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Civil War Countdown?


🇺🇸 The Washington Post writes:

"Biden has instructed the US National Security Council to warn Iran that any attempt on Trump's life will be regarded by Washington as an act of declaration of war

If Iran attacks any of our citizens, including those who continue to serve the United States or those who have served in the past, Iran will face serious consequences."

🇺🇸🇮🇷 Iran is reportedly "actively planning" an assassination attempt on Trump as revenge for the killing of General Qasem Soleimani, Politico reports.

🐻 This sounds more like "third time's the charm" for the Biden/Harris gang.

Trump calls to rebid all broadcast licenses to fight bias amid '60 Minutes' editing scandal

"We do not control CBS's production decisions and refer questions to CBS," a Harris campaign aide tells Fox News.

"60 Minutes is a major part of the News Organization of CBS, which has just created the Greatest Fraud in Broadcast History," Trump told Just the News. "CBS should lose its license, and it should be bid out to the Highest Bidder, as should all other Broadcast Licenses, because they are just as corrupt as CBS - and maybe even WORSE!"

"The fraud committed by 60 Minutes and CBS, together with the Democrat Party, is the single Biggest Scandal in Broadcast History!" he continued.

"A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal," Trump posted Thursday.

"TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE. Election Interference. She is a Moron, and the Fake News Media wants to hide that fact. An UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL!!! The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the Election? WOW!" he added.

President Trump when elected will Enact the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. Said it near the end of the Aurora Colorado Rally

Can you imagine 5 years ago that the Dems would fuk this up so bad that a law from 1798 would have to be called on? This is 2024 WTF is going on with the dems

The Alien Enemies Act of 1798 is a law that allows the president to detain or deport non-citizens from enemy nations during wartime. It was passed as part of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were a response to the undeclared "Quasi-War" with France. The Alien Enemies Act is still in effect today, and has been invoked multiple times, including during the War of 1812 and World War I. Here are some key points about the Alien Enemies Act: Powers The president can use the act to arrest, relocate, or deport non-citizens from enemy nations, regardless of their legal status or loyalty. The president can act based on the country of birth or citizenship of the non-citizen, and without a hearing. History The Alien Enemies Act has been used against immigrants who were lawfully present in the United States and showed no signs of disloyalty. It was last invoked during World War II to intern immigrants of Japanese, German, and Italian descent. Constitutionality The Alien Enemies Act has been upheld by federal courts, and the Supreme Court noted in 1948 that it has remained the law of the land since 1798. However, some say the act is overbroad and may violate constitutional rights.

Malik Obama says half-brother Barack is ‘still running the country’ — and warns he would have ‘a big role to play’ in Harris presidency

Abon’go Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is “still running the country” — and would have “a big role to play” if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election.

Malik — who was best man at Barack’s wedding but has since parted ways with the 44th president — told The Post that his relative made “everything flip” in July, when he swapped out President Biden for Harris as the Democratic nominee, without a single primary vote being cast.

“Definitely he had something to do with it. … He’s still running the Democratic Party, and he’s still running the country behind closed doors,” he said of his estranged half-brother. “He’s going to be extremely influential in whatever goes on should they win.”

Federal Judge in MD set to rule on banning the entire US Postal Service from handling ballots this election.

So here's the background. In 2020, A ballot company in MI was given contracts to print millions of ballots for counties all across the country. This ballot company illegally printed excess ballots beyond what they were contracted to produce for each county. The company then sent those excess ballots to a building in Flushing, New York. 

The building in Flushing was staffed by about 100 people who were associated with the radical left SEIU union. The SEIU union members were then filling out those ballots, and then sending the completed ballots to a USPS facility in Bethpage, NY, where the ballots were reintegrated with the normal mail system.

We were alerted to this happening because of a whistleblower report made by trucker Jesse Morgan, who became suspicious after delivering loads of completed ballots from the Bethpage facility to Lancaster, Pa. It turned out that the criminals in Bethpage put the ballots on the wrong truck - Morgan’s truck - who then delivered them to Lancaster. When Morgan got to Lancaster, he was held up for hours because his trucking company didn’t match the company the criminals in Lancaster were expecting. This divine mix up is what led Morgan to discover what was going on.

