Kim Foxx and Jussie Smollett
Chicago prosecutors dropped charges against actor Jussie Smollett on Tuesday.
Chicago police are furious over state’s attorney Kim Foxx’s decision to drop all charges against Jussie Smollett.
I can tell you that @Chicago_Police are furious over SA Kim Foxx’s decision to drop all charges against #JussieSmollett — Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) March 26, 2019
Even worse, Jussie Smollett and his lawyer are sticking to the BIG LIE that Smollett was attacked by racist white Trump supporters.
The Chicago Police Union want a federal investigation into Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s handling of Smollett’s case after text messages revealed she was communicating with Jussie Smollett’s relatives and supporters about their concerns over his case.
A Smollett family friend named Tina Tchen sent Kim Foxx an email saying, “Hi Kim – I sent an email to your work address I think as well. I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation. I am on an 8 am flight to nyc but please call me before then. I land about 1015 Chicago time. My cell is [redacted]. Many thanks!”
In one text exchange with a Smollett relative, Kim Foxx is reassuring them she spoke to the superintendent and asked for a favor. “I’ll keep you posted, “Foxx said in text. “Omg this would be a huge victory,” the Smollett relative said in response. “I make no guarantees, but I’m trying.” Foxx replied.
Via the Sun-Times: The actor, who was charged with 16 counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly hiring two men to attack him in a staged hate-crime attack near his Streeterville home in January, has reached a deferred prosecution deal with prosecutors that will wipe out the charges against him. Smollett will forfeit the $10,000 he posted for bond.
On Monday Smollett’s attorney Mark Geragos was linked to the Michael Avenatti criminal complaints.
AND — Smollett and his attorneys are STICKING WITH THEIR LIES about the alleged attack!
All charges dropped in the Jussie Smollett case? Wow. pic.twitter.com/bvKyKBwD6S — Michael St James (@michaelstjames) March 26, 2019
Just got a tip from my Chicago PD source that SA Kim Foxx is going to drop the charges against #JussieSmollett. The question @Chicago_Police now have for him is how does #smollett plan to reimburse the city for all the money that was spent on his investigation? — Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) March 26, 2019
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/breaking-chicago-prosecutors-drop-charges-against-jussie-smollett/ Stormy Daniel’s Lawyer Avenatti is Arrested for Extortion. A criminal complaint against Avenatti says he “devised a scheme to extort a company by means of an interstate communication by threatening to damage the company’s reputation if the company did not agree to make multi-million dollar payments to Avenatti and [co-conspirator], and further agree to pay an additional $1.5 million to a client of Avenatti’s.”
The complaint says that last Wednesday, Avenatti and a cooperating witness spoke by phone with lawyers for Nike “during which Avenatti stated, with respect to his demands for payment of milions of dollars, that if those demands were not met ‘I’ll go take ten billion dollars off your client’s market cap ... I’m not f---ing around.’”
Attorney Mark Geragos FIRED BY CNN After He Was Named Co-Conspirator in Avenatti Criminal Complaint
Gateway ^ | 3-26-2019 | Christina Laila
Posted on 3/25/2019, 4:40:08 PM by tcrlaf
CNN cut ties with celebrity attorney Mark Geragos on Monday after he was named as a co-conspirator in Michael Avenatti’s criminal complaint.
Mark Geragos regularly appeared on CNN as a legal analyst, however a spox for the network confirmed on Monday that Geragos is no longer a contributor.
(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...
Say what you will about Donald Trump, but the rise of the reality TV presidency has marked the death knell for some of the nation's most notorious media hacks and grifters.
Today, U.S. attorneys indicted not only Trump-era villain and creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, but also celebrity attorney Mark Geragos as a co-conspirator. The nation's two most famous legal frauds now face charges related to an extortion scheme.
Avenatti's been a walking dumpster fire and foil to the Trump presidency, but Geragos has scammed the system for years, representing not just the dregs of Hollywood — Chris Brown for domestic violence and Michael Jackson for pedophilia — but also #Resistance heroes such as Colin Kaepernick and hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett. Much like Avenatti, Geragos never met a camera he didn't love, and now the pair are finally facing their comeuppance in criminal court.
Between Attorney General William Barr effectively exonerating Trump of impeachable offenses and Avenatti finally facing criminal charges, what's the true cherry on top for the best 24 hours of Trump's presidency, if not his entire life? Geragos is also an official legal analyst for CNN.
This is very big news, much will become apparent after folks have had time to read it:
Today, the transcript of George Papadopoulos's interview before the Judiciary Committee will be made available to the American people. To read the full transcript, visit (link: https://dougcollins.house.gov/Papadopoulos) dougcollins.house.gov/Papadopoulos.
