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5 April 2019 - Lunch News


Trump gave a credible threat and Mexico caved. Expect the Media to say Trump caved… Trump Pivots From Closing Southern Border to Threatening Mexican Auto Tariffs in 1 Year NBC San Diego ^

Posted on 4/5/2019, 6:59:21 AM by Cubs Fan

On Thursday, Trump also threatened tariffs if Mexico doesn't halt the flow of illegal drugs across the border, saying he'd give the country "a one year warning" to comply. 

"But if in a year from now drugs continue to pour in we're going to put tariffs on," he said, adding: "I don't play games."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Here's the Real Story (transcript):


South Lawn

9:50 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. The economic numbers just came out; they’re very, very good. Our country is doing unbelievably well, economically. Most of you don’t report that because it doesn’t sound good from your perspective.

But the country is doing really, really well. We have a lot of very exciting things going on. A lot of companies will be announcing shortly they’re moving back into the United States. They’re all coming back. They want to be where the action is.

I’m heading to the border. We’re building a lot of wall. We’re going to show you a section. And a lot of things are happening. A lot of very positive things are happening.

Q Mr. President, what should the Fed do with interests rates and (inaudible)?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I personally think the Fed should drop rates. I think they really slowed us down. There’s no inflation. I would say, in terms of quantitative tightening, it should actually now be quantitative easing. Very little, if any inflation. And I think they should drop rates. And they should get rid of quantitative tightening. You would see a rocket ship. Despite that, we’re doing very well.

Q What’s going on with the ICE Director, Vitiello? What is happening with Vitiello’s nomination?

THE PRESIDENT: We’re going in a little different direction. Ron’s a good man. But we’re going in a tougher direction. We want to go in a tougher direction.

Q What is exactly is offensive about Joe Biden’s behavior? And are you the right messenger for that?

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, I think I’m a very good messenger. And people got a kick out of it. He’s going through a situation; let’s see what happens.

But people got a kick — we got to — we got to sort of smile a little bit, right?

Q Does that mean you see Joe Biden as a threat? Do you see Joe Biden as a threat? Is that why you —

THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t see Joe Biden as a threat. No. I don’t see him as a threat. I think he’s only a threat to himself.

Q (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT: I just don’t see him as a threat. He’s been there a long time. His record is not good. He’d have to run on the Obama failed record.

You look at what happened with so many different things: North Korea, the Middle East, the economy never got going. No, I don’t think Joe is a threat. I’d love him to be — I mean, look, I’d be happy with any of them to be honest.

Q Why did you change your mind about shutting down the border?

THE PRESIDENT: I never changed my mind at all. I may shut it down at some point, but I’d rather do tariffs. So Mexico, I have to say, has been very, very good — you know that — over the last four days, since I talked about shutting down the border.

If they continue that, everything will be fine. If they don’t, we’re going to tariff their cars at 25 percent coming into the United States. So every time they make a car, it’s a 25 percent tariff. That means we make money as opposed to lose money. We probably bring those car companies back into the United States.

But if, on the other hand, it doesn’t work — which it will, 100 percent — the tariffs will work just like they’ve worked with steel. Our steel industry is so hot right now because of what I did with tariffs. Same thing with aluminum — they’ll work. But if it didn’t work, I will close the border.

I am also — I’m looking at an economic penalty for all of the drugs that are coming in through the southern border and killing our people.

Q Mr. President, how did your meeting with China go yesterday?

THE PRESIDENT: The China meeting was a big success. I think we’re going to have a — look, we have a very good relationship. We’re going to see. I don’t want to predict a deal or not a deal. But we’re very well along. We’ve really negotiated probably the two hardest points very successfully for our country.

And China understands — you know, China has taken advantage of our country for 30 years. And we can’t do that anymore. Not with me.

Q (Inaudible) why aren’t you closing the border this week?

THE PRESIDENT: Because Mexico has been absolutely terrific for the last four days. They’re apprehending everybody. Yesterday, they apprehended 1,400 people. The day before, it was a thousand. And if they apprehend people at their southern border, where they don’t have to walk through, that’s a big home run. We can handle it from there. It’s really good.

Now, Congress has to act. They have to get rid of catch and release, chain migration, visa lottery. They have to get rid of the whole asylum system because it doesn’t work. And, frankly, we should get rid of judges. You can’t have a court case every time somebody steps their foot on our ground. So very important that Congress acts.

But Mexico, in the last four days — it’s never happened like that in 35 years.

Q The USMCA side deal says you can’t do tariffs on cars. Why do you think you can?

THE PRESIDENT: This will supersede USMCA. USMCA is a great deal and it’s very good for Mexico, but this will supersede USMCA.

Q Mr. President, are you going to the Correspondents’ Dinner or are you going to hold a rally?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m going to hold a rally.

Q Instead of the Correspondents’ Dinner?

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, because the dinner is so boring and so negative that we’re going to hold a very positive rally instead.