Based on Morgan’s affidavit, a watchdog group called The American Project filed suit to uncover who was paying for the shipments to and from Bethpage. During the investigation, it was discovered that the Bethpage facility was not setup to handle first class mail, so there should have been no ballots going through that facility at all. Morgan states he transported 20 massive bins containing at least 50,000 ballots each to Lancaster, so his one truck alone was transporting more than a million ‘fake’ ballots. 

Remember, these ballots are official ballots printed by a licensed ballot printing agency, so no amount of counterfeiting detection measures would have discovered them. There were at least 8 other trucks from the other criminally operated company that were making deliveries around the country just like this. That puts grand total around 12 to 13 million fake ballots that were shipped across the country that we know of. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne believes there was another similar operation going on in the south with a company named Runbeck.

After Morgan came forward with his story, he said he was immediately picked up by the feds and held in dungeon for 9 hours where he was interrogated and threatened. He says he reluctantly signed a retraction letter, after the feds had threatened to kill him and his family. 

The American Project obtained affidavits from workers at the Bethpage facility, detailing the entire chain of command and what happened during the election, which validate Morgan’s story. The one critical piece of information they were missing was who paid for all of these shipments to occur.

For the last four years, the American Project has fought various federal agencies with FOIA litigation to uncover who paid for those shipments. During this litigation, some very bizarre things were uncovered.

To start off with, the USPS facility in Bethpage was not setup to handle first class mail, so they did not have the required optical scanning machines needed to take pictures of the ballots before they entered the mail system. That means if the AP is right about what occurred, there would have been tens of millions of ballot images missing from the Postal Service system. I say “would have been” because, as you’ll see, that evidence was destroyed.

Next, it was discovered that the USPS changed their document retention policy just for the months surrounding the election so that instead of retaining documents for six years, they would only retain them for 90 days. Then, immediately following the election, they changed the retention policy back to six years. They did this without any notice and comment period as is required by federal law. They managed to get around this law by getting Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to sign off on their circumvention of the rules. He is the same judge that tried to illegally run his own prosecution of Gen. Mike Flynn after the DoJ tried to drop the case.

Despite the destruction of evidence, the AP kept pressing their FOIA lawsuit forward and ended up in front of a non-corrupt liberal judge. The AP was able to prove that the USPS did in fact still have some records of who paid for those shipments, so the judge ordered the USPS to turn over the documentation.

The USPS eventually responded by turning over payment invoices for the days in question, but used White-Out to hide the names of the company who paid for the ballot shipments. They are still refusing to disclose who paid for the shipments even though they are in direct violation of a federal judge’s order to do so. The legal team for the USPS informed the judge that they told the USPS to comply, but they are refusing to follow their own legal team’s directions.

Finally an affidavit was filed in September by a USPS supervisor saying they don’t have the information the judge is ordering them to turn over.

Following the affidavit, The AP filed suit (Case 8:24-cv-02442-ADC) in Maryland explaining to a federal judge that clearly the USPS is lying and that they were engaged in fraud and are trying to cover it up. They are asking for the judge to bar the USPS from any involvement in the election. The judge is set to rule on this within the next week. 

Given the proximity to the election, it’s unlikely that the judge will bar the entire USPS from being involved in the handling of mail-in ballots, but there is a decent chance that the judge will allow third party supervision of the system to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Patrick Byrne gives a summary of the case so far in this X post:

Shocking History of Dominion Voting - How Obama rigged the creation of Dominion Voting Co.

Since 2009, Dominion Voting Systems operated from 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON, M5T 2C7,Canada – an office space of the radical Tides Foundation. This building houses (or housed until a few months ago) a Toronto office of Tides Canada and a Tides’ incubation space for leftist groups.

Dominion Voting Systems Corp. is the Canadian company behind the ballot switching software.

Dominion was founded in 2003, with a mission to provide electronic voting systems friendly for progressives. Because of such partisanship, it languished with almost no customers for the next 5-6 years, until the Obama administration came to power. 

