10 May 2019- Dinner News
Trump Tweet: Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the...
Trump Tweet: Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the...
The arrows of spying, collusion, and election meddling are pointing at Obama and the public is finally getting introduced to the idea...
Today is Cinco De Mayo and the start of Ramadan. Meanwhile as the focus has been on Mueller et al, things are happening to help solve the...
Pelosi accused AG Barr of committing the crime of lying to Congress yesterday. Democrats planned to use that to indite Barr. Today...
House Judiciary Committee members under the leadership of Chairman Jerrold Nadler voted today to have staffers and experts question...
Regarding Venezuela: “If the question is is the United States prepared to consider military action if that’s what it takes to restore the...
Rod Rosenstein has resigned with a very revealing letter. He condemns using the justice as a partisan tool and he quotes the Chief...
Meanwhile the Democrats are having their own civil war. The Socialists on the Democrat side are trying to take down Biden, which...
Isn’t this a marvelous way to investigate everyone with security clearances, and also anyone they are connected to? Bravo! President...
He’s not just creepy. He’s also a criminal. Biden is a dirty old man. And then there’s the creepy “Friendship Bracelet” he made for...
Trump Tweet from earlier: “The best thing ever to happen to Twitter is Donald Trump.” @MariaBartiromo So true, but they don’t treat me...
This is inspiring for everyone and is probably the most inspiring thing you will see this year, perhaps this decade. It brought tears to...
The whole Mueller Report is just opposition research for the Democrats/Hillary that was illegally funded by the American taxpayers by...
More comes out about the Notre Dame fire which suggests arson: Supporters of the Islamic State group used Monday’s fire at Notre Dame...
Notre Dame is just the most recent of many… Figures released by French police showed that 875 of France’s 42,258 churches were vandalised...
AP reported: Notre Dame spokesman Andre Finot told French media the entire wooden interior of the building is ablaze and will burn:...
Brilliant Chess/Aikido Move: 9,578 replies16,656 retweets68,942 likes BREAKING NEWS: Trump announces illegal immigrants WILL be bussed...
Nigel Farage launched his Brexit Party on Friday to campaign Britons to support a clean break from the EU and “to begin a political...
Note that even if convicted of the charges he would only serve 5 years. That’s two years less than he has already spent imprisoned in...
Candace Owens is intelligent, honest, brave, and amazing! Hear her historic testimony in Congress yesterday: https://twitter.com/RealKyle...