Today President Trump announced that the FDA had approved chloroquine for use in treating coronavirus.

President Trump made the announcement at the daily Coronavirus press conference in the White House. The president added that chloroquine has shown, “very, very encouraging results” in treating the coronavirus!
From Dellingpole:
"The anti-malarial drug chloroquine is effective both as a prophylactic and treatment for the virus – and the medical establishment has known about this since at least the SARS coronavirus outbreak in 2005. What the hell is going on?
Yesterday, I reported the existence of three studies, all claiming that chloroquine phosphate had proved effective in treating the COVID-19.
This has since been confirmed by a more recent open-label non-randomised clinical trialin France by Didier Raoult M.D/Ph.D et al, completed just days ago. The sample was small but the results were convincing.
As the summary reports:
100% of patients that received a combination of HCQ and Azithromycin tested negative and were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment.
In addition, recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are effective antiviral therapeutic treatments for novel coronavirus.
But the story gets more extraordinary still. It turns out that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has known since at least 2005 that chloroquine is effective against coronaviruses.
In 2005, Martin J Vincent et al published a study in Virology Journal titled ‘Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.’
Here are its findings:
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available. Results
We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
It ought to be no surprise that chloroquine is effective against both SARS and COVID-19. After all, they are both coronaviruses and COVID-19 has often been described in medical and research sources as SARS-2.
Chloroquine works by enabling the body’s cells better to absorb zinc, which is key in preventing viral RNA transcription – and disrupting the often fatal cytokine storm. As at least one person has noticed, the implications of this are enormous. If the medical establishment – including CDC – has been aware of the efficacy of chloroquine in treating coronavirus for at least 14 years, why has it not been mass produced and made available sooner?
Here, you might have imagined, is the dream solution: a stop gap treatment for coronavirus which could save many lives and obviate the need for this global lockdown which is destroying our economies.
Why isn’t the solution being shouted from the rooftops?
One possibility, as I suggested yesterday, is that there is no money in it for Big Pharma. Chloroquine is a generic drug. That’s why Big Pharma’s lobbyists have worked hard to persuade governments that there can be no acceptable solution till a patented vaccine is brought on to the market. Even if this happens it won’t be till long after the pandemic is over – probably not till at least next year. Tweeted by the @realDonaldTrump:
The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN! I want all Americans to understand: we are at war with an invisible enemy, but that enemy is no match for the spirit and resolve of the American people…..It cannot overcome the dedication of our doctors, nurses, and scientists — and it cannot beat the LOVE, PATRIOTISM, and DETERMINATION of our citizens. Strong and United, WE WILL PREVAIL! We will be, by mutual consent, temporarily closing our Northern Border with Canada to non-essential traffic. Trade will not be affected. Details to follow! I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the “borders” from China - against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false! President Trump: "We had the best economy we've ever had. And then one day you have to close it down in order to defeat this enemy, and, but we're doing it and we're doing it well."
On the testing side: The U.S. Air Force just flew 500,000 coronavirus test swabs from Italy to Tennessee, the Pentagon announced. The shipment is said to be the first of many such flights, as the military pitches in to help with the coronavirus outbreak.The mission, using a C-17 cargo plane, originated in Aviano, Italy, and landed in Memphis, Tenn., early Tuesday morning.
“There’s multiple parts to testing,” Air Force Brig. Gen. Dr. Paul Friedrichs, the Joint Staff surgeon, said at the same briefing. “The first is the swabs that are used to collect the sample from the individual who’s being tested, then there’s a liquid … that you put the swab into. That’s what composed what we brought over from Italy.”These types of swabs are made by companies in the U.S. and overseas, he said.
Gen. Dave Goldfein, the Air Force chief of staff, confirmed that military cargo planes were moving coronavirus testing kits, but did not give specific details during a Wednesday briefing at the Pentagon. The general acknowledged that “we’ve just made a pretty significant movement into Memphis.”
The mission was flown by a C-17 cargo plane using the call “Reach 911,” which landed early Tuesday morning at Memphis International Airport, a major FedEx hub. This is the overall strategy behind the 15 days Shelter in Place: The vast majority of regions remain unaffected for now. The social distancing, workplace closures, etc, is all about keeping it that way. You need a pause to allow those who are sick to display symptoms without infecting others. Then you can isolate them.The problem is the high contagion, and long incubation without symptoms.
