Trump Tweet:
Rochester N.Y., Brooklyn N.Y., Portland - All had bad nights, all weakly run by Radical Left Democrat Governors and Mayors! Get the picture?
‘Antifa shooting of Trump supporter was a planned assassination’… the first joint operation of BLM and Antifa
Here are the fascinating step by step details:
Newly released stills from cctv show Michael Forest Reinoehl, with his hand on his weapon, lying in wait for Aaron Jay Danielson. Not quite self-defense as Reinoehl claimed in his Vice interview.

Don’t forget the person who said “we got one right here.” There’s a clip of Reinoehl on the phone and he says “alright, I’m coming” shortly before the shooting. The chick in the dress with the stripes was standing around with Reinoehl just prior to the shooting. They were all in on it. The assasin's sister validated the identification by 4Chan sleuths:
Reinoehl’s estranged sister reviewed photographs of the shooting scene and told news outlets that she informed police officers that she saw her brother leaving the area immediately after the shots were fired.
“We reached out to police and confirmed that we recognized Michael in the screenshots,” the sister told The Oregonian.
“On the one hand, this whole thing surprises the daylights out of us, because we always thought he is a lot of bark, not a lot of bite,” she added. “But he’s also been very impulsive and irrational.”
Reinoehl, 48, attended a number of protests and riots in Portland in recent months. He called on people in June to “stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight” before affirming he was “100% ANTIFA.”
The far-left, anarcho-communist group has been linked to violence in multiple states, including California, Wisconsin, and Washington.
Reinoehl’s 11-year-old daughter was in his vehicle. The girl was seen wielding a baseball bat while with Reinoehl at a demonstration in Portland just one day before the shooting. https://www.theepochtimes.com/suspected-portland-murderer-gives-interview-i-had-no-choice_3487551.html The left media is implying the death of the assassin Reinoehl was a botched arrest by US Marshalls, but witnesses tell a more accurate story:
What actually happened:
Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were working on cars nearby Thursday, said an unmarked SUV had been parked on School Street for a while when that SUV and another converged on a man in a vehicle at the apartment complex. Smith and Cutler moved onto a grassy area about 50 yards away to watch what was happening.
The man got out of his vehicle and began to fire what they believe was an assault rifle at the SUVs. They said they heard 40 or 50 shots, then officers returned fire, hitting the man. “It reminded me of a video game,” Cutler said.
Brady confirmed that four officers fired their weapons. The officers were from the state Department of Corrections, Pierce County Sheriff’s Department and Lakewood Police Department. All officers on the scene were acting in U.S. Marshal capacity Thursday, according to Brady. No officers were injured in the confrontation, Brady said. https://www.theolympian.com/news/local/crime/article245485220.html?fbclid=IwAR1gJsTR4pb5WVs2dGmvMASack82XXk6NIOJceOhod9xsPPE_8cqFELIEKw
So the bad guy was under surveillance and the US marshals were waiting for him to get out of the complex and where nobody else was likely to be harmed. He tried to leave the apartment complex in his car and was boxed in by US Marshals vehicles. He exited the car firing 40 to 50 rounds but didn’t hit anyone with that. He was then shot dead by the Marshals. Trump Tweet shortly before:
Why aren’t the Portland Police ARRESTING the cold blooded killer of Aaron “Jay” Danielson. Do your job, and do it fast. Everybody knows who this thug is. No wonder Portland is going to hell! @TheJusticeDept
A mourner for Jay Donaldson was at his memorial when he was intentionally run over by an Antifa driving a truck:

Antifa strikes with lethal intent again - and almost succeeded.
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio told The Gateway Pundit that the victim is bleeding from his brain, damaged his left temporal lobe, has a concussion and is suffering from amnesia and cannot remember the incident.
A man who witnessed the incident, Rex Fergus, told the Gateway Pundit that the man “started walking around the bar and recording us, putting his phone in our faces, supposedly for doxing.”
“As he was doing that, one of our guys confronted him and said ‘hey, get out of here, we don’t want you filming us. This is a private establishment and we’re not in public.’ The man continued to try to pick fights with people in the bar at the time, until security finally kicked him out of the bar,” Fergus said.
As the man was kicked out of the bar, there were several Proud Boys in the parking lot smoking cigarettes and just arriving from the memorial service. Fergus explained that the man had also become combative with them, so Shane pulled his phone out and started filming him back.
“Once the guy started his vehicle up and started to drive off, he hit Shane,” Fergus said.
“Shane tried to get out of the way and the guy ran him over.”
Fergus said that Shane’s body went up on to the roof of the truck and his head hit the concrete when he fell.
“Immediately he was unconscious. After he hit him, the driver of the truck gassed it and left the parking lot, leaving Shane on the ground, bleeding out of his ears,” Fergus said.
“We immediately ran over and start doing everything we could to stabilize him. He was not conscious, but he was breathing,” Fergus said. “Blood was pouring out of his ears and his nose. His eyes were completely bloodshot.”
Luckily, a surgeon happened to be at the bar and helped them get control of the situation until the paramedics arrived.
The photos Shane took helped the police to identify the man, who has now been arrested. Tarrio tells Gateway Pundit that he was arrested, but we have not yet been able to confirm the driver’s name.
The Vancouver Police Department has now refused to provide the victim or witnesses with any information. Witnesses have provided the identity of the suspect to the Gateway Pundit. The man they named is Robbie Smith, a Portland-area barber and Black Lives Matter activist, who has posted calls for violence against the right to his social media pages.
However, Law Enforcement Today reports that they have received information from a source that the attacker has been identified, but remains at large. They also report that he is possibly a patched member of the Mongols Motorcycle Club, in addition to any ties he may have to Antifa.
Riots map: Note how bad Portland Oregon is:

