recalled to work in hospitals across New South Wales – in breach of state health protocols – as hospital managers resort to desperate measures to staff facilities buckling under the Omicron outbreak.

Guardian Australia has been contacted by multiple nurses working across several hospitals in the state who are alarmed at finding themselves working alongside Covid-positive colleagues, as 2,500 health workers are in isolation across NSW.

The public hospitals span three local health districts in NSW and include major Sydney hospitals and smaller regional facilities.

All of the nurses say they had received unofficial, verbal advice from their hospitals in recent days that Covid-positive nurses could leave their mandated isolation to work, provided they were asymptomatic and wore personal protective equipment.

However, some claimed they saw Covid-positive nurses on wards with obvious symptoms, including coughing and sneezing.

At one Sydney hospital, the Covid-positive nurses appeared to be limited to working in Covid wards. However, at other hospitals, nurses said they were treating non-Covid patients and interacting with Covid-negative staff.

“God help any non-Covid patient in a hospital right now. They are sitting ducks,” one nurse told Guardian Australia.

“It’s like everyone has given up. I’m absolutely devastated. It’s a circus … positive nurses working with healthy staff and non-Covid patients.”

“The most trusted man in America,” is what my local newspaper called presidential medical adviser Anthony Fauci early in 2020, but the most trusted man in America is a liar, according to one of the foremost vaccine experts in the country, Dr. Robert Malone.

“Tony has no integrity, I mean, he lies all the time and me and my peers, we’ve been watching this for decades, I mean, we just shrug our shoulders and shake our heads and say, ‘It’s Fauci.’”

Link here:

They blocked him after appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast, also blocking copies of it at you tube etc.

Killing people with Covid, Lockdowns, and then Reducing the birth rate as well...

French President Emmanuel Macron came under fire Wednesday after he suggested the unvaccinated are “no longer” citizens.

“The unvaccinated, I really want to annoy them,” Macron said in a Tuesday interview with newspaper Le Parisien, according to the Wall Street Journal(WSJ). Macron reportedly used the phrase emmerder, which is a vulgar term for “piss off.”

“They undermine the solidity of a nation. When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen.”

Ron Paul Message for the New Year:

In a recent massively popular Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone – inventor of the mRNA technology that is the backbone of the “vaccines” - Malone discusses the disturbing concept of mass formation psychosis, where fear and manipulation are used to drive a society mad in the service of a group of elites with an agenda. We saw it in Germany in the 1930s.

As Charles Mackay wrote in the 19th century about the madness of crowds, humans go insane in groups but recover one at a time.

What is to be done to defeat tyranny in 2022? We must continue to tell the truth. The truth is winning and the liars are losing. One by one their lies are being exposed. But it is not an easy task. Each of us in 2022 can do a little something to promote truth. Do what you can. The rewards are great!

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