In 2010, the Obama administration confiscated electronic voting systems assets (software, intellectual property, manufacturing tools, customer base, etc.) from two established American companies, and gave them to Dominion. At the same time, Dominion got some employees and assets from a foreign EVS company, tied to Hugo Chavez. 

Its software has been used by some 40% of the voters in this elections, mostly by Democrat-controlled states and election commissions. Apparently, no protections were put in place against ballot switching, deletion, or creation. According to Dominion’s own website, it software was used in “battleground” states and the largest Democrat states, including MI, GA, AZ, NV, NM, CO, AK, UT, NJ, CA, NY.

Dominion Early History

Dominion Voting System Corp., was founded in Canada in 2002-2003 with an openly progressive mission – to develop electronic voting software which would not just process ballots, but also “mobilize voters” – a popular slogan of the Left. 

It is not clear what products or services the company has developed. It found almost no buyers, until Obama was elected in 2008. In 2009, New York ordered a few dozens of systems from it. In 2010, Obama’s DOJ (Holder – Mueller) took the EVS unit, purchased from Diebold, away from the market leader ES&S, and gave it to Dominion. This gift included the installed base of about 30% of the US electronic voting systems (EVS) market. Within two weeks, Dominion also acquired Sequoia, which was formally spun from Smartmatic, but ties between these two companies remained. 

Smartmatic is a UK based EVS vendor, whose software was used by Chavez to “win” the Venezuelan referendum in 2004. Smartmatic’s unit Sequoia faced troubles in the US. Those troubles quickly ended when its assets were purchased by Dominion. 

Thus, the new Democratic party created a pocket pet corporation, gave it the lion share of the US electronic voting systems market. Dominion is ideologically aligned with the Democratic Party, owes it everything it has, dependent on it for most of its business, and needs it in power to avoid prosecution for corruption. Sounds like a conflict of interest. 

Electronic Voting

Using electronic voting machines has always been controversial. The pros for electronic voting – saving working time of the ballot counters – are minuscule. The cons however are infinite. Because software is inherently complex, non-transparent, and volatile, there is always a risk of significant errors. There are also suspicions and doubts about election results. The complexity of software and hardware on which voting machines run has been continually increasing, aggravating these concerns. 

At the beginning of 2009, there were four major US EVS suppliers: ES&S, Premier (a unit of Nixdorf-Diebold), Sequoia (linked to Smartmatic), and Hart Intercivic. The market size was a few hundred million dollars a year and growing. EVS vendors competed among themselves and against traditional pen and paper voting. There were no barriers to entry for other competitors, other than government’s regulations.

Electronic voting, which sounded like a good idea in the 1980s is so no more. Electronic voting machines and their vendors were under criticism for many years.

In 2007-2008, this criticism materialized in the SEC, DOJ, and states lawsuits against the voting machines vendors. Diebold was catching flack for having a prominent Republican party supporter among their top executives. It spun its EVS unit as a separate company Premier, and was looking for a buyer. The existing vendors were burdened with liabilities, including DOJ investigations. This opened up an opportunity for the Obama administration.

Technical Vulnerabilities of EVS Systems 

The voting software developers can easily insert code, changing numbers in favor of or against one candidate. No hacking is necessary. The malicious code can be designed to pass tests and to be triggered only at the time of a real election, automatically or manually. Both case are possible even the the machine is disconnected from the internet and has no ordinary I/O devices. 

The malicious code can be activated manually in real time by inserting a ballot or another paper with a pre-defined QR or image code. An audit of the source code is necessary, but not sufficient. Dominion software runs on Windows, and the malicious code can be hidden in any part of the operating system. Malicious code can be hidden in the firmware, too. 

If a state wants to take risks and to rely on testing and the source code audit, they should be conducted with the participation of technically competent representatives of both parties. If the system passes testing and auditing, the machine image must be securely stored. All supplied machines must have exactly the same hardware and the software as the audited system.

As far as I know, thorough tests and source code audits are conducted very rarely, if at all. Further, the vendors are not required to use only the audited image, and are allowed to update the software almost at will. That means that election commissions are forced to blindly trust the vendors. Blind trust is always wrong and invites abuse. But even “trust but verify” is applicable only to trustworthy vendors. Dominion Voting is the opposite of trustworthy.

