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24 April 2020 - Evening News


Opening up or Staying Closed? What about the Herd Immunity? What about therapies?:

Many States have their stay-at-home orders set to expire near the end of April or early May.  

Here is a complete list of all states:

What effect does a lax attitude about Coronavirus have on sickness? A lot it turns out:

The study, titled "Misinformation During a Pandemic," was first published Sunday by the University of Chicago's Becker Friedman Institute for Economics. Researchers asserted that reduced incidences of Covid-19 and lower death rates among Fox News viewers were associated a more serious view of the health crisis taken early on by host Tucker Carlson.

"Carlson warned viewers that the coronavirus might pose a serious threat from early February," wrote the researchers. "While Hannity first ignored the topic on his show and then dismissed the risks associated with the virus, claiming that it was less concerning than the common flu and insisting that Democrats were using it as a political weapon to undermine the president."

Viewership of Hannity relative to Carlson's show was associated with around 30 percent more cases of Covid-19 on March 14 and 21 percent more deaths due to the virus on March 28, according to the study.

So how much of it is out there?


The Mass. General study took samples from 200 residents on the street in Chelsea, MA. Participants remained anonymous and provided a drop of blood to researchers, who were able to produce a result in ten minutes with a rapid test. 

Sixty-four of the participants tested positive. 

He added: “Still, it's kind of sobering that 30 percent of a random group of 200 people that are showing no symptoms are, in fact, infected. It's all the more reason for everyone to be practicing physical distancing."

While the participants appeared healthy, about half told the doctors that they experienced at least one symptom of COVID-19 in the past four weeks.

Massachusetts is currently the third-most infected state in the country, with around 34,400 confirmed cases and 1,400 deaths.

And this location in Boston:

The CDC is now "actively looking into" into universal COVID-19 testing at Pine Street Inn homeless shelter. The broad-scale testing took place at the shelter in Boston’s South End a week and a half ago because of a small cluster of cases there. Of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. Not a single one had any symptoms. "It was like a double knockout punch. The number of positives was shocking, but the fact that 100 percent of the positives had no symptoms was equally shocking," said Dr. Jim O’Connell, president of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, which provides medical care at the city’s shelters.

New York:

Preliminary results from New York's first coronavirus antibody study show nearly 14 percent tested positive, meaning they had the virus at some point and recovered, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. That equates to 2.7 million infections statewide -- more than 10 times the state's confirmed cases. 

The study, part of Cuomo's "aggressive" antibody testing launched earlier this week, is based on 3,000 random samples from 40 locations in 19 counties. While the preliminary data suggests much more widespread infection, it means New York's mortality rate is much lower than previously thought. 

As of Thursday, nearly 16,000 people in New York have died of virus-related complications. With 260,000-plus confirmed cases, the mortality rate would be as high as 6 percent. With 2.7 million cases, it would be around 0.5 percent -- much lower, though still much higher than the seasonal flu.

New York City had a higher rate of antibodies (21.2 percent) than anywhere else in the state and accounted for 43 percent of the total tested. Long Island had a 16.7 percent positivity rate, while Westchester and Rockland counties saw 11.7 percent of their samples come up with the antibody. The rest of the state, which accounted for about a third of those studied, had a 3.6 percent positivity rate. There were early variations by race/ethnicity and age as well.

San Francisco:

A report released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that 66% of homeless people in a San Francisco shelter tested positive for coronavirus, renewing concerns about indoor housing during the pandemic.

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) investigated 19 homeless shelters nationwide, including 15 in Seattle, one in Boston, two in Atlanta, and one each in Boston and San Francisco. Overall, the average prevalence of coronavirus among residents was 25%, and the average prevalence among staff was 11% (and 16% in San Francisco). San Francisco’s result was particularly striking — not only because it was so large, but because the overall infection rate in the area was low.