One infected person can easily infect 50 others before showing symptoms, and a week later you're up to thousands, a week after that 10's of thousands. That's the problem. By the time you realize you have a local outbreak, it is already pretty much too late, and the hospitals will be crushed with incoming patients.
That's what's going on in Washington and Italy right now. Probably New York next week or the week after.If we are very lucky, the outbreaks can be contained to the local regions where they are now, without spreading very much further. If so, this will greatly reduce the casualties and keep the overall impact to the lowest level possible. President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he will be signing the Defense Production Act to assist in COVID-19 relief in the U.S. and is rolling out additional measures to free up health care resources, during the daily White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing.
The action will help “expedite and expand the supply of resources from the U.S. industrial base to support military, energy, space, and homeland security programs.” The situation has now been classified as a FEMA Level 1, the highest level, to ensure full staffing and all emergency measures are available from the government agency.
The U.S. Department of Defense has deployed two ships, the USNS Mercy and the USNS Comfort, to provide additional medical support to patients on the East and West coasts. The President said that Mercy has been deployed to New York. He spoke with Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was “excited” about the move. Treasury and IRS to Delay Tax Payment Deadline by 90 Days NBC News ^ | By Darla MercadoPosted on 3/17/2020, 5:01:00 PM by SeekAndFind
Taxpayers will get a three-month reprieve to pay the income taxes they owe for 2019, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Tuesday at a news conference.As part of its coronavirus response, the federal government will give filers 90 days to pay income taxes due on up to $1 million in tax owed, Mnuchin said in Washington. The reprieve on that amount would cover many pass-through entities and small businesses, he said.Corporate filers would get the same length of time to pay amounts due on up to $10 million in taxes owed, Mnuchin said.During that three-month deferral period, taxpayers won’t be subject to interest and penalties, he said.
You should still get your 2019 income tax return to the federal government as soon as possible, especially if you’re due a refund and need cash.“We encourage those Americans who can file their taxes to continue to file their taxes on April 15,” Mnuchin said. “Because for many Americans, you will get tax refunds.”Indeed, the IRS processed more than 65 million income tax returns as of March 6. Of these, 52.7 million filers received tax refunds, averaging $3,012, according to the agency.
While the federal government is granting taxpayers a little more time, you should still check in on your state’s position.Some states have rolled out delays due to coronavirus.For instance, California is granting a 60-day delay for affected individuals and businesses unable to file on time.Meanwhile, Maryland is giving additional time for certain business tax returns, and the state will grant an extension to individuals if the federal government moves forward on its delay.(Excerpt) Read more at Federal Reserve cuts rates to zero and launches massive $700 billion quantitative easing program
CNBC ^ | 3/15/2020Posted on 3/15/2020, 2:12:17 PM by billyboy15
The Federal Reserve, saying “the coronavirus outbreak has harmed communities and disrupted economic activity in many countries, including the United States,” cut interest rates to zero on Sunday and launched a massive $700 billion quantitative easing program to shelter the economy from the effects of the virus.
Facing highly disrupted financial markets, the Fed also slashed the rate of emergency lending at the discount window for banks by 125 bps to 0.25%, and lengthened the term of loans to 90 days.The Fed also cut reserve requirement ratios for thousands of banks to zero. In addition, in a global coordinated move by centrals banks, the Fed said the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank took action to enhance dollar liquidity around the world through existing dollar swap arrangements.The banks lowered the rate on these swap line loans and extended the period for such loans.
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell is scheduled to hold a press conference via telephone at 6 pm eastern time. The actions by the Fed appeared to be the largest single day set of moves the bank had ever taken, mirroring in many ways its efforts during the financial crisis that were rolled out over several months.