The Princeton data set shows that nearly every major city in the United States experienced riots from late May to the end of August — even under the narrow definition that the study used to classify riots (as separate from events described as police violence against protesters).
The only exceptions within the top 50 cities by population were Fresno, California, and Mesa, Arizona.
Thus in the public imagination, the proportion that matters most may not be the 7% of protests that were violent, but the 96% of major urban areas that experienced rioting. Within the largest 100 cities by population, 74 experienced riots.
Several smaller communities have also experienced riots, including — most recently — Rochester, New York, and Kenosha, Wisconsin.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/06/data-48-of-americas-50-largest-cities-hit-by-black-lives-matter-riots/ Why Portland? Is it because it is a major hub for child sex trafficking, and Trump’s is going after them?
The reason sex trafficking is such a problem in Portland is that it is able to easily piggyback off of legal sex shops and strip clubs and Portland has more adult establishments per capita than any other city in America. This is because in Portland, unlike in anywhere else in America, there are no zoning restrictions on adult establishments, meaning they can pop up anywhere, including right next to schools, like the one just two blocks down from Madison High School. Because of this lack of restriction, Portland’s number of sex shops compared to other sex trafficking hot spots is shocking ,as stated by Michal Elseth in “Portland’s Dark World of Child Sex Trafficking, “While Seattle has four strip clubs, and Dallas, another trafficking hot spot, has three, Portland has more than 50 all-nude strip clubs within city limits.” Not only that, but strip clubs don’t follow as many restrictions and safeguards than in most other states, as the dancers are considered “contractors” and not required to have permits (Elseth).
Portland, Ore., is widely featured as a young, green, hip city; it also has gained a reputation as a national hub for child sex trafficking. Portland’s legal commercial sex industry is the biggest per capita in the country, according to a report by researchers at Willamette Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic. Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather once called the city “Pornland.” The city has more strip clubs per capita than glittery Las Vegas, and a tolerant attitude toward sex, both legal and illegal. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jul/28/portlands-dark-world-of-child-sex-trafficking/
Openly chanting things that are shockingly evil to the average American:
In Philadelphia Black Lives Matter marched down the streets chanting, “Death to America!… Death to America!” Democrats have not condemned this domestic terrorist group. #PhillyProtest chanting “Death to America”
— special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) September 4, 2020 The mob also wants all police precincts burned to the ground.
#PhillyProtest chanting “Every city every town burn the precincts to the ground”
— special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) September 4, 2020 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/black-lives-matter-democrat-shock-troops-march-philly-chanting-death-america-video/ Black Lives Matter marched in Seattle again on Sunday.

The mob was marching and chanting, “Who do we protect? Black Felons!” No kidding. No exaggeration. Listen to it yourself here: https://twitter.com/selfdeclaredref/status/1302796969476157441
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/black-lives-matter-seattle-chants-protect-black-felons-video/ BLM protesters in DC are calling for the White House to be burned down,
And are encouraging the killing of cops. When will the Democrats condemn this? https://mobile.twitter.com/RyanAFournier/status/1302767136801255425 Rudy calls it: The Biden Crime Family is susceptible to a RICO indictment. It is an ongoing organization which engaged in the continuous business of crime...bribery, extortion, money laundering. The business is funded by the family monetizing his public. They have made millions illegally. https://mobile.twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1302890862142279680 From the great lawyer Lin Wood (representing Covington/Sandman and Kyle of Kenosha):


If Shakespeare was alive today…
Hark! What light through yonder basement window breaks? It is the Left, and Biden is the sun. Arise oh BLM and taketh up thine cudgel With Bricks and bats and brews of Molotov, Thy face be masqued, thy brain be mush, Seeth not thine destiny writ in blood, For soon between the cobbles shall run thine own, And thou will wist thou stayed at home.
(((EXIT, Stage Left)))
(I lost the link the the author of this. Credit is clearly due...)