President Trump Checkmates both the Democrats and the Foreign Invaders: Important Tweets:
We have redeployed 750 agents at the Southern Border’s specific Ports of Entry in order to help with the large scale surge of illegal migrants trying to make their way into the United States. This will cause traffic & commercial delays until such time as Mexico is able to use…. ....it’s powerful common sense Immigration Laws to stop illegals from coming through Mexico into the U.S., and removing them back to their country of origin. Until Mexico cleans up this ridiculous & massive migration, we will be focusing on Border Security, not Ports of Entry.... ....In the meantime, the Democrats in Congress must help the Republicans (we need their votes) to end the horrible, costly and foolish loopholes in our Immigration Laws. Once that happens, all will be smooth. We can NEVER allow Open Borders!
(Dagny: In other words, unless you Democrats and Mexican Government do the right thing the border is effectively closed, but without the Closed Border political fallout.) “Give Up, Trump-Haters”
https://nypost.com/2019/04/04/ny-times-washington-post-are-still-disgracefully-enabling-collusion-delusion/ …
The Crazed and Dishonest Washington Post again purposely got it wrong. Mexico, for the first time in decades, is meaningfully apprehending illegals at THEIR Southern Border, before the long march up to the U.S. This is great and the way it should be. The big flow will stop..........However, if for any reason Mexico stops apprehending and bringing the illegals back to where they came from, the U.S. will be forced to Tariff at 25% all cars made in Mexico and shipped over the Border to us. If that doesn’t work, which it will, I will close the Border...........This will supersede USMCA. Likewise I am looking at an economic penalty for the 500 Billion Dollars in illegal DRUGS that are shipped and smuggled through Mexico and across our Southern Border. Over 100,00 Americans die each year, sooo many families destroyed!
Much Tougher Direction with Tougher People in Charge:
Trump Tweet - Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service........I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!
Nielsen leaving DHS after White House meeting with Trump
Fox News ^ | Samuel Chamberlain
Posted on 4/7/2019, 3:41:28 PM by RoosterRedux
President Trump announced Sunday afternoon that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen "will be leaving her position" after 16 months in the job.
Trump also announced that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan will replace Nielsen as acting secretary, tweeting: "I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!"
Nielsen's departure is the latest staffing shakeup in the department, which was founded to combat terrorism after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
On Friday, Trump confirmed he had withdrawn the nomination of acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Ron Vitiello to become the permanent head of the agency, telling reporters that "Ron’s a good man, but we’re going in a tougher direction, we want to go in a tougher direction."
(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...
President Trump spoke at the Republican Jewish Coalition on Saturday evening.
President Trump: And the asylum program is a scam. Some of the roughest people you’ve ever seen, people look like they should be fighting for the UFC. They read a little page given by lawyers who are all over the place. They tell em what to say. You look at this guy, you say, “Wow that’s a tough cookie!” (acting like refugee) “I am very fearful for my life. I am very worried that I may be accosted if I am sent back home.” No, no, he’ll do the accosting. Asylum, oh give asylum. He’s afraid.
Poll: 67% Of Likely Voters Say Illegal Immigration Is A Serious Problem, Most Believe Democrats Don't Want To Stop It
A new Rasmussen poll conducted this week indicates that 67% of likely United States voters believe that illegal immigration is a "serious problem" in the country today, but the plurality of those who took the survey do not believe that the Democratic Party in Congress "wants to slow or stop illegal immigration."
The percentage of likely voters who said illegal immigration is a "serious issue" has not changed since a similar poll conducted in January asked the same question. Furthermore, it could be argued that Americans are becoming less concerned with illegal immigration during President Trump's time in office as a similar 2015 poll found that 80% of likely voters said that it was a serious issue.
But the poll of 1,000 likely voters, conducted April 2-3 via telephone and online surveys, also found that 47% "say [illegal immigration] a Very Serious one." On the opposite side, 32% say illegal immigration is not a serious problem.
If poll answers are broken down across political party lines, "72% of Republicans see illegal immigration as a Very Serious problem, while "only 28% of Democrats agree."
When asked "Do most Democrats in Congress want to slow or stop illegal immigration?" Just 31% of likely voters said that Democrats in Congress want to "slow or stop illegal immigration." Comparatively, 70% of those polled said they believe Republicans want to stop the flow of illegal aliens. 45% of those polled believe the Democratic party does not want to stop illegal immigration at all.
The poll also found that "48% favor halting U.S. foreign aid to Mexico and governments in Central America that refuse to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country." These numbers were released the same day that President Trump told law enforcement officials that those seeking to come to the United States that, "Whether it’s asylum,
whether it’s anything you want, it’s illegal immigration, can’t take you anymore. Our country is full, our area is full, the sector is full, can’t take you anymore. I’m sorry, can’t happen, so turn around -- that’s the way it is."

Kim Foxx, Jesse Smolett’s AG in Chicago has been aiding the Bad Guys for some Time!:
The Jussie Smollett case was the 'tip of the iceberg' in regard to mishandlings by Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx, according to Chicago Police Union President Kevin Graham, who has joined a chorus of those calling for her resignation.
Graham said during an appearance on "America's Newsroom" on Friday that Foxx's shocking decision to drop all 16 charges against Jussie Smollett last week represents a trend by the State's Attorney of choosing not to pursue felony charges.
"We have had problems getting felony charges approved for battery to police officers," Graham said. "I've had officers, in my office, where their kneecaps were broken, where their fingertips were nearly bit off, and we can't get felony charges approved on this."
He continued by discussing the Fraternal Order of Police's recent vote of no confidence on the State's Attorney, which indicates the group's pointed lack of support in Foxx.
"We're saying: this is enough," Graham continued. "We're asking for her to step down, the FOP in Chicago took a vote of no confidence and so did the police chiefs around Cook County."
In response to the no-confidence vote, Foxx issued a statement standing firm in her value and dedication to the position, while hinting that she may plan to seek re-election when her term is up.
"I was elected by the people of Cook County to pursue community safety, prevent harm, and uphold the values of fairness and equal justice,” Foxx said in the statement obtained by the Chicago Tribune. “I’m proud of my record in doing that, and I plan to do so through the end of my term and, if the people so will it, into the future.”

Rumors are flying that Julian Assange is about to be Evicted from the Embassy:
The Gateway Pundit has exclusively obtained a court transcript of an appeal made by WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange in an Ecuadorian court, in which he accused their government of preparing to revoke his political asylum at the behest of the United States and United Kingdom.
Assange has not been heard from in public since March 28, 2018 after an executive gag order by the government of Ecuador. The following, unpublished, “leaked” transcript of Assange asking an Ecuadorian court for an urgent injunction (“protection order”) against his gagging and isolation is from October 29, 2018.
Journalists and media were banned from recording the proceedings, but a court record was later obtained through legal process and provided to The Gateway Pundit. It has never before been revealed.
You can read the Full Transcript here:
For highlights see here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/exclusive-leaked-assange-court-transcript-sheds-light-on-us-backed-ecuadorian-expulsion-plans/
