Capital Punishment for Disobedience to Vaccination

Biden Administration is cutting monoclonal antibody supplies to Texas even though supplies are ample. This is murder.
"For over a month Montgomery County has been hosting a regional monoclonal antibodies infusion center. Successfully doing over 2,000 infusions. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients have received infusions at this facility. All of our patients to my knowledge have successfully gone on to beat COVID without complications or the need for hospitalization.
All of this came to a halt yesterday. As of yesterday, the Biden Administration is metering how many doses of Regeneron are sent to Texas and thus limiting how many are sent to the Montgomery County location. Telling Texas to reduce its use of the therapeutic treatment has literally been saving lives and reducing hospitalizations.
Now I’d like to think this is because of a supply issue and it will be temporary at best. But it’s not. The manufacturer has confirmed supplies are ample but due to the Defense Production Act, the White House and its agencies are the only entities who can purchase and distribute this treatment.
So less than a week after the president tells us his patience is wearing thin and he is mandating vaccines to millions of Americans his administration limits and all but removes a non-controversial and highly successful treatment from our war chest of combating this virus.
...I will not stand for this and no one in Montgomery County or Texas for that matter should either. I will be reaching out to our federal congressional delegation in the coming days to seek their help at reversing this deadly position in favor of keeping every tool in the war chest available for use for every citizen, not just the presidentially favored vaccinated ones.
It's not just Texas. Florida too! Red States are getting cut off 50%:
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday was asked why the Biden Administration slashed monoclonal antibody treatments sent to Florida.
The Biden Regime this week gave Florida less than half of the lifesaving treatments it needed for a 7-day period. Red states such as Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and others are also being singled out by the Biden Regime.
According to reports, Florida needs about 72,000 doses of monoclonal antibody treatments per week, however, the Biden Regime only sent Florida 30,950 doses this week.
Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson confronted Psaki on this and asked her why the Biden Regime is slashing doses of treatments sent to Florida when there is no shortage of supply to begin with.
“The Biden Administration is cutting supplies in red states by 50% – so for example, in Florida, they were expecting to get 70,000 doses this week which they say they need – they’re only getting 30,000 doses,” Emerald Robinson said. “And this is just not for unvaccinated people. In South Florida half the people who are seeking this treatment are fully vaccinated, so why is the Biden Administration cutting these supplies?”
Psaki smirked as she admitted the Biden Regime’s priority is to be “equitable.” Dagny Note: Psaki also denied it. Psaki made it sound a little more complicated. The bottom line is that supplies are plentiful and they are cutting deliveries to red states. In the argument it sounds like a punishment for not getting vaccinated. Video of the press conference here:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis released a video statement following Biden’s attack, “I will fight like hell to overcome Biden’s cruel decision to drastically reduce lifesaving monoclonal antibody treatments for Floridians. We’ve seen steep reductions in hospital admissions due to early treatment efforts. It’s wrong to penalize Florida for his partisan bitterness.”
DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw called Biden’s action, “pure evil”, “You are cutting off the supply of lifesaving treatment to Florida, Texas and other states that resist your tyrannical mandates. You are only hurting the everyday people of our states, and it’s all for your political agenda. This is pure evil.”
Pushaw added in response to a critic, “Florida is above average in vaccination rate. More than half of the patients in south Florida getting monoclonal antibody treatment are vaccinated and have breakthrough infections. Vaccinated or unvaccinated -Denying treatment to Covid patients is wrong.”
The Highly Effective Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Against COVID-19 That Dr Fauci Won’t Tell You About
There’s a free, highly effective treatment called the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment for those who contract COVID-19 and its variants that could immediately relieve hospitals and slow the pandemic, but Dr Fauci has been tight-lipped about the lifesaving care.
Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research at the FDA RESIGN. And then...
They sign this letter in prestigious British medical journal The Lancet advising against COVID booster shots:
The letter is especially diplomatic but explosive nevertheless given the former positions of the co-authors.
"The appearance of The Lancet article by two top FDA vaccine scientists is truly devastating and revealing because it undermines the last plausible tool to save the whole machinery of government disease management that has been deployed at such enormous social, cultural, and... economic cost for 19 months. Not in our lifetimes has a policy failed so badly. The intellectual and political implications here are monumental." The Meaning of the FDA Resignations:
And then the FDA starts to fold on it: Cancels Boosters for the General Population!!
"An FDA panel has voted against Covid boosters for the general population for now but in favor of boosters for those at high risk and age 65 and older."
And then this at the FDA Vaccination Panel !! It was presented that the vaccine is killing far more people than it saves!

[Note: The report that General Dynamics canceled its mandate were incorrect.]

Flying Syringes – Bill Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject You With Vaccines February 26, 2021
Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them.
Freeze Sperm Before COVID Vaccine To Protect Fertility – Says University of Miami Researchers December 25, 2020
Researcher at the University of Miami have recommended men to have a fertility evaluation before receiving the COVID vaccine and to consider to freeze their sperm before vaccination in order to protect their fertility.

Meanwhile the pro-vaxxers...

They also picked a fight with someone with millions of followers on social media:

Nicki Minaj is facing a true reality check after speaking out about wanting to be fully informed before she took the rushed Covid-19 vaccine. Now, she is dealing with a constant stream of backlash from the establishment, including big tech who locked her out of her Twitter account for a few hours yesterday for her dissent.
The White House even offered to give her a call to “educate” her about what is acceptable to say and think under their tyrannical regime, but she declined.
Minaj wasn’t having any of it, she posted the screenshots of the direct messages between the reporter and her family member to Instagram, and explained that her family has been forced to “hideout” because she spoke against the “science.”
“They’re forcing my family to have to hide out. This is what speaking up looks like. Millions of poor people are treated this way by the ppl you think are the ‘good guys.’ This is unconscionable.”
“Threatening my family in Trinidad won’t bode well for you.”
The Guardian Media journalist from Trinidad – Sharlene Rampersad – reached out to Minaj’s cousin, who she refers to as ‘Mr. Daniel,’ in a private chat on WhatsApp. She explained that CNN was also in the country “looking” for him and they would “not hesitate” to dox him and his girlfriend if they found them.
The reporter then shamelessly tries to claim that the man’s identity, and where his loved ones lived, would be safe if he completed an interview with Guardian Media. From the messages posted by Minaj to her Instagram:
“My name is Sharlene Rampersad, I am a reporter with Guardian Media. I was hoping to speak to you for an article. Would that be possible? – I am also hoping I have a conversation with your friend. I know you are hesitant to speak with us. But just letting you know, CNN is in the country looking for you – And when they find you, they won’t hesitate to reveal where you live or where your gf[girlfriend] live…anything and anyone who is tied to you. If you speak to me, we won’t reveal those details. So, what do you say?"