In Oregon they are prioritizing prison people and nursing homes etc. over regular people:

"OSPHL continues to prioritize its testing to identify and control clusters of disease in congregate care settings, including long-term care and correctional facilities." However the state can’t control private testing labs:

OHA continues to provide COVID-19 testing through the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory (OSPHL) while Oregon hospitals continue building their laboratory testing capacity. Several Oregon hospital laboratories and commercial laboratories, such as Quest and LabCorp, provide external testing capacity for the state. The state is using racial guidelines in it’s testing: "OHA is in the process of updating its testing guidance for providers and for OSPHL to augment testing in support of testing goals, including:

  • Protect health care providers, first responders and critical infrastructure workers.

  • Increase access to testing in health care settings to appropriately assess, triage and treat patients.

  • Identify and control the spread of disease in congregate care settings.

  • Eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 health outcomes"

African Americans are prone to diabetes and obesity - so they are getting more testing…. In other words, they will test less for non-African Americans until the deaths are equal… "The newly revised guidelines urge clinicians to potentially increase testing for Oregonians who may be at particular risk for contracting COVID-19. These groups include:

  • those living or working in congregate care or group living facilities;

  • communities that have been most impacted by health disparities and health inequities, including BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities;

  • essential frontline workers, including those providing healthcare services and those serving the public, such as grocery store workers."

(From the official email sent out form the State of Oregon daily.)

AG Barr has warned states that they will face Federal involvement if they drag their feet or apply the law unreasonably to the stay at home orders etc.:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said. Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, Barr said in an interview Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”

Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.“We have to give businesses more freedom to operate in a way that’s reasonably safe,” Barr said. “To the extent that governors don’t and impinge on either civil rights or on the national commerce -- our common market that we have here -- then we’ll have to address that.”

We’re looking carefully at a number of these rules that are being put into place,” Barr said. “And if we think one goes too far, we initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them. And if they’re not and people bring lawsuits, we file statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs.”

Some mathematical analysis: (Although it doesn't comment on the size of the peak or the influence of therapies, it is interesting...)

A prominent Israeli mathematician, analyst and former general claims simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days and declines to almost zero after 70 days — no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it. 

Prof Isaac Ben-Israel, head of the Security Studies program in Tel Aviv University and the chairman of the National Council for Research and Development, told Israel’s Channel 12 (Hebrew) Monday night that research he conducted with a fellow professor, analyzing the growth and decline of new cases in countries around the world, showed repeatedly that “there’s a set pattern” and “the numbers speak for themselves.” 

While he said he supports social distancing, the widespread shuttering of economies worldwide constitutes a demonstrable error in light of those statistics. In Israel’s case, he noted, about 140 people normally die every day. To have shuttered much of the economy because of a virus that is killing one or two a day is a radical error that is unnecessarily costing Israel 20% of its GDP, he charged.

Prof. Gabi Barbash, a hospital director and the former Health Ministry director general, insisted in a bitter TV exchange that Ben-Israel is mistaken, and that the death tolls would have been far higher if Israel and other countries had not taken the steps they did.But Ben-Israel said the figures — notably from countries, such as Singapore, Taiwan, and Sweden, which did not take such radical measures to shutter their economies — proved his point. (He also posted a Hebrew paper to this effect on Facebook, with graphs showing the trajectories.)

When Barbash cited New York as ostensible proof that Ben-Israel was mistaken, Ben-Israel noted the latest indications from New York were precisely in line with his statistics that indicate daily new cases figures peaking and starting to fall after about 40 days.

Asked to explain the phenomenon, Ben-Israel, who also heads Israel’s Space Agency, later said: “I have no explanation. There are all kinds of speculations. Maybe it’s related to climate, or the virus has a life-span of its own.”He said the policy of lockdowns and closures was a case of “mass hysteria.” Simple social distancing would be sufficient, he said.

Bill Gates, his money, the World Health Organization and NIH are all invested in vaccines. What is in them?