The only real solution to the vulnerability of EVS is not to use them at all. Manual ballot counting has no software vulnerabilities, and is much cheaper. Virginia appears to be the only state that decided to use only manual ballots.

How Dominion went from nothing to everything in two weeks

In September 2009, ES&S acquired Premier [8], without any objections from the DOJ. But in March 2010, the Obama’s DOJ (Eric Holder – Robert Mueller) forced ES&S to “sell” Premier’s assets to Dominion, but to keep its liabilities. In addition, ES&S was forced to license to Dominion some of its software, in perpetuity and free of charge. The pretext for the DOJ action was antitrust.

The “Sale”

This is how the assets transfer was structured, per DOJ [1] (March 8, 2010). “WASHINGTON — The Department of Justice announced today that it will require Election Systems & Software (ES&S) to divest voting equipment systems assets it purchased in September 2009 from Premier Election Solutions Inc. in order to restore competition. 

The assets to be divested include the means to produce all versions of Premier’s hardware, software and firmware used to record, tabulate, transmit or report votes, including the Assure 1.2 system, and a license to better serve disabled voters. The department said that today’s settlement will restore competition in voting equipment systems in the United States… “

“In order to restore competition” sounds funny, because the same document also required ES&S to not compete against the buyer (with exceptions).

“… the acquisition substantially reduced competition as it combined the two largest providers of systems used to tally votes in federal, state and local elections in the United States. ES&S’s acquisition of Premier made ES&S the provider of more than 70 percent of the voting equipment systems in the United States.

The department said that because the cash value of the deal between ES&S and Premier was $5 million, far below the mandatory reporting threshold for mergers under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, the department’s investigation of the transaction did not begin until the companies had combined their assets and dismantled many of Premier’s operating divisions.” 

Sounds like a poor pretext. The DOJ has been investigating these companies even before the merger, and was aware of it. Further, the DOJ does not allege that the merger has not been reported. Even so, why not simply demand unrolling the merger? The DOJ provides a poor excuse to demand divestiture rather than a normal unrolling.

“Under the terms of the settlement, ES&S must divest all of the intellectual property associated with all versions –past, present and in development –of the Premier voting equipment systems to another company. ES&S also must divest all Premier tooling and fixed assets, as well as inventory of parts and components. In order to allow the divestiture buyer to better serve disabled voters, ES&S must also grant a fully paid-up, irrevocable, perpetual license to use the AutoMARK, ES&S’s ballot marking device for which Premier had a limited license prior to the acquisition. The buyer of the divestiture assets will have the right to modify and improve both Premier products and the AutoMARK.”

Thus, the Obama’s DOJ stripped ES&S not only acquired Premier assets, but also coerced it to license rights to its pre-merger product.

“ES&S must sell the divestiture assets to a buyer approved by the department.” This is not selling. This is confiscation multiplied by corruption. “The settlement prohibits ES&S from bidding on new voting equipment system contracts using the Premier equipment. [transferred to Dominion]”

Wait, didn’t they say that the purpose was to increase the competition? 

“The department also required that ES&S grant the divestiture buyer an opportunity to compete to provide services to Premier customers currently under contract with ES&S, giving customers the option to switch to the divestiture buyer or to remain with ES&S … ES&S also must provide access to knowledgeable Premier employees and agree to offer a supply agreement to allow the divestiture buyer time to establish its own manufacturing of voting equipment systems.”

The approved divestiture buyer, Dominion Voting, is not mentioned in this press release. But this quote shows that the DOJ has already determined the “approved buyer,” and knew that it had no manufacturing base.

After the “Sale”

Dominion announced the acquisition of the Diebold products on May 19, 2010 [2] and the acquisition of Sequoia Voting assets on June 4, 2010 [3]. Dominion also hired much of its personnel, probably retaining ties to extremely sketchy Smartmatic. Sequoia/Smartmatic systems had been used in the Venezuela 2004 referendum, which Hugo Chavez “won”.  Smartmatic is a British company with Hugo Chavez ties, headed by “Lord” Malloch-Brown (former UN Deputy Secretary-General, UNDP, UNHCR, VP of Soros’ Quantum Fund, and Vice Chair of Soros’ Open Society Foundation) [7], and linked to electoral scandals all over the world [5].

