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24 March 2020 - Breakfast News


Good news!

The social distancing appears to be working! "Due to widespread social distancing, school closures, stay-at-home orders, etc. influenza-related illness levels are dropping in many regions. In some regions (e.g. CA) they’re dropping below the expected range for this time of year — which reduces the level of atypical illness to zero on our map. See this interactive graphic and more at .

100% success on 350 coronavirus patients

Over the weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he has found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients.

The New York doctor also posted a video explaining his success with hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks.  His treatment resulted in the shortness of breath issue being resolved in 4 to 6 hours.  Dr. Zelenko in his study had zero deathszero hospitalizations and zero intubations! Later on Monday evening Sean Hannity invited two more medical experts on to discuss Dr. Zelenko’s coronavirus results. The two doctors were cautiously optimistic. Huge breakthrough! A test to see if someone has become immune.   This will help supply medical workers and others who are safe to work:

New York scientists have created the first blood test to detect whether someone has already been infected by and developed immunity to coronavirus. 

Researchers at Mt Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine have made the first so-called serologic test for COVID-19 in the US, and they plan to roll it out in the next few days in its clinics.  Mt Sinai uploaded step-by-step instructions for its test on Monday, to be used by other hospitals and research labs, Dr Florian Krammer, head of the microbiology labe that created the blood test told Leapsmag.  

These antibodies should be detectable after about seven days of infection. 

Dr Krammer told Leapsmag that patients suspected of having coronavirus have their blood drawn regularly, and these samples can be analzyed with the serologic test without doing a new blood draw. Ventilators Needed Approximately 19% of those who contract coronavirus become seriously ill, according to a large Chinese study, while just under 14% fall into the 'severe' category, and 5% become critical - typically requiring a ventilator to breathe while suffering from multiple organ dysfunction.

And while the overall fatality rate is a matter of serious debate as many suspect vast underreporting of cases, for those who fall into the critical category, a shortage of respirators would logically increase fatalities among that demographic.

Indeed there is a critical shortage of medical supplies across the United States, compounded by a drop in exports of masks, gowns, sanitizer, and other items from China as demand has surged across the world. In Seattle, manufacturer Ventec Life Systems has been ramping up production to fill orders as quickly as possible.

One Chinese company, Beijing Aeonmed Co., has been working around the clock since January 20 to crank out the life-saving machines, according to Bloomberg. "There’s literally no country in the world that doesn’t want to buy a ventilator from China right now," said company director Li Kai. "We have tens of thousands of orders waiting. The issue is how fast we can make them."

The company has been working three shifts to meet demand from international customers, and have been producing ventilators "non-stop" according to the report.

As the global coronavirus death toll inches toward 15,000, doctors from Milan to New York are desperately seeking ventilators. In severe cases, the availability of a ventilator that can help a Covid-19 patient breathe can determine if he lives or dies. Late last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the state, which has about 5,000 to 6,000 ventilators, might need 30,000 of them. -Bloomberg

"It’s ventilators, ventilators, ventilators," NY Governor Cuomo told reporters. "That is the greatest need," he added - saying that he has "people in China shopping for ventilators.” "All the ventilator factories in China have reached their maximum capacity, occupied fully by foreign demand," said director of supply chain at, Wu Chuanpu. Vedeng connects medical equipment suppliers and buyers - and is receiving over 60 orders per day totaling hundreds or thousands of such machines. Many orders are from governments, he said.

According to Wu, the factories need to remain at full capacity until May. "The expansion of the production line is very time-consuming and resources-intensive," said Wu, adding that "It also involves personnel training. It is too cumbersome." London Breed (another freaky named Dem mayor) says go home.

San Francisco heading for a surge:

The worst is yet to come,” San Francisco Director of Health Dr. Grant Colfax said at a news conference Monday. “Every community where the virus has taken hold has seen a surge in the number of coronavirus patients who need to be hospitalized. We expect that to happen in San Francisco soon, in a week or two, or perhaps even less.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed voiced distress over people picnicking during a pandemic.

The folks who are out on the streets having drinking parties, the folks who are out on the streets socializing and coming together and not taking this social distancing requirement seriously, you are putting lives at stake, you are putting public health in jeopardy,” Breed said. It’s not a matter of whether or not we’re going to have more people get sick — they are. And what happens if it’s your grandmother? What happens if it’s your uncle? And what happens if we don’t have a bed for them?” Breed said. “It is a matter of life or death. This is not the time for a party, for a play date.”

People should only be going out, Breed stressed, for essential trips such as getting food, or when exercising, and should be keeping away from others by at least 6 feet. Breed said children’s playgrounds have been ordered closed, as they have in Los Angeles County, but she would rather not be forced to shut down San Francisco’s parks unless she has no choice. “It’s really the last thing I want to do,” Breed said, “so I want to ask — I want to plead — to the people of our city to comply with the order.” The world’s largest democracy India is now locked down for 21 days.  Because social distancing works.

Keep it up. It's working!


Dems hold America Hostage Meanwhile the Democrats are showing their true colors by holding America hostage in this life or death situation in an attempt to take over.  Pelosi has a bill with 1,119 pages of pork and everything they ever wished for including abortion funding, easier ways to do voter fraud, global warming …. Here is a list of all the non-pandemic related things that Pelosi et al are demanding:

"So let me get this straight... The Dems falsely accused @realDonaldTrump of a quid pro quo with Ukraine over giving aid in exchange for something... Now the Dems won't give aid to the American people unless they get their Democrat-agenda in the Stim Bill…" No voter ID to get a ballot, and anonymous “ballot harvesting”...why is that hidden in Speaker Pelosi’s coronavirus bill? These are issues that shouldn’t be addressed at this time. #singleissuebills What does nullifying the President’s exec order on federal employee union issues have to do with COVID-19? We have small businesses going out of business, and this is a priority for the coronavirus crisis? It’s on page 737 of Speaker Pelosi’s bill! #singleissuebills #skipthepork

Reporter calls for GOP senators to be shot if they don’t approve insecure mail in ballots:

“The GOP electoral creed: ‘Never make it easier to vote. Suppress and maintain the influence of the aging, white base as long as possible.’“We’re in a public health crisis. They should be shot.”

