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  • Dagny

Attempts to Silence

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

~ John F Kennedy

Parler (the largest free speech alternative to Twitter) is being pressured by Apple, Google and Amazon to silence Trump and other conservatives. If Amazon withdraws its server services, Parler is down.

Representative from Parler here is well interviewed by Tucker Carlson:

500,000 people in the Walk Away group on Facebook were just forced out of the group by Facebook. Walk Away was the movement to leave the Democrat Party.


First Pence's Chief of Staff is banned from the White House and then this:

"Pelosi tried to call VP Mike Pence to urge him to remove President Trump. She was kept on hold for 25 minutes before she was told Pence would not take her call (CNN)"

If Trump had conceded he would be issuing pardons now. If Biden had won Harris would give up her Senate seat. The DNI report was given to Congress, along with the Italy affidavit on the day of the electoral certification. Also this same day the FBI Vault released this:

This is the same day the laptops were taken from Pelosi and from her Majority (Dem) Whip during the attempt to occupy Congress. The American media is not covering the Italian bombshells, but they are big news in Italy with multiple arrests for messing with our elections.

The Italy Story in brief:

A former IT contractor for the Italian military testified in federal court in Rome that while he was working for Leonardo, SpA in Pescara, Italy he helped rig the U.S. election against Trump by using the companies satellites; $1 billion in U.S. contracts now suspect

It was a solemn day in a federal court room in Rome, when Arturo d’Ello took the stand.

The former employee of the 8th largest defense contractor in the world Leonardo SpA — which is partially owned by the Italian government –began his shocking testimony with the usual swearing in on the Bible. That was the last thing that was ordinary about the day.

As the crowd gasped, he outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy to help Dominion steal the U.S. election for Joseph Biden. He explained how recent reports of a hack at Leonardo were orchestrated to cover their tracks.

The news connects the dots between Eric Coomer’s actions for Dominion Voting Systems in the U.S., the CIA raid in Frankfurt, Germany to protect Dominion’s servers and destroy the evidence of election fraud, and now the actions at Leonardo in Italy.

It even ropes in the deep state in the U.S. government.

According to the Federal Enquirer, the U.S. government has awarded $1 billion in contracts to Leonardo SpA in the last year.

In a press release, Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnering with the Institute of Good Governance, stated, “This is the long awaited proof that a flawless plot to take down America was executed with extraordinary resources and global involvement. Americans and elected officials now have proof that the election was indeed stolen. This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy.”

“Make no mistake, this is a coup d’etat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections,” stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action.

Greek billionaire Alki David has been a strong supporter of the search for evidence about the Dominion hack and has even gone so far as to offer $1 million to whoever can provide irrefutable evidence of Eric Coomer’s involvement in the hack. His team is now investigating 100s of leads that have come in.

Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) – An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliff’s report of international intrusion, Arturo D’elio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.

Also this banned video:

Explosive: Obama and Renzi, former PM of Italy orchestrated the theft of the U.S. election from President Trump. Stephan Serafini coordinated with General Claudio Graziano, a board member of Leonardo. Italian intelligence provided the U.S. w/ documents, calls/photos of CIA Agents

Note another affidavit from Italy was posted in a previous post at

Trump up in polls:

The Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate polls of the 2020 election, finds President Trump’s approval is actually rising after Wednesday‘s protests.

As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance.

A source close to the polling firm tells Newsmax that the rolling survey saw Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night.

Trump’s approval has been up overall, jumping from 45% just before Christmas.

Secretary Pompeo tells NGOs to do their job and stop being spies and money launderers for the Deep State. (At least that's what I think he really said.) Here is the actual text:

Simple rules: Multilateral institutions must hew to their missions and serve the interests of the nation states that created them. Sovereignty must remain at the core. Reform if you can, exit if you can't.

In other words: Hey Charities. Do the job you are publicly pretending to do, and stop the Anti-American sneaky games or get out of the US. This means you NGO's.