The quantitative easing will take the form of $500 billion of treasuries and $200 billion of agency-backed mortgage securities. The Fed said the purchases will begin Monday with a $40 billion installment.The Fed cut rates to a new range of 0% to 0.25% from 1% to 1.25% and said it would remain there “until it is confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on track to achieve its maximum employment and price stability goals.”(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Amazon is shifting to essential items as well:
Amazon is banning all sellers from shipping any non-essential items to its warehouses as demand for basic staples grow because of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“Amazon is not accepting new products to its warehouse service except household staples, medical supplies and other high-demand items through April 5, according to an announcement obtained by NBC News. Amazon confirmed the authenticity of the announcement,” NBC reported.
“We are seeing increased online shopping and as a result some products such as household staples and medical supplies are out of stock,” the company announced on its seller platform called Seller Central. “With this in mind, we are temporarily prioritizing household staples, medical supplies and other high-demand products coming into our fulfillment centers so that we can more quickly receive, restock, and ship these products to customers.”The company said that high-demand goods include baby products, health and household items, beauty and personal care products, groceries, industrial items and pet supplies.Sellers who use the “Fulfillment by Amazon” program generally send their goods to Amazon’s warehouses, which then delivers them for a fee.
Not just an old person disease...
A Belgian doctor working to battle the coronavirus says he’s treated several seriously ill young patients — and their lung scans were “nothing short of terrifying,” according to reports.Dr. Ignace Demeyer, who works at a hospital in Aalst, said an increasing number of people between the ages of 30 and 50 have presented with severe symptoms, despite having “blank medical records” that show no underlying conditions that would make them high-risk, the Brussels Times reported.“
They just walk in, but they are terribly affected by the virus,” Demeyer told the Belgian broadcaster VRT. He said CT scans indicated they were suffering from severe lung damage.“They are people who do not smoke, who have no other conditions such as diabetes or heart failure,” Demeyer added.
"MORE THAN 50% OF THE 300 #COVIDー19 CASES IN CRITICAL CONDITION IN FRANCE ARE UNDER 60," tweeted The Atlantic's Rachel Donadio on Saturday.
Meanwhile in the Netherlands, over half are reportedly under 50 years old.
"Today there are between forty and fifty corona patients in critical condition on Dutch intensive care units. “More than half of those patients are under fifty years old. There are also young people. "" That says chairman of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care (NVIC) Diederik Gommers, in an interview with this site." Escape from New York?
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is warning New Yorkers that they should prepare for a “shelter-in-place” order in the coming days.
The mayor said that a decision about an order will come in the next 48 hours.
“We are all deeply concerned … this is quite clear this is a fast growing crisis,” de Blasio said during a press conference on Tuesday. “All New Yorkers, even though a decision has not been made by the city or the state, I think that all New Yorkers should be prepared right now for the possibility of a shelter-in-place order.”
#BREAKING Mayor de Blasio says New Yorkers should prepare for a possible “shelter-in-place” since the crisis is growing. A decision could be made within the “next 48 hours”. Total #coronavirus confirmed cases now in NYC: 814 #coronavirusnyc #NewYork— Linda Schmidt (@LSchmidtFox5) March 17, 2020
San Francisco is shut down. Rumor has it that Los Angeles will also be shut down shortly. 62 per cent of Americans believe that the media has exaggerated the threat of coronavirus, according to a new Pew Research poll.The results of the survey found that 63 per cent of Americans believe the CDC and public health officials have got the risk of COID-19 about right, with just 21 per cent believing they have exaggerated the risks.
While 62 per cent think the media has overhyped the threat, 29 per cent believe President Trump hasn’t taken it seriously at all while a further 52 per cent say he has not taken the risk seriously enough.
These people are not helping:

The kids went from chomping on Tide Pods to licking public toilet seats in a new “Coronavirus challenge.”A 21-year-old young woman from New Jersey named Ava Louise licked a toilet seat on an airplane and posted the footage to Tik Tok.She said that Coronavirus is for “poor people” and she hopes it will take her out so she doesn’t get old and ugly, RT reported.She also said she wanted to “troll the media” and hoped the virus would knock out the Boomers (referring to the older Baby Boomer generation).
Wow! Ms. Outlaw who allowed Antifa to run amok in Portland Oregon is now the police chief who Green Lights looting in Philadelphia!

It appears that Outlaw is bringing the same anarcho-tyrannical policies that characterized her leadership in Portland to Philadelphia.