Q Where?

THE PRESIDENT: We haven’t determined. We have about three sites. Everybody wants it. It’ll be a big one, but the Correspondents’ Dinner is too negative. I like positive things. Okay?

Q Are you worried about Michael Cohen’s hard drive?

THE PRESIDENT: No. They’ve already got it. He’s old news. He lied numerous times during his last testimony. They’ve had that for many months.

Q Are you confident you’ll be able to keep the Democrats from getting your taxes?

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, I don’t know. That’s up to whoever handles it. I don’t know. Hey, I’m under audit. But that’s up to whoever it is. I — from what I understand, the law is 100 percent on my side.

Q (Inaudible) temporary protected status for Venezuelans — will you give it to them? You said their country is in crisis.

THE PRESIDENT: Venezuela is a mess. This is what socialism brings. If you elect a socialist here, you’ll have the same exact country as you have in Venezuela. Thank you.

END 9:57 A.M.


Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border. Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction & keeping our Country SAFE – not easy when the Dems are always fighting to stop you!

The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Washington Examiner ^ | March 29, 2019 

Posted on 4/4/2019, 7:39:49 PM by Helicondelta

Support for a southern border wall among conservatives has jumped since President Trump came to office, reaching a new high of 99 percent, according to a new survey. 

What’s more, conservative activists demand sweeping immigration reform as part of the border wall strategy. 

The survey The Frontier Lab’s Ear to the Ground Listening Project and Citizens for Self-Governance found that support for Trump’s border wall has increased 85 percent since he became president.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Human Traffickers getting Hundreds of Thousands of Euros a Day: 📷 In what is being billed as the world’s first on-camera interview with a human trafficker, Lauren Southern has seemingly pulled off the impossible. What’s more, she had to do the interview under cover of darkness in Morocca, as filming there is so restrictive that you could be jailed for it.

The source explains that sometimes they traffic 500 people a day from Africa to Spain. He explains that people pay anywhere from €250-€2500 for a spot on one of the rafts. The more someone pays, the higher the likelihood they’ll make it across in one piece. Some rafts can hold up to 50 people. The ringleaders of the operation make hundreds of thousands of Euros a day, from which the source gets a cut. Shameless Biden:

“I’m sorry I didn’t understand more,” Biden said. “I’m not sorry for any of my intentions. I’m not sorry for anything that I have ever done. I have never been disrespectful intentionally to a man or a woman. So that’s not the reputation I’ve had since I was in high school, for God’s sakes.” Not an actual quote, but very close to it:

Obama Discriminated Against Christians and other non-Muslims for the Top Jobs in his Administration.  

Here is the proof from Wikileaks etc.:

It really was a Muslim takeover.   Democrats are Demanding Oversight on Fox News:

House Democrats Want ‘Oversight’ over Fox News’ Editorial Decisions
Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are demanding to know why Fox News did not publish a story prior to the 2016 election about an alleged affair years before between porn star Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump. House Committee on Oversight and Reform chair Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) wrote to former Fox News reporter Diana Falzone last month demanding that she turn over any documents relating to Trump’s alleged extramarital affairs.
An article in the New Yorker last month alleged that Fox News executive Ken LaCorte spiked the story to protect Trump — a claim LaCorte has vehemently denied, saying the story lacked corroborating evidence and that the network was merely practicing responsible journalism, as were other outlets who declined the story.
That article seems to have motivated Cummings’s letter — a letter that not only seeks personal dirt on the president, but seeks information that might be used to review Fox News’ editorial decisions. The committee’s letter suggests that Fox News may have violated campaign finance rules if it tried to help Trump by suppressing the Daniels story.

Of course, this could have more to do with the fact that more people watch FOX than the liberal networks. In fact, the ratings at FOX are still through the roof.

Fox News just won the cable news ratings race for the 69th consecutive quarter. Mark Levin explained the situation on his radio show.

“We have a committee of Congress led by a Democrat, Elijah Cummings, that’s trying to dig into editorial decisions at Fox News,” the conservative said Conservative Review reported. “Do you see the other media outlets circling the wagons? Do you see anybody else speaking out for freedom of the press and the First Amendment? … The media do not believe in freedom of the press. The media believe in freedom of certain people to report news.”

Mr. Cummings’ letter requests “all documents related to women alleging extramarital affairs with President [Donald] Trump, payments by the president or anyone on behalf of him to silence those people,” MSNBC host Ari Melber reported last month when news broke of Mr. Cummings’ letter.

Fox News editor Ken LaCorte said Democrats are opening a political Pandora’s box with their actions.

If House Oversight can launch an investigation based on the ridiculous notion that publishing, or even more bizarrely not publishing, a story can be construed as an in-kind campaign contribution, then no journalist in America is safe from government intimidation,” he wrote in an op-ed published Tuesday. “It’s a vast overreach of power, and I won’t have any part of it.”

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