According the the CDC website:


Thimerosal (only in multi-dose vials of flu vaccine)*To prevent contamination

From eating foods such as certain kinds of fish, mercury (which thimerosal contains) gets into the body

AdjuvantsAluminum salts

To help boost the body’s response to the vaccineFrom drinking water, infant formula, or use of health products such as antacids, buffered aspirin, and antiperspirants


Sugars, gelatinTo keep the vaccine effective after manufactured.From eating food such as Jell-O® and resides in body naturally

Residual cell culture materials

Egg protein^To grow enough of the virus or bacteria to make the vaccineFrom eating foods containing eggs

Residual inactivating ingredients


To kill viruses or inactivate toxins during the manufacturing processResides in body naturally (more in body than vaccines). Also found automobile exhaust, and household furnishing such as carpets and upholstery.

Residual antibiotics

NeomycinTo prevent contamination by bacteria during the vaccine manufacturing process

Antibiotics that people are most likely to be allergic to — like penicillin — aren’t used in vaccines.

Several common vaccines are made by growing the necessary viruses in fetal embryo fibroblast cells. These cells originally came from tissue obtained from two fetuses that were legally and electively aborted in the early 1960s. The same cells have continued to grow in a laboratory and are still used to make vaccines today. No additional fetal cells have been harvested since then, but the topic is controversial because of the original source.1 The vaccines that grow in these fetal cells include:

Almost all cells die after they have divided a certain number of times; scientifically, this number is known as the Hayflick limit. For most cell lines, including fetal cells, it is around 50 divisions; however, because fetal cells have not divided as many times as other cell types, they can be used longer. In addition, because of the ability to maintain cells at very low temperatures, such as in liquid nitrogen, scientists are able to continue using the same fetal cell lines that were isolated in the 1960s.

As scientists studied these viruses in the lab, they found that the best cells to use were the fetal cells mentioned above. When it was time to make a vaccine, they continued growing the viruses in the cells that worked best during these earlier studies.

However there are new sources from aborted fetuses from China:

A study published in 2015 in the journal Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeuticsconfirms that in addition to the two primary cell cultures that have been used for more than half a century to make hundreds of millions of doses, a third aborted human fetal cell culture may be used. Called Walvax-2, it has been assessed as a culture for growing rabies, hepatitis, and varicella viruses. 

Source tissue for this new cell line was obtained from nine fetuses provided by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Yunnan Hospital in China. Relatively little additional information about Walvax-2 is available from public sources.

The United States government has known about the dangers of human DNA from aborted fetal cell-lines since at least 2005. They set guidelines which are supposed to keep the DNA at a specific limit, which they hypothesize won’t cause cancer.

There is no monitoring of vaccines by our government agencies to ensure those limits are adhered to. Vaccines (MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis A) sent for independent analysis have consistently shown levels of human fetal DNA that are far beyond the “established safety limits.”

Here is the link to the FDA PowerPoint (draft):

Unfortunately, Dr. Deisher’s team discovered that the fetal DNA levels ranged anywhere from 142ng – 2000ng per dose, way beyond the so-called “safe” level.

Dr. Deisher’s study is available on the Academic Journals website at:

Dr. Theresa Deisher has a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University with over 20 years in commercial biotechnology, prior to founding AVM Biotechnology and Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. As an inventor of 23 issued US patents she is world-renowned for her work in adult stem cell research and the first to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells. Dr. Deisher was a plaintiff in the US federal lawsuit to prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars for embryo destructive research, which resulted in steering science towards adult stem cell research and 14 US FDA approved adult stem cell products. The link to the original press release is here.

A vaccine research organization in Italy found this:

The Italian vaccine research and advocacy organization Corvelva recently released new data regarding the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines. The research reports the results produced from the MRC 5 cell line analysis, particularly the one contained in GlaxoSmithKline’s tetravalent measles-mumps-rubella-chickenpox (MMRV) vaccine.

The Corvelva team summarized their findings as follows:

1- The fetal cell line was found to belong to a male fetus.