In August 2009 (corrected), the rough breakdown of the EVS market in the US was (per Brad Friedman):

40% ES&S

30% Diebold/Premier

20% Sequoia/Smartmatic

10% Hart Intercivic

 0% Dominion Voting

Less than a year later, after the “antitrust” actions of Obama’s DOJ, it became:

50% Dominion

40% ES&S (restricted in competing against Dominion)

10% Hart Intercivic

Thus, the DOJ’s actions did the exact opposite of its words. An elections system vendor should be non-partisan, in a demonstrable way. Dominion is not just partisan, but hyper-partisan in favor of the Democrat party, or even its pocket vendor.

Dominion has many more ties to the Democrat party and its prominent supporters in the US and abroad, which are not covered in this article.

Software Development in Serbia

Dominion develops much of its software in Belgrade, Serbia.

Russia is a close friend to Serbia, if not its only one. If anybody sincerely thought that Putin wanted to hack American elections, their first location of interest would be the offices of Dominion Voting in Belgrade, rather than the Trump Tower in New York.

By the way, Serbian and Russian languages use the Cyrillic alphabet. Most letters have the same Unicode encoding in Serbian and Russian (the Basic Multilingual Plane, range 0410-04FF). If any election officials found Cyrillic text on a Dominion voting machine in 2016, it was probably left by its developers in Serbia. 


This is the Agreement between Michigan & Dominion, including specs of many Dominion products (PDF, 161 pages). Wi-Fi connection and even a dial up modem are offered as an option. 

Some of the companies referenced here as foreign based or foreign originating re-registered in the US. 

Dominion Voting Systems Series

Part I

Part II (this)

Part III

[the above explains why Dominion is protected, in effect their are an arm of the federal government; John Populous, along with Obama The Foreigner, must be one of the first arrested and prosecuted] 

Some References

[1] Justice Department Requires Key Divestiture in Election Systems & Software/Premier Election Solutions Merger,, March 8, 2010

[2] Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. Acquires Premier Election Solutions Assets From ES&S, press release, May 19

[3] Dominion Voting Systems Corporation Acquires Assets of Sequoia Voting Systems, press release, June 4, 2010

[3b] On Heels of Diebold/Premier Purchase, Canadian Firm Also Acquires Sequoia, Lies About Chavez-Ties in Announcement – contemporary commentary

[4] Marcos warns of ‘another Smartmatic situation’ – Smartmatic was accused of election fraud in the 2016 elections in Philippines

[5] Smartmatic in Wikipedia, November 9, 2020 (not verified)

[6] Sequoia Voting Systems in Wikipedia, November 9, 2020 (not verified)

[7] “Lord” Malloch Brown in Wikipedia, November 8, 2010 (not verified)

[8] Diebold Sells U.S. Elections Systems Business to ES&S, press release, September 3, 2009

[9] Dominion Voting Systems Corp – discussion of Dominion’s ideology and highly partisan offers

[10] Dominion Voting Systems’ profile in Bloomberg

~ Peter Bernegger

Hilarious and satisfying case where the judges did the right thing.

Third Reported Trump Assassination attempt Not Real:

He explained that at every Trump rally he’s attended in Nevada, he’s made law enforcement aware of his legally owned firearms, and it’s never been an issue.

Miller believes his “critical mistake” was forgetting that he was in California, a state notorious for its strict gun laws, compared to more Second Amendment-friendly states like Nevada.

Miller also addressed the claim that he had counterfeit passes: “That’s complete nonsense,” he said.

“I can prove I had a special entry pass sent directly to me by officials within the Republican Party of Nevada. I was an actual invitee to that event. As I approached, there was an area where you enter the parking lot after passing a sheriff. I pulled up to the sheriff. Actually, I should take that back; I’m not 100% sure he was a sheriff. He was wearing a sheriff vest, but many of them were. My assumption is that not everyone there was a sheriff,” he added.