03/25/19 06:00 PM EDT
Now that we know for sure that special counsel Robert Mueller, the U.S. intelligence community and Republicans on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees found no evidence that President Trump conspired with Russia to hijack the 2016 election, it is worth stepping back and evaluating the electoral impact of one of the greatest faux scandals in history.
Before doing that, though, let’s summarize what we now know about the origins of the investigation.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee asked their law firm, Perkins Coie, to hire the political opposition research firm Fusion GPS to dig up dirt during the 2016 election on Trump and Russia. Fusion, in turn, hired former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, who turned to a “retired” Russian intelligence officer in the United States to get most of this dirt.
Steele took his information to the FBI and senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr to interject it into law enforcement circles and make it a criminal matter. According to Ohr, Steele was “desperate” to defeat Trump and viewed his dossier as raw intelligence that was not verified. To augment that research, the Clinton campaign had a Democratic operative working with Ukraine’s embassy in Washington to research Trump's Russia ties, as well as aUkrainian lawmaker feeding information to Fusion GPS.
In another words, the main evidence used by the FBI to justify a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on the Trump campaign in its final weeks before the 2016 election, and for much of 2017, came from a political dirty-trick operation paid by Trump’s Democratic rival and run by a foreigner who disliked Trump.
That operation gathered uncorroborated evidence from foreigners in Russia and Ukraine who had their own motives for influencing the election.
Now, if the FBI probe ran with the secrecy of a normal counterintelligence operation, Americans never would have heard all of this, especially when the core allegations — in the Steele dossier — turned out to be bogus.
But the FBI, Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson, Steele, U.S. intelligence officials and lawmakers briefed in Congress all leaked various details to the news media, creating a furor unseen since Watergate. The only difference is, Watergate involved proven crimes by a president and the Russia-collusion narrative ultimately did not.
Simpson acknowledged in a conversation with Ohr that his and Steele’s last-minute contacts with reporters during the 2016 election were a “Hail Mary attempt” to influence voters.
Over the past two years, I have talked with law enforcement and U.S. intelligence officials who unequivocally told me they found no evidence that Trump and Russia colluded. Yes, Russia hacked Democratic emails and bought some Facebook ads to influence the election, but such activity was not coordinated with the Trump campaign.
Yet, key lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Sen. Mark Warner(D-Va.) continued to insist there was evidence of collusion, circumstantial or otherwise. They were talking to the same FBI and intelligence agencies as Mueller and I did — and that means what they said in public was not consistent with what they were told in private.
But Schiff, Warner and others found a receptive audience in the news media, where misinformed or inexperienced reporters delivered a 24/7 barrage of stories intended to corroborate a collusion plot that did not exist.
CNN, for example, reported there was evidence a Russian bank’s servers secretly transmitted instructions to the Trump Tower. The FBI said it did not.
The New York Times reported senior Trump campaign officials met with senior Russian intelligence to collaborate during the election. The FBI, Congress, U.S. intelligence and Mueller found no such meeting happened, and former FBI Director James Comey publicly debunked the newspaper report.
Carl Bernstein, the reporter of Watergate fame, declared another Nixonian-sized scandal was brewing and that Mueller’s report would prove how Trump helped Russia “destabilize” the United States. The report did not.
Former CIA Director John Brennan boldly predicted on MSNBC that Mueller had secured numerous sealed indictments. He had not.
In all, more than 530,000 stories were written between May 2017 and this month about a Trump-Russia investigation that, ultimately, found no collusion. The earned media impact of that negative coverage likely would have cost billions of dollars if a Democratic candidate had tried to buy such coverage.
But the news media provided it free of charge, fanned by the commentary of lawmakers and intelligence officials such as Brennan and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, whose public comments contrasted with the secret intelligence.
As the “Impeach Trump” machine raged with fuel provided by Democrats and an errant media, a funny thing happened: More than three dozen Republican incumbents in Congress announced they were retiring in 2018, leaving the GOP with a gaping hole in the House that Democrats exploited.
Polls showed the impact of the Russia coverage on voters. About half of American voters declared they believed Trump or his aides had colluded with Russia, even though they hadn’t.
It is the most compelling proof in a long time that false information repeated long enough becomes truth for many people.
Although we are still coming to grips with the finality of the Mueller report, one thing has become increasingly clear: The Russia collusion narrative — fanned by foreigners, dirty tricksters and a willing media — did, in fact, impact an American election. Not the one in 2016, but the midterm that came two years later.
