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9 March 2019 - Breakfast News

Sean Hannity: “I know you’ve been saying to yourself, what about all of the people that we know have been abusing power, committing real and serious crimes. Hillary Clinton is one. We’re looking at people like McCabe, and Comey and Strzok, and Page and many, many, many more. What about the FISA abuses. Stripping Americans of their constitutional rights. What about the rampant conflicts of interest at some of the highest levels at the DOJ and FBI. Tonight we have great news. According to my sources, everything we have been revealing about the Deep State for two years will very soon result in major serious ramifications.

The co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a "complete hoax and scam," which has been "taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology." 

Moore, who recently made headlines for calling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "pompous little twit" and "garden-variety hypocrite" on cli1mate change, sat down with SiriusXM's Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

The Greenpeace co-founder's message echoes that of John Coleman, the late Weather Channel founder who called global warming "the greatest scam in history." Moore told Breitbart how fear and guilt are driving the climate change argument, reports Breitbart NewsFear has been used all through history to gain control of people’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two.

According to Moore, the climate change movement has co-opted and corrupted politicans and bureaucracies in order to exert further control over people, Moore explained - noting that "green" companies only exist on the back of taxpayers. 

And so you’ve got the green movement creating stories that instill fear in the public. You’ve got the media echo chamber — fake news — repeating it over and over and over again to everybody that they’re killing their children, and then you’ve got the green politicians who are buying scientists with government money to produce fear for them in the form of scientific-looking materials, and then you’ve got the green businesses, the rent-seekers and the crony capitalists who are taking advantage of massive subsidies, huge tax write-offs, and government mandates requiring their technologies to make a fortune on this, and then of course you’ve got the scientists who are willingly, they’re basically hooked on government grants.When they talk about the 99 percent consensus [among scientists] on climate change, that’s a completely ridiculous and false numbers, but most of the scientists — put it in quotes, scientists — who are pushing this catastrophic theory are getting paid by public money. They are not being paid by General Electric or Dupont or 3M to do this research, where private companies expect to get something useful from their research that might produce a better product and make them a profit in the end because people want it — build a better mousetrap type of idea — but most of what these so-called scientists are doing is simply producing more fear so that politicians can use it control people’s mind and get their votes because some of the people are convinced, ‘Oh, this politician can save my kid from certain doom.’

Moore also warned that manmade climate change, known scientifically as anthropogenic global warming, threatens modern reasoning itself - much like the persecution of Galileo. "But this abomination that is occurring today in the climate issue is the biggest threat to the Enlightenment that has occurred since Galileo," said Moore. "Nothing else comes close to it. This is as bad a thing that has happened o science in the history of science." 

It is the biggest lie since people thought the Earth was at the center of the universe. This is Galileo-type stuff. If you remember, Galileo discovered that the sun was at the center of the solar system and the Earth revolved around it. He was sentenced to death by the Catholic Church, and only because he recanted was he allowed to live in house arrest for the rest of his life. So this was around the beginning of what we call the Enlightenment, when science became the way in which we gained knowledge instead of using superstition and instead of using invisible demons and whatever else, we started to understand that you have to have observation of actual events and then you have to repeat those observations over and over again, and that is basically the scientific method.

"It’s taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology. There is no truth to this. It is a complete hoax and scam," Moore concluded.

Daily Mail, ^ | 6 March 2019 | DAVID MARTOSKO 

Posted on 3/6/2019, 1:05:37 PM by george76

DHS secretary says so many migrants are raped on the way to the U.S. that ICE gives EVERY girl 10 and older a pregnancy test – and 'recycling rings' let illegals reuse children over and over to jump the border. (Full title). 

DHS ... has uncovered 'recycling rings' that let trafficked adults reuse the same children over and over again to pose as family units... 

rape is so common among migrant caravans that every girl over age 10 who enters the U.S. without papers is given a pregnancy test. 


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Wednesday that young female migrants traveling north to the United States are raped with such regularity that Immigration and Customs Enforcement gives every girl age 10 and over a pregnancy test after arriving. 


when girls head north, Central American mothers routinely 'give them massive amounts of birth control pills because they know their daughters are going to be raped on the way up to our southern border.' 

'Think of how evil that is. 


Nielsen .. claimed many people who make asylum claims are 'posing as family units' in order to take advantage of loopholes in America's immigration policy that make it harder to deport parents than single adults. 

And 'recycling rings,' she said, reuse the same children over and over to help strings of adults, mostly from Central America, enter the U.S. and disappear: 'Children are being used as pawns to get into our country.' 

More than 60 per cent of the people who now cross the border without papers are family units and unaccompanied alien children

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Trump Tweet:

Democrats couldn’t condemn anti-semitism. That’s because the radical, left-wing socialists have taken over. Nancy Pelosi is having a hard time keeping Dems together. It is a shameful display of how our democracy works. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Dobbs David Duke is now an Omar fan!

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday as the “most important person in Congress.”

David Duke posted a photo of Ilhan Omar to his Twitter account on Thursday with a “heart eyes emoji,” showing his love for her after her recent comments disparaging Jews and Israel.

“By Defiance to Z.O.G. [Zionist Occupation Government] Ilhan Omar is NOW the most important Member of the US Congress!” David Duke said in a Twitter caption linking to his blog post.

Smollett Indicted:

A Chicago grand jury on Friday indicted Empire actor Jussie Smollett on 16 felony counts for allegedly lying to police about a supposed hate crime attack. A request for more information from the Cook County State's Attorney's Office was not immediately returned, but the indictment reads, in part, "Jussie Smollett knew that at the time … there was no reasonable ground for believing that such offenses had been committed,” according to section cited by CBS Chicago News.

More Denver Airport Strangeness:

I Am the Future?  Looks like a bunch of Hitler Youth or Socialist clones:

Then there’s the landfill nearby.  Landfills are not located near airports because, if you have ever visited one, you will see birds such as seagulls and crows in great abundance there.  It creates a great risk of birdstrike.   It’s right down from a runway.

Furthermore, the fences there have barbed wire projections oriented to keep people in, instead of out.  Very odd.

Things that make you go hmmmm….

Warren Supports Breaking up the Tech Tyrants

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) announced Friday that she will propose to break up some of America’s largest tech companies, which includes Facebook, Google, and Amazon, as a means to separate herself from the large swathe 2020 presidential Democrat primary candidates.

Warren will hold a presidential campaign rally in Long Island City, New York, which was supposed to be the hub of a major new Amazon headquarters, and called for the appointment of regulators who would “unwind tech mergers that illegally undermine competition.”  Warren will also call for legislation that would block platforms from both offering a marketplace for commerce and participating in that marketplace.

Warren said in a statement Friday:

I want a government that makes sure everybody — even the biggest and most powerful companies in America — plays by the rules. To do that, we need to stop this generation of big tech companies from throwing around their political power to shape the rules in their favor and throwing around their economic power to snuff out or buy up every potential competitor. Apparently the tech tyrants are backing other Democrat candidates...
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