According to Miller, he was upfront with law enforcement, voluntarily informing them about the firearms in his vehicle.

“They were just trying to indicate they worked with the sheriff’s department. I drove up to this officer and told him, “In full transparency, I just want to let you know, in the back of my truck, I’ve got two lawful firearms, purchased and registered lawfully, and I’m just letting you know.,”” he said.

That’s a courtesy I always extend. That officer asked me to pull over. Just so everyone’s clear, it’s not like they found out I had firearms or did an investigation, etc. No. The body cams and the evidence will show that I drove up to the officer and gave him the courtesy of letting him know about the firearms in my truck. At this point, they made me pull over.”

“Another officer came to my window. Now, knowing how some officers behave, where they sometimes don’t seem to understand the laws and the Constitution, I’m usually more alert.”

Yet, instead of receiving a courteous response, he was handcuffed, placed in the back of a sweltering police car, and deprived of the water and medical supplements he needed to manage his health conditions.

They put me in the back of a scorching police car. Frankly, I started feeling faint. I had been driving for hours and desperately needed the bathroom. The heat, the lack of hydration, and my blood sugar being off led to serious health issues, causing palpitations and breathing difficulties.I was back there for an hour before I finally got their attention by hitting the door with my feet since my hands were cuffed.When they came, I begged them to get my water, which had two supplements to help me, but they refused, suggesting there might be something dangerous in it. They were under this insane theory that I was there to cause harm, refusing me what I needed.

After what felt like an hour, they eventually turned on the AC. Hours later, they put water in my mouth, but still refused me my own bottle. They later ransacked my car completely, involving bomb-sniffing dogs and opening everything, including the mufflers, to check the serial numbers.

They found nothing nefarious, but it was clear they were looking for anything to justify this treatment.”

Miller believes the media frenzy around his arrest is part of a larger effort to target Trump supporters and discredit conservative voices. He described the treatment he received as unjustified and brutal, claiming that deputies were trying to find anything to justify their actions.

Tight leash on Google…. hmm.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is considering asking a federal judge to break up Google by forcing it to sell parts of its business, aiming to reduce the company’s dominance in the online search market.

This comes as Google faces its second antitrust trial, with prosecutors arguing that simply ending its control over search distribution channels is insufficient and that structural changes are necessary to prevent future monopolistic practices.

Google’s default search agreements, like those on Apple’s Safari browser, are also under scrutiny as the DOJ aims to curtail these automatic choices that reinforce Google’s dominance.

Google has expressed concerns about government overreach, warning that drastic measures could harm innovation, and has already indicated plans to appeal the ruling after a final decision is made. Read More.

Border Patrol Agents Warn of Mass Exodus if Kamala Wins 2024 Election

Border Patrol agents are threatening to leave the agency if Kamala Harris wins the 2024 presidential election, citing frustrations over morale and operational inefficiencies under the current administration.Agents report feeling undermined and constrained in performing their duties, with some mentioning they would leave the service or retire early rather than endure another term under Harris.The National Border Patrol Council, representing 16,000 agents, has endorsed Donald Trump, with many agents indicating they would stay if he wins due to promises of increased support and staffing.The agency has already seen significant personnel losses since 2020, and internal morale has deteriorated to the extent that a suicidologist was hired to address rising suicide rates among Border Patrol agents. Read More.

U.K. 2025 CBDC Pilot

As the UK prepares for a Central Bank Digital Currency pilot in 2025, critics warn that it could introduce unprecedented levels of state surveillance. While CBDCs promise to modernize the financial system, experts from organizations like Big Brother Watch argue that the government may not prioritize privacy.

According to Susanna Copson, Legal and Policy Officer at Big Brother Watch, “The case for a UK CBDC still has not been made—especially given the risks to privacy, equality, and even potentially freedom of expression. The Bank of England and Treasury must justify why overhauling our financial landscape with a CBDC is necessary and clearly outline how the public will be protected from the extensive catalog of risks.”

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47 seconds of truth....

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