What is "GIANT VOICE"? This:


There is no margin for error in the realm of military mass notification. ASC designs systems that are faultless, redundant and substantive, to ensure multi-system integration that’s never compromised and always accurate.

  • Our systems are designed and manufactured in the United States, ensuring full-scale reliability, and are supported by technicians that understand the finer workings of each unique installation.

  • Our systems are redundant and reliable, with backup and failsafe measures in place to ensure the call always goes out and is always received."

Twitter just removed this POTUS statement as Tucker Carlson was reading the tweet:

Perhaps because there will be no inauguration?:

There can be no real inauguration because there wasn't a real election.

Odd Mitch MConnell:

Senator Marshall of Kansas keeps giving Mitch McConnell a hand signal which Mitch dutifully seems to be following. It's said to be the "point of order" symbol used during debate. He seems to be telling him to not go off script.

See it here:

Note Mitch's wife resigned shortly thereafter as Transportation Secretary. Mitch has large familial economic ties with CCP leadership. It is crazy to have someone in a position of power like that with such a huge conflict of interest. He shouldn't even be privy to classified documents.

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she's frantic, and this is why she's pushing to impeach Trump

Hear the Lt. General's full talk in this video. Listen from the 36 minute mark, although the whole video is worth watching

Lt. General Thomas McInerney:

#COVID19 is being used to destroy small businesses.

They're censoring the President of the United States!

The affidavit revealing Italy's role in the rigged election is true.

Every American needs to stand up.

The attack on the Capital was done by Antifa, but it was enabled by McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi and the Mayor.

Comey sold the top secret programme, Hammer and Scorecard, to the Chinese.

"We're not here to be #ANTIFA"

Military white hat operation leaving with hard drives?

Full video from Ann Vandersteel (also recently deleted from Twitter)

Q Guidance:


MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo].

Twitter - FB - GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo].

Hollywood ['stars'] swarm to enforce ['trend' echo].

Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo].

ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo].

Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled].

Define 'indoctrinate'.

to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it

Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].

System of control.

Many choose the path of least resistance.

For many you cannot tell them the truth.

You must show them.

Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].


Seems to apply to a lot of people:

"You better start believing in conspiracy theories Missy . Your'e in one."

(Reference to Pirates of the Caribbean.)

Fog of War - Where is the President?

Lin Wood says Trump went to Abilene Texas.

Washington Times says Trump is at the White House.

Sidney Powell tweeted that POTUS is in Camp David.

Camp David is thoroughly protected by the military. Almost like a prime place to be when you round up all of the domestic enemies. Side note: Years back one of the network news teams did a story on Camp David. The thrust of the story was that it was in a national recreation area so and they would just walk in. They could not drive all the way up to the main gate, I think the access road was chained off. So they left their cars with the camera guy and were walking up the road. Not 20 seconds after they left their cars 6-8 Marines with weapons ready met them. They were still a long way from the main gate. That's the only footage they got, the Marines who immediately turned them away. And the Marines stood there until they got back into their vehicles and left.

Correction from earlier post:

1) The tattoo on the chest of the horned hat-man may be a symbol for a fallen comrade, and not a pedophile symbol. The pedo one is a triangular spiral while the fallen comrade one is reported to be intersecting triangles. They look similar. All other information about him is deemed accurate.

2) The short video of police letting people in was likely a mixture of Antifa and patriots, and not just Antifa as captioned. All other information substantiating at least one bus of Antifa being allowed into the patriot crowd is deemed accurate.

Wisdom from Lin Wood:

Good morning! Does the day seem surreal to you? Do you feel the revelation of truth occurring? Does it confuse you as you struggle to ascertain truth from lies? Are you impatient in wanting answers? Do you know who you can trust? Do you have an intense desire to see justice done? Change is difficult, painful, & demanding. The greater the change, the greater are all of those emotions. Our country and our world are undergoing changes. Big changes. So stay steady at the helm as you navigate through turbulent waters. It will be worth it when you get to the other side. I believe America’s best days lie ahead for all of us. Keep the faith. Trust God.

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