2- The cell line presents itself in such a way that it is likely to be very old, thus consistent with the declared line of the 1960s.

3- The fetal human DNA represented in this vaccine is a complete individual genome, that is, the genomic DNA of all the chromosomes of an individual is present in the vaccine.

4- The human genomic DNA contained in this vaccine is clearly, undoubtedly abnormal, presenting important inconsistencies with a typical human genome, that is, with that of a healthy individual.

5- 560 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer were tested and all underwent major modifications.

6- There are variations whose consequences are not even known, not yet appearing in the literature, but which still affect genes involved in the induction of human cancer.

7- What is also clearly abnormal is the genome excess showing changes in the number of copies and structural variants. Our results greatly reinforce the experimental observations of Dr. Theresa Deisher

and especially the fact that the contaminant fetal DNA present in all samples analyzed in varying quantities (thus uncontrolled) is up to 300 times higher than the limit imposed by the EMA for carcinogenic DNA (10 ng/dose, corresponding to DNA contained in approximately 1000 tumor cells, derived from a statistical calculation, while the precautionary limit is 10 pg/dose), a limit that must also be applied to MRC-5 fetal DNA which inevitably contaminates Priorix tetra.

As a consequence, this vaccine should be considered defective and potentially dangerous to human health, in particular to the pediatric population which is much more vulnerable to genetic and autoimmune damage.

Fauci investigated by the FBI for Fraud:

(Remember Dr. Brix was also investigated by the DOD for fraud as well...)

Top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits said she cooperated with the FBI during an investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Health, alleging Fauci was a workplace tyrant who was under investigation for swiping scientific research, covering up tainted vaccines, doling out lucrative federal grants to feckless cronies and much more.

Dr. Mikovits broke her long silence on the Thomas Paine Podcast and revealed an insider’s nightmare spanning three decades of conducting research under the governmental control of Fauci. Dr. Mikovits said eventually her widespread allegations of fraud and abuse by Fauci helped spark an investigation by the FBI. Dr. Mikovits said she cooperated with federal law enforcement up through 2014. What happened to the probe? You won’t even believe it when you hear it. Dr. Mikovits now accuses the FBI and Justice Department of a massive cover up to protect Fauci and his associates — and sweeping medical scams that continue to endanger Americans. Another FBI scandal. Another Justice Department scandal. And by the way, that was James Comey’s FBI and Eric Holder’s Justice Department. During the White House administration of Barack Obama. (more below)

These details warrant a host of NEW federal investigations to get to the bottom of numerous Fauci-led schemes revealed by Dr. Mikovits on the Thomas Paine Podcast. Paine also detailed the FBI probe on the Moore Paine Show on Patreon. Dr. Mikovits said Fauci helped imprison her after stealing her proprietary research not once, but twice and her allegations against the White House’s coronavirus top medical advisor and his government cronies paint a disturbing portrait of widespread institutional corruption. And greed.

Dr Judy A Mikovits PhD Biomedical Research Scientist. Author of "Plague of Corruption" detailing how Anthony Fauci sabotaged my research to cover up the true cause of cancer.

"In 2006 I co-developed the first neuro-immune disease institute to study the cause and treatments of chronic fatigue syndrome.

I discovered that 67% of women affected with CFS carried a mouse virus called Murine Leukemia Related Virus - XMRV. They told me to say about my research showing mouse viruses were causing cancer: "Tell everyone that you made it up and you can go home. And if you don't we will destroy you." I refused, and my life was destroyed. Now it's time for justice."

[The virus was passed in contaminated blood supplies and by vaccines.]


JUST IN! Unbelievable FBI Raids medical facility that was providing high dose IV VITAMIN C THERAPY for #COVID19 patients.

Is this what happens when government money goes to companies who are by law relieved of any legal liability?

Fake studies to discredit alternatives?

Seizure of equipment from those trying alternatives?

Tax money given to vaccine companies?

Faulty vaccines from companies that nobody can sue for harm caused?

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