John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption. He serves as an investigative columnist and executive vice president for video at The Hill.
Trump Administration’s DOJ Now Seems to be Working!
The Justice Department now believes the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, a reversal from its position this past summer when the government said changes to the individual mandate were unconstitutional but severable from the whole law.
A Justice Department filing Monday night said the government believes a district court judge’s rulingthat the entire Obama-era health care law is unconstitutional should be affirmed. Main Justice has a long tradition of defending the constitutionality of federal laws, and, while there are exceptions, it’s rare for the department to refuse to defend federal statutes.

Twitter has a new trick:
Clear your cookies before you visit this twitter feed:
The top replies to the hill tweet are massively anti-Trump/anti-Sanders. Gotta scroll way down to find any support for POTUS
Then login to twitter and go to the same feed (assuming you are pro-Trump) LOADED with "Q sent us" "WW1WGA" and other pro-Trump replies. You can't find a single tweet against him.
They are suppressing our message by only showing it to ourselves.
Lots of odd deaths happening among those involved in what has been rumored to be a False Flag:
Sandy Hook dad kills himself - just days after 2 of the Parkland kids shoot themselves in the head (they were too young to legally purchase handguns..... so figure that one out?)
Either a coincidence or somebody making sure nobody is going to talk.
BREAKING: Trump admin cuts aid to international ‘backdoor funding schemes’ for abortion
LifeSite News ^ | March 26, 2019 | Calvin Freiburger
Posted on 3/26/2019, 8:28:18 AM by ebb tide
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Trump administration is strengthening the Mexico City Policy to bar taxpayer funds from organizations that support other pro-abortion groups in addition to backing abortion themselves, the secretary of state announced Tuesday morning.
Secretary Mike Pompeo confirmed to reporters that the administration is closing a loophole that permits “backdoor funding schemes” under which foreign aid recipients that don’t commit or promote abortion themselves can still give money to other organizations that do, the Associated Press reports. The administration is also cutting an unspecified amount of aid to the Organization of American States (OAS) for its suspected pro-abortion lobbying across North and South America.
“We will refuse to provide assistance to foreign NGOs that give financial support to other foreign groups in the global abortion industry,” Pompeo declared, according to Reuters.
The announcement is the Trump administration’s latest step to improve on the Mexico City Policy (or Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance rule), a rule Republican presidents typically reinstate and Democrat presidents typically drop upon taking office.
Previously, it applied to approximately $60 million in foreign aid money, but President Donald Trump expanded it to cover about $8.8 billion in funds appropriated to the Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Department of Defense, and to exclude organizations that promote abortions in addition to personally committing them.
“The Trump administration has been the most pro-life administration in history, and Secretary Pompeo and President Trump should be thanked for closing the loopholes that allowed NGOs to take our taxpayer dollars and give them to sub-contractors that commit or promote abortions,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins responded.
“This is an 80-20 issue, and the American people have made it clear they do not want their taxpayer dollars subsidizing abortions,” Hawkins continued. “This step will start to rectify the mistakes we made in enshrining abortion into Kenya’s constitution, a grave mistake made by the Obama administration.”
#RBG side-by-side voice comparison 1-year apart from each other.Play it multiple times. Same person? Her NY accent became THICKER a year later? S's are also pronounced differently. What do YOU think?

What is [RBG's] current state-of-health? Are pictures being 'avoided' for a reason? Pics in/out of home in/out of cars = easy Q NXIVM Cult trial getting going...
“Smallville” star Allison Mack is begging a judge to separate her case from accused Nxivm sex cult leader Keith Raniere’s — in the wake of fresh allegations that he abused children.
Prosecutors allege that Raniere, 58, had sexual relationships with children and made kiddie porn — and that Mack and her co-defendants Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman and Kathy Russell “facilitated” the illicit affairs.
Mack, 36, was slapped with an additional racketeering charge — but her lawyers downplayed the new indictment as “barely changed” from the initial one but acknowledged that it added “disturbing allegations” against Raniere.
The one-time “Smallville” actress is charged with being Raniere’s right-hand woman, luring young women to the alleged cult as sex slaves.
Opening arguments in the trial are set for April 29.
Interesting finding regarding Male and Female Brains:
Professor Moriah Thomason, from New York University Langone, said one of the main differences was in connectivity across distant areas of the brain.
According to the US study, published in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, female brains growing in the uterus produced ‘long-range’ networks.
Professor Thomason said this was less true of boys, who were ‘more susceptible to environmental influences’.
According to the US study, published in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience