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15 October 2019 - Evening News

Attorney General Bill Barr:

"This is not decay. This is organized destruction. Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion & traditional values."

Remember how Joe Biden was saying that China was not a threat?

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” said Biden, who last week announced his bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

He argued that Beijing has its hands full dealing with its own domestic and regional problems, such as tensions in the South China Sea — which Biden called the “China Sea” — and the “mountains ... in the west.” It was not clear to what mountains or issue Biden was referring.

“They can’t figure out how they’re going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system,” Biden said of China. “I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”

Now Hunter Biden was kicked off the Board of that 1.5 billion Chinese Government funded company.

Hunter Biden is stepping down from the board of a Chinese-backed private equity company and promising to forgo all foreign work if his father, former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is elected president in 2020. According to a statement released on his behalf by his lawyer George Mesires, Biden said he’ll resign at the end of the month from the management company of a private equity fund that’s backed by Chinese state-owned entities. He also pledged that he wouldn’t work for any foreign-owned companies or serve on their boards during a potential Biden administration.

So NOW Joe Biden is saying China’s a threat.

Former Vice President Joe Biden toughened up his language on China Tuesday, saying the Asian nation represented a “serious challenge” and sometimes a “real threat” to the United States — just a month after saying “they’re not competition for us.”

“We are in a competition with China. We need to get tough with China. They are a serious challenge to us, and in some areas a real threat,” Biden told an Iowa audience while out campaigning for president.

The comments stand in sharp contrast to the indifference Biden expressed about China last month, just days into his presidential bid.

Could they make it any clearer?

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden says he doesn't regret serving on board of Ukrainian gas company.

"What I regret is not taking into account that there would be a Rudy Giuliani and a president…that would be listening to this—this ridiculous conspiracy idea."

— ABC News (@ABC) October 15, 2019

Hunter Biden tells ABC that he exercised "poor judgment" but also that he did "nothing wrong at all."

Says he takes "full responsibility" but also that he did nothing "improper… not in any way whatsoever."

Says he was in the middle of "a swamp."

— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) October 15, 2019

In the ABC interview Hunter Biden made the stunning admission that he also had sweetheart high paying gigs with other major companies.

“I was vice chairman of the board of Amtrak for five years,” he continued. “I was the chairman of the board of the U.N. World Food Program. I was a lawyer for Boies, Schiller, Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in -- in the world.”

Hmmmm. I wonder if Joe Biden had any shady business dealings, contributions, kickbacks, brides, Quid Pro Quo arrangements with these groups?

Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach.

Derkach publicized the documents at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency Wednesday as he said the records, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.”

“This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” Derkach said.

Remember when Biden delayed his presidential announcement immediately after Zelensky won the Ukraine election?

Why would Joe have been so concerned about the result of the Ukraine election if all his and Hunter's dealings were on the "up and up"??

News Stories from April 22/23:

Just a reminder:

Hunter Biden, the youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been kicked out of the military after testing positive for cocaine, two people familiar with the matter said Thursday. (Oct. 17) AP

The younger son of Vice President Joe Biden failed a drug test for cocaine, a month after his commissioning last year into the Navy Reserve and was discharged.

Biden, 44, was discharged from the Navy Reserve in February. He has worked as a lawyer, lobbyist and managing partner at the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners in Washington. He was hired in May to join the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest private oil and gas producer, and be in charge of its legal department.

Democrats and Deep Staters throwing each other under the bus. Good.

Obama’s CIA head Clapper admits on CNN on the 7th that Obama ordered him and others to begin spy and coup operation against President Trump.

See here:

Biden’s brother was given a huge contract to build homes in Iraq, even though he had no home building experience…

HillStone International won a coveted government contract in part because the company has “the little brother of the vice president as a partner,” as David Richter, president of HillStone’s parent company explained to investors in a recent meeting reported on by Fox Business today.

“Since November 2010, James Biden has been the executive vice president of Hill International’s housing subsidiary despite little if any documented work history in residential construction,” Fox explains. “And if the company’s projections are accurate, both Hill and Biden are on the verge of a huge payday, beneficiaries, some analysts believe, of James Biden’s connections to the Obama Administration through his older brother.”

In the Fox report, a former Hill executive who worked on getting the project had this to say about HillStone: “You have to realize that these guys are relentless businessmen and they have the right connections.”