On Wednesday, January 18, 2020 Philadelphia’s police commissioner promised that the city’s officers are “not turning a blind eye to crime” after unveiling a new policy that pushes for a delay in arrests of those who carry out certain non-violent crimes.This policy was announced the day before responding to the Wuhan virus outbreak and concerns that jails are at an increased risk of becoming overcrowded and infected given how Philadelphia’s courts have been ordered to close up until April 1.Under this new policy, individuals accused of crimes such as burglary or prostitution will be temporarily detained to have their paperwork sorted out before being let loose and arrested on a warrant during a later date.
“To be clear, the Philadelphia Police Department is not turning a blind eye to crime,” Danielle Outlaw, its commissioner, tweeted.
Curiously, Outlaw was the Police Chief for Portland from 2017 to 2019.
Did Dr. Lieber from Harvard help create the virus situation for money?

The arrangement between Lieber and the Chinese institution spanned "significant" periods of time between at least 2012 and 2017, according to the affidavit. It says the deal called for Lieber to be paid up to $50,000 a month, in addition to $150,000 per year "for living and personal expenses.""
Lieber was also awarded more than $1.5 million by WUT and the Chinese government to establish a research lab and conduct research at WUT," the document states.For a large part of the time frame in question, Lieber was also the principal investigator on at least six U.S. Defense Department research grants, with a cumulative value of more than $8 million, according to the affidavit. It also says he was the principal investigator on more than $10 million in grants funded by the National Institutes of Health.
CNN White House Team: A journalist was denied entry into the press briefing after having a 99.9 fever. He was trying to get access to the briefing and was turned away and is being held by the press office on the White House driveway.
Trump says “We all know where it came from”.
Meanwhile Hillary et al have been on the back burner:

Baron Trump tweets:
Hey Hillary, the Coronavirus is gonna testify against you, work your magic and suicide it!
On the Right side of this: IT COULD BE.....
It could be that the ships in Italy's ports will be empty for the next time, ... but it may also be that dolphins and other marine life can finally get their natural habitat back. Dolphins are spotted in Italy's ports, the fish are swimming in Venice's canals again!
It could be that people feel locked up in their homes and apartments,... but it may also be that they finally sing together again, help each other and experience a sense of community again for a long time. People sing together !!! That touches me deeply!
It could be that the restriction of air traffic means deprivation of liberty and professional restrictions for many ... but it can also be that the earth breathes deeply, the sky gains color strength and children in China for the first time in their lives see the blue sky. Look at the sky today, how calm and blue it has become!
Closing kindergartens and schools could be an immense challenge for many parents, ... but it may also be that many children have long had the chance to finally get creative, act more self-determined and slow down . And parents can also get to know their children on a new level.
It could be that our economy is suffering tremendous damage, ... but it may also be that we are finally realizing what is really important in our lives and that constant growth is an absurd idea of the consumer society. We have become puppets of the economy. It was time to feel how little we actually need.
It might be overwhelming in some way, ... but it may also be that you feel that this crisis is a chance for a long overdue change,- that lets the earth breathe- brings the children into contact with long-forgotten values,- enormously slowed down our society,- can be the hour of birth for a new form of togetherness,- reduced the mountains of garbage at least once for the next few weeks,- and shows us how quickly the earth is ready to start its regeneration if we humans take it into consideration and let it breathe again.
We are awakening.
And this: I had to work long hours today and I didn't get shit for sleep. No sports, no restaurants and no bars was really getting to me. And then I felt myself say "Trump's got about two weeks to turn this shit around." You know what? I've got it great.
I live in America and I have everything I need. Brave men and women are risking their lives to protect this great nation and I am merely inconvenienced. If I have to spend two months in this house while the world changes then I'm going to need to suck it up. You do too.
This week I'm going to:
1. Help someone (hopefully more than one)
2. Red Pill someone
3. Support local businesses
4. Treat my family well
5. Check on my parents
6. Show my kids how a real man handles adversity
7. Google some shit because it's un-broke
8. Thank a veteran
9. Take a nap
10. Eat some Corned Beef and Cabbage
Please join me in making a difference.