The proposition for an all-mail election was brought to state legislators earlier this week by Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs ahead of a budget meeting.

“We need to prepare now for any eventuality,” the Democrat wrote in a letter on Wednesday.  

The Republican Party of Arizona told The Western Journal, however, that allowing an all-mail election would allow too much opportunity for the vote to be manipulated. Trump rejects their extortion:  Tweets Congress must approve the deal, without all of the nonsense, today. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt! This is not about the ridiculous Green New Deal. It is about putting our great workers and companies BACK TO WORK! Our people want to return to work. They will practice Social Distancing and all else, and Seniors will be watched over protectively & lovingly. We can do two things together. THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN THE PROBLEM! Congress MUST ACT NOW. We will come back strong!

Obama and the Crats to blame for the shortage of masks?  Apparently so. President Donald Trump may be right to claim that he “inherited” a system that was not ready to fight a pandemic, according to a report that the Obama administration depleted the nation’s stock of N95 masks and never restored it.

The Washington Examiner, citing Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times, reported Monday that the Obama administration used millions of N95 masks in the fight against the H1N1 virus in 2009, but did not replace them: Evil daughter of Pelosi... it runs in the family:

The Kentucky senator’s Twitter account announced that Paul was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Twitter Sunday, though insisting that he was “feeling fine” and “asymptomatic.”  Paul was attacked in 2017 by his neighbor and suffered broken six broken ribs among other injuries (including damage to his lungs).  In 2018, the neighbor, [vicious democrat] Rene Boucher, was sentenced to 30 days in prison. Christine Pelosi, daughter of House speaker Nancy Pelosi, tweeted Sunday that Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s neighbor, who once violently assaulted him, was “right.”

Rand Paul’s neighbor was right,” Pelosi said, in response to a tweet about Paul having COVID-19 from Washington Post reporter Paul Kane. I thought the left was all about equality?  Ha.  No I didn’t.  And this is a prime example: Madonna posted a creepy naked bathtub meltdown over the coronavirus pandemic. The Material Girl suddenly realizes the most terrible thing about the coronavirus, “It’s made us all equal in many ways.” Biden and Bernie are "both heading toward the socialist cliff, just in different vehicles. Bernie’s is a red Ferrari, while Joe’s is more like a red bus with 'No Malarkey' on the side. Same road, same cliff. Different speeds.” - Retweeted by Trump

That train wreck of a politician Andrew Gillum was recently almost voted voted to be Governor in Florida!!  How would you like to have a guy like him in charge today?  Wow.  Dodged a bullet!! Meanwhile the guy who was supposed to be the next Obama, who was almost the governor of Florida, was found drugged out of coherence on the floor of a hotel room, with a white male prostitute and another guy, naked with feces and blood on the bed and vomit on the floor.  Furthermore, it was all caught on police body cameras. The pictures are out there and I have seen one cleaned up copy of one, but reliable others have seen them and reported on it. It's way to vile for passing on.

"Our sources are saying that the Miami Beach Police Department is being extremely cagey about the release of the bodycam footage. However, according to Florida public records laws, since no one is being criminally charged in the incident where several bags of meth were found, they are legally required to release the footage in a speedy and prompt fashion. The more pressure they feel to release the footage, the quicker it will be released." UPDATE to @AndrewGillum story: My source says Andrew was NOT fully naked but his “friend” (gay male escort from “Rent Men” website) was. Sex was suspected b/t the two bc there was blood & feces on the bed. Yes— police were wearing body cams so this footage will come out. Former Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Found With Crystal Meth, Two Men, In Miami Hotel Room 

"Billed by Democrats as “THE NEXT OBAMA”, former Democrat nominee for Governor in the state of Florida made the news on Friday. Andrew Gillum was named in a police report that involved baggies of crystal meth and two other men in Miami Beach hotel room last night.  National Review is now reporting that Travis Dyson, one of the men involved in the crystal meth fueled party that paramedics responded to in Miami Beach last night, is allegedly a well-known male escort. Dyson also told the Miami New Times that he was not aware that Gillum was in town for a friends wedding, contradicting statements from Gillum about the reason for his being in the area. Mr. Dyson claimed that he “had known” Gillum for several years.

Gillum was too inebriated to speak to paramedics.

According to one of the men involved in the “party,” he entered the hotel room to find Andrew Gillum and the other man under the influence of an “unknown” substance. Gillum then collapsed on the bed in a prone position before entering the bathroom to vomit. When police were taking statements from the men, Gillum was so drunk that he was unable to speak coherently.

Bags of crystal meth were also found in the Miami hotel room, but police are not pursuing criminal charges.

At this time, the incident is not being investigated as a criminal matter,” Officer Ernesto Rodriguez, a department spokesman, told the Times in an email.

Police are not pursuing criminal charges in an apparent overdose involving a friend of Andrew Gillum, the former Democratic nominee for Florida governor. — The New York Times (@nytimes) March 13, 2020 Gillum tried to do some damage control on Friday and said in a statement that he just had a little too much to drink at a wedding last night. “I was in Miami last night for a wedding celebration when first responders were called to assist one of my friends,” Gillum said in a written statement. “While I had too much to drink, I want to be clear that I have never used methamphetamines. I apologize to the people of Florida for the distraction this has caused our movement.”

Toilet paper humor...

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