Hunter Biden Admits to Taking Diamond Bribe From Shady Chinese Businessman – Media Silent

The 2.8-carat diamond was reportedly worth $80,000, & was sent to Hunter in 2016 in exchange for making contacts in the liquified-natural-gas industry in the US.

In addition to Biden, there is the Pelosi son:

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business.

Pelosi’s Brother in law was given an even bigger loan than Solyndra.

….And what would America be doing with a bunch of contractors in Ukraine?

John Kerry's State Department, days after President Trump won the election, put out a call for a contractor to "build a network of civic activists throughout Ukraine."

This has mostly been scrubbed. Good thing it's Archived.

In a 15 year accounting of foreign donors, England donated 8.4 million and Saudi Arabia 7.3 million to The Clinton Foundation.

Ukraine beat both of those countries.


Yes I did say UKRAINE.

DC Whispers lays it out for us…

Ukraine became a vast pool of U.S. taxpayer-funded “aid” that poured into that long-corrupt nation and then saw piles of kickbacks returned to powerful and politically-connected recipients.

Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton. Retweeted this:

“If the impeachment provision in the Constitution of the United States will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that 18th-century Constitution should be abandoned to a 20th-century paper shredder!” —Rep. Barbara Jordan, 1974

Elizabeth Warren’s daughter also caught in a corruption scandal:

Soros-Funded Group Chaired By Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter Fighting Voter Integrity Lawsuits

An organization funded by liberal billionaire George Soros and chaired by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren's daughter is fighting lawsuits brought forth by election integrity groups in a number of cities.

Demos, a New York City-based progressive public policy organization, is assisting unions in pushing back against election lawsuits filed in North Carolina and Florida. The group is also writing letters of interest in another lawsuit in Pennsylvania. Amelia Warren Tyagi, Warren's daughter, chairs the board of Demos.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an Indiana-based legal group that litigates to protect election integrity, filed a lawsuit against Wake County, N.C., on behalf of Voter Integrity Project NC, a research organization dedicated to fair elections, after the county had failed to accurately maintain their voter rolls.

The county also failed to provide records related to the maintenance of their voter rolls and possible noncitizen voting, as required by federal law.

"According to publicly-available data, Wake County has more registered voters on the rolls eligible to cast a ballot than it has citizens who are alive," PILF wrote. "The complaint states that ‘voter rolls maintained by the Defendant for Wake County contain or have contained more registrants than eligible voting-age citizens. The number of registrants in Wake County, North Carolina has been over 100 percent of eligible voting-age citizens."

A motion to dismiss the lawsuit was filed February 21 by the Wake County Board of Elections and three attorneys. Senior U.S. Judge W. Earl Britt ruled in favor of the Voter Integrity Project and denied the request.

Cameron Bell, a legal fellow at Demos, is assisting the attorneys on the case. One of the main goals of Demos is to reduce the role of money in politics and to guarantee "the freedom to vote," according to its website. Demos received hundreds of thousands in funding from George Soros' Open Society Foundation.

Individuals from the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, a progressive nonprofit in North Carolina, are also assisting on the lawsuit. The Southern Coalition for Social Justice has also received fundingfrom Soros.

A reminder of the good folks who suspiciously die:

The publisher of the best selling book, “Q Anon, An Invitation to the Great Awakening” dies after suspiciously being infected by an unknown toxin. Felipe and Monica Rix Paxson, owners of Relentlessly Creative Books, were poisoned in Mexico City earlier this summer.

Doctors were not able to determine the toxin type or how they were poisoned. However, doctors believe the most likely source of the infection was an especially toxic virus that was widespread locally. Monica Mix Paxson recovered slowly from the poison, but her husband Philipe was not as fortunate and subsequently died this October 3rd, 2019. The bestselling Q Anon book, “Q Anon, An Invitation to the Great Awakening” was originally released February 26, 2019. It quickly shot up to the #2 spot before interesting computer anomalies arose that blocked sales.

Monica Mix Paxson is a fighter and continues on with the companies publishing. You can learn more about her and her late husbands company on their website @

Congressman Steve Stockman investigated this and even flew to Ukraine, obtaining original documents detailing the transaction. He first took the docs to the Treasury Dept and from there to the FBI. For his efforts, Rep Stockman was subjected to a completely rigged trial and has been sitting in prison for the past 5+ years. Newsweek actually did a story on this but we all know what happened in the "news" media during Obama